SS1 English Studies Scheme of Work

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About SS1 English Studies Scheme of Work

English Language for Senior Secondary School 1 (SSS1) aims to strengthen the foundational skills students have learned in junior secondary school, focusing on improving their reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities. Throughout the session, they study the different elements of the English language, such as grammar, vocabulary, spoken English, and composition. 

The goal of studying the English Language in SSS1 using the Lagos state unified scheme of work is to enhance students’ communication skills, enabling them to express themselves clearly and confidently in both academic and everyday situations. 

By the end of SS1, students will better master English, equipping them for more advanced studies and various communication challenges ahead.

Assessment Guide

In senior secondary school 1, students are assessed in English studies based on the school’s prerogative. However, typically, they are evaluated through tests or quizzes (Continuous Assessment Tests) and end-of-term exams.

Grading follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%.

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SS1 First Term Scheme of Work for English Studies

 English Studies Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1(SSS1)
 ClassS.S.S 1
 SubjectEnglish Studies
 TermFirst Term
Oral composition Skills I
1. Narrative
1. Use of picture charts to develop a chart/narration. 2. Use of special words to bring out narrative elements in a discourse.
Vocabulary associated with the home
Kitchen wares utensils, ward rope, living room, store, pantry, dining room, upholstery etc
 GRAMMAR Nouns – Numbers1. State the rules for forming plural.
2. Forming plural nouns.
Reading to comprehend word- meanings through context
1. Dictionary for initial word meanings and other levels of meanings of same words.
2. Selected passage to identify certain words and their contextual meanings.
3. Newspaper and magazine clippings with certain words underlined for identification of contextual usage note:
-Passages to be used should include topics of current issues such as: Agriculture, economy, National Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)
Associated with Family Life
1. Uncle, Aunt, Nephew, Sister, Brother, Sister-inlaw, Brother-in-law, Distant relative, Ancestor, Siblings, Next of kin etc.
2. Activities within the family: courtship, marriages divorce, burial, naming ceremony, engagement, fiancé, fiancée.
Listening to tell the meaning of words in context
1. A Listening selection: A Passage, A Story, A Poem, A Dramatic Piece.
2. The selections used should reflect current national values and orientation e.g.
a. The Nigerian constitution b. Duties of a citizen
c. Right to fair hearing
d. Moderation in life activities.
1. Narrative composition using this topic: my first day at college
2. Tense forms for narrative essay.
3. Developing topic sentences.
4. Appropriate sentence types
 GRAMMAR Nouns and Gender1. Definition
2. The four genders
i. Masculine gender
ii. Feminine gender
iii. common gender
iv. Neuter gender
3. Explanation of the listed genders.
Selected Consonant Sounds – θ,Z,3,δ,j etc
Words like
1. /j/ view, beauty eunuch, jam,
2. /z/ beds, goes, birds buzz, bus
3. /3/ television, confusion, vision,
4. /θ/ thin, think, author, bath, wreath, mouth, cloth
5. /δ/ Mother, Brother, Father, they
 VOCABULARY Associated with Agriculture1. Crops: grams seeds, seedlings tubers, cassava, cocoyam, yam carrots, onions etc.
2. Farming Activities bush-clearing, planting season, ridge-making, staking, pruning, manure, fertilize.
Reading to comprehend word- meaning through context
As in week 1
 EXPLAIN AND GIVE EXAMPLES OF BOTH COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE.1. Revision of the previous lesson on nouns.
2. Explanation of countable and uncountable nouns.
3. Nouns and both countable and uncountable depending on the structure e.g. Water-a cup of water, Sugar – a cube of sugar.
4. Uncountable nouns that are used in singular forms e.g. news, advice, trousers, scissors, binoculars
4LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening to tell the meaning of words in contextListening selection: -a poem
-a passage
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading to comprehend word meaning through contextAs in Week 1
Narrative composition using this topic: -a day I will never forget
 NOUNS TYPES1. Revision of previous lesson on nouns
2. Types of nouns: – proper noun – common noun – concrete noun – collective noun
3. Examples of proper nouns a. Names of people e.g. Kate. b. Days of the week e.g. Thursday etc. Common nouns – Boy, Woman, Teacher etc.
Abstract Noun – Beauty, Truth, Wisdom etc. –
Collective nouns – A flock of sheep.
Consonants Followed by /W/
Words like: twist, sweep, sweet, swear, twig, twine.
 Vocabulary Associated with agriculture1. Implements tractor, hoe, axe, cutlass, silo- barn bull-dozer, wicker, harvester.
2. Other related words bumper harvest, famine, crop-rotation, a good harvest, a bad harvest etc.
Listening to tell the meaning of words in context
As in Week 2
 GRAMMAR Noun Phrases with the definite article1. What is a noun phrase?
2. The definite article and its function with the noun. 3. Use passages and sentences to identify noun phrases.
Listening to grasp main points or idea
1. Materials dealing with real life situation.
2. Main points of a speech.
3. Tape record speech
Reading to comprehend word – Meaning through context
1. Dictionary for initial word meaning and other meaning and other levels of meanings of same words.
2. Selected passage to identify certain words and their contextual meanings.
a. Narrative
1. Narrative composition using this topic: -the story of the Governor who stole millions from the state treasury
Noun phrases with the definite article
1. Exception to the use of indefinite with noun include:
a. some diseases e.g. flu, cancer, smallpox, chicken pox, diarrhea.
b. names of lakes that retain the title e.g. lake Chad, on the lake Chad
c. mountains e.g. Mt. Everest.
d. institutions e.g. St. Gregory, not the St. Gregory.
e. countries e.g. Ghana, not the Ghana, Nigerian, not the Nigeria but the united Kingdom
1 Oral Composition Skills I
2. Descriptive
1. Use of picture charts to develop a chart/description of pictures, objects, situations, events.
2. Use of special words to bring out the descriptive elements in the discourse
 Vocabulary Associated with Fishing1. The meaning of fishing
2. Words associated with fishing-book, fish trap, line and sinker, fish pond, fish season, fish dam, fishing equipment
1. Descriptive composition using this topic: -the Petrol State in times of fuel scarcity.
2. Tense forms (present & past) necessary for descriptive essay.
3. Choice of words (Adjectives and adverbs).
4. Sample paragraph on descriptive essays.
5. Short, well punctuated sentences as appropriate for description.
Nominalization of Adjectives
1. Process of nominalizing
2. Farm classes to be nominalized e.g. Adjectives Wise – wisdom Long- length Strong-strength White – whiteness
Listening to grasp main points or idea
1. Tape recorded conversation.
2. Main points in conversation.
3. Materials dealing with real life situations.
Reading to comprehend main ideas or story line
1. Short prose passages
2. Short discussion on topical issues
3. Use passages on Issues such as: 1. corruption 2. environmental pollution. 3. HIV/AIDS etc
1. Descriptive composition using this topic: -a flood disaster caused by blocked drains
Nominalization of Verbs
1. Functions of nominalized words
2. Form classes to be nominalized e.g conquer –conquest dance – dancer.
9Vocabulary Associated with Animal Husbandry1. Meaning of animal husbandry.
2. Meaning of poultry and piggery.
3. Words associated with dairy farming –pen, cage, milking time, chicken diseases, vet doctor, farm hand, and rooster, day-old.
4. Other related words cattle, ranch, poultry, herdsmen
Consonants followed by /j/
Words such as: curious, cure, endure, humour, future.
He is a curious boy he should endure the pain
Descriptive composition using this topic: A fire incident in my street.
Irregular Verbs
1. Revision of previous lessons on verbs.
2. What is meant by irregular verbs – illustrating with examples
3. Selected sentences and passages for identification of irregular verbs
Consonants followed by /j//u/ sounds
Words such as: dew, you, view, due, cue, new, human, humour, stew etc.
Examples: 1. I have a new dress
2. My mother made a delicious stew last night
3. She wants to view that film.
Listening to grasp main points or ideas (Short debate)
As in week 8
Reading to comprehend main idea or storyline
1. Short discussion on topical issues
2. Dialogues to bring out main points/themes/key points in all of the above listening and discussion sessions
Irregular verbs
1. The forms of irregular verbs each with examples. 2. Use of irregular verbs in contextual sentences.

SS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for English Studies

 TermSecond Term
1Words Associated with Religions.
a. Traditional Religion
1. The definition of traditional religion
2. Words associated with traditional religion
– shrine, cult, diviner, oracle, charm, amulet, divining, ritual, divination, sacrifice etc.
Consonant sounds followed by /kw/
Words like: quiet, quench, quarter, equality, equal, question e.g.
1. He has the answer to the question.
2. My friend lives in the junior staff quarter.
Reading to comprehend supporting details
1. Short prose passages from students text
2. Newspaper and magazine clipping.
Complex Tense Form
1. Simple tense forms as in: I come, you come, she comes, they come, we come
2. Students delve into sentence making
3. The teacher corrects them where necessary.
2Vocabulary associated with Christian Religion1. Definition or meaning of Christianity 2. Words associated with Christianity-The Holy Bible, one God, Clergy, Pope, Bishop, Nun, holy communion, pew, aisle, Monk, Deacon, Pastor, Reverend father, Elder, Evangelist, Sin, Repentance, Prayer, Fasting, Convert, Convert, Archdeacon, Deaconess etc.
 LISTENING COMPREHENSION-listening to Identify details1. Words that signify the presentation of details a. Because b. As a result c. For example d. In other words e. Such as f. Consequently etc. 2. A speech or story in which the above words and expressions can be found.
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Letter Writing a. Informal Letter1. The meaning 2. The format a. Address, date b. Salutation c. Body d. Closing/subscript
 GRAMMAR Complex Tense Forms1. More complex forms as in: a. I am coming b. I have come c.I have been coming d. I may have been deceived. 2. Use various examples and illustrations for better and more effective grounding and understanding.
3Vocabulary Associated with Religion-Islamic Religion1. Definition of Islamic religion 2. words associated with Islamic religion Koran, Mosque, Hajj, Pilgrimage, Ablution, Jumat, Sheik, Sunna, Ummra, Hadith, Aribiya (prophet) Auliya (saint) Muslim festivals Sallah, Id-el Malud, Id-el Kabir, Id–el Fitri, others–Kettle, praying mats etc.
 SPOKEN ENGLISH Syllabic Consonant /L/1. Syllabic /L/ in words such as little bottle, kettle, rattle, novel, simple. a. Little by little says a thoughtful boy b. The bottle is on the table. c. The novel is interesting.
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading to comprehend supporting detailsAs in week 1
 GRAMMAR Complex Tense FormsUse various examples and illustrations for better and more effective grounding and understanding of the simple tense forms and complex tense forms.
4SPOKEN ENGLISH Syllabic consonant /n/1. Words like: often, sudden, ripen, certain, mutton a. there is a sudden knock on the door b. It is certain that she will visit
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading to comprehend supporting detailsAs in week 1
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Letter writing a. Informal letter1. Revises the meaning and format of an informal letter. 2. Discusses the language and tone of an informal letter (relax, flexible, not many rules tolerate slangs, and colloquial usage).
5VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Other expression associated with religionOther words associated with religion are: Convert, fanatic, hermit, atheist, martyr, pantheist, saint, agnostic
 SPOKEN ENGLISH Words of two syllables stressed on the second syllable.1. Words of two syllables with stress on the second syllable. 2. Words such as: enjoy, impound, engulf, inform, incite, welcome, excite.
 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening to identify detailsAs in week 2
6LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening to identify a speaker mood, tone and purpose.1. Speaker’s mood, tone and purpose in: a. A speech of varying tones b. A dramatic word and a recorded speech 2. Materials dealing with real life situations.
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading to identify the writers mood, tone and purpose and the relationship between purpose and toneUse carefully selected passages from: 1.students text 2. newspaper and magazine clippings 3. recorded materials to reflect aspects of moods, tones and purpose. 4. questions based on the selected materials for identification of mood, tone, purpose and meaning.
 CONTINUOUS WRITING a.Informal letterAs in week 4
 GRAMMAR Complex Sentences1. Teaching of the structure of a complex sentences: Subordinators, concord, types of clauses 2. Discussion of the structure of a complex sentence one independent/main clause and one or more dependent clause(s) e.g. a. The man who come last night was her father b. The rat ranoutof the room when the children ran in.
7Words associated with Profession. a. AdvertisingAdvertising: 1.meaning 2. a comprehension on advertising 3. words associated with advertising–advertising agent, promotion, products, public relations agency, photography, tripod, film, advertising agency/firm, prints posters, magazines, newspaper, bill boards etc
 SPOKEN ENGLISH words of three syllables stressed on first, second and third syllables1. Words like:exception, encompass, photograph, prohibit, exhibit, examineetc. 2. Stress on 1st syllable in nouns and on 2ndif verbs. a. That photograph looks nice b. I want to examine my class today c. She does not want to exhibit her work.
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Semi-formal letters1. The meaning of a semiformal letter 2. The format of a semi-formal letter a. Address, date b. Salutation c. Heading d. Body e. Closing/subscript 3. The language and tone of a semi-formal letter. 4. The difference between and informal and a semi-formal letter. 5. The person to whom a semiformal letter can be written.
 GRAMMAR Complex sentencesAs in week 6
8LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening to identify a speaker, moods tone and purpose1. Speaker’s mood, tone and purpose in: a. Poem b. Class discussion 2. Short debate between selected members of the class
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading to identify the writer’s mood, tone and purpose and the relationship between purpose and tone.As in week 6
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Semi-formal letter1. A revision of the format of a semi-formal letter. 2. The language and tone of a semi-formal lette
9Words Associated with profession b. Stock ExchangeStock Exchange: 1.meaning 2. words associated with stock exchange-stock broker, shares, dividends, speculator, profit margin, bankruptcy, stock, customer, stock market.
 SPOKEN ENGLISH Words of four syllables stress on 1st, 2nd or 3rd syllablesWords such as supervisor legislation, agriculture, fortunately, ambassador, education, tribalism, e.g. 1. My father is the supervisor 2. Tribalism should not be encouraged 3. Mrs. Okeke is the Nigerian ambassador in United States of America.
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading to identify the writers mood, tone and purpose and the relationship between purpose and toneAs in week 6
 GRAMMAR Compound Sentences1. Revision of previous lessons on complex sentences. 2. Treat and explain the various aspect under complex sentences in week.
10SPOKEN ENGLISHMore exercises on stress on four syllable words using the dictionary
 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening attentively to follow directions effectivelyWords that indicate direction 1. Left turn 2. Right turn 3. Straight ahead 4. Round about 5. Specific sign post 6. Landmarks (Buildings, tree etc).
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Record Keeping1. Meaning of a record 2. Types of records 3. Importance/uses of records 4. Records of some past events 5. Diary of events (personal) 6. Language of records concise, accurate, devoid of irrelevant details) 7. Other record books e.g. Register, visitors books etc.
 GRAMMAR More exercises on complex and compound sentencesMore sentences on complex and compound sentences to bring their differences.

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SS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for English Studies

 TermThird Term
1VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Antonyms exactly opposite in meaning1. Definition 2. Words that are opposite in meaning: good-bad friendly-hostile, discipline-indiscipline, temporary-permanent, rich–poor, light-dark, black–white, man-woman
 SPOKEN ENGLISH 10 Stress timing in English sentences, correct phrasing and voice modulation in continuous prose readingUse of simple sentences such as: 1.pick up that book 2. who is writing the essay. 3. use short prose passages on current issues such as ‘Waste disposal’ ‘HIV/AIDS’ etc.
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading to make notesUse the following: 1. Student text and other simplified story books. 2. Clippings from newspaper and magazines. 3. Taped materials on topical issues such as: a. Honestyas a guiding principle. b. Dignity in labour c. Examination malpractice d. Corruption must go, join the battle.
 GRAMMAR Adjuncts (Adverbs)1. Adjuncts are adverbials. 2. They modify verbs prepositional phrases, indefinite pronouns and noun phrases examples. a. He was in the house (prepositional phrase of time). b. He came quickly (Manner) c. They came for lunch (reason).
2VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Antonyms as words ii. Nearly opposite in meaningWords that are nearly opposite in meaning 1. Cheerful-unhappy sickly-healthy harmonious-discordant False–Genuine Tough–tender
 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening to identify a speaker’s styleListening to selections of different styles 1. Expository materials 2. Narrative materials
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Record Keeping1. General revision of previous lesson on record keeping 2. Writing a simple record of the day’s event in the class
 GRAMMAR Adjuncts (Adverbs)1. Revision of previous lesson on adjuncts 2. Classes of Adjuncts are: -adjuncts of place -adjuncts of reason -adjuncts of manner -adjuncts of time -adjuncts of degree etc. 3. Use them in sentences to illustrate their classes e.g. i. He came quickly (manner). ii. He left the book in the house Place).
3VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Synonyms as words 1. With the same meaning1. Definition of synonyms. 2. Words that are the same in meaning: quick–fast, strong–powerful, busy-engaged, brave-fearless/bold, fearful-timid, enemy–foe.
 SPOKEN ENGLISH Stress timing in English sentences; correct phrasing and voice modulation in continuous prose readingAs in week 1
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading to make notesAs in week 1
 GRAMMAR Adjuncts Adverbs)1. He is a fast runner (adjective). 2. He runs fast (adverb). 3. This is the quickest way.
4LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening for summary through identifying key words1. Key words that aid summary of speeches, lectures etc. a. In addition b. As well as c. First, second, third etc. d. Also e. Furthermore f. Despite etc. 2. Passages, speeches and lectures on current topics in which these words can be found. Current Topics a. Right to peaceful association b. Rights of the child c. Service d. Courtesy etc.
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading for summary1. Selected passages on topical/current issues as ‘patriotism; privatization in Nigeria, Kidnapping etc. 2. Recorded passages of suitable levels in either narrative, descriptive, expository or argumentative form
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Speech writing1. General features of a speech: a.the opening greetings or protocol b. the general introduction c. the main body d. the conclusion 2. Characteristics of speeches for different occasions like: a.welcome address b. prize giving ceremony c. wedding toast etc.
 DICTATIONWords picked from passages selected from students class text.
5VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Synonyms as words nearly the same in meaning.Words that are nearly the same in meaning: -Securely–safely, Guest / visitor, Adore / admire etc
 SPOKEN ENGLISH Oral composition skills II1. Expository 2. Use of exact words/sentences to bring out/expose definite and exact points of an event
 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening for summary through identifying key wordsAs in week 4
 GRAMMARExplains the process of this relationship with examples a. come + across, in, by, forward, off, out, up, round, to, on, through etc.
6LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening for summary through identifying key wordsAs in week 4
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading for summaryAs in week 4
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Speech writing1. Revises general features, introduction, the main bodyand conclusion of a good speech. 2. Characteristics a. Welcome address
 GRAMMAR Phrasal VerbsGot back, down, after, through, under, up, out, by etc.
7VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Spelling of commonly mis-spelt words and the use of the dictionaryWords commonly misspelt–receive, conceive, deceive, thief, chief, mis-chief, grateful, dining, beginning, decision, succeed, success, process, reference, referee, across, occasion, occurrence, procedure, proceed, omission, accommodation, recommendation, misspelt, admission, committee, embarrass etc.
 SPOKEN ENGLISH Oral composition skills II 4. Argumentative1. Argumentative skills in oral speech. 2. Right words should be used to argue, convince and buttress a point in an argument.
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Speech writing1. Revision of previous lessons on speech writing. 2. Characteristics of a speech such as a wedding toast.
 GRAMMAR Phrasal verbsCall + off, out, in , at, away, back, for, on, upon, up
8LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listening for summary through identifying key words.As in week 4
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading for summaryAs in week 4
 CONTINUOUS WRITING Popular articles for various reading audiences1. Features of a newspaper article. 2. The differences between the features of a newspaper article and speech or letter.
9VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Spelling of commonly misspelt words and the use of the dictionarySame as in week 7
 SPOKEN ENGLISH Speaking to persuade/convinceUse the skills developed under oral composition skills to introduce students to organize debate sessions on topics such as: 1. farmers are more important than doctors 2. women are better leaders 3. corruption destroys a nation
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading for summaryAs in week 4
 GRAMMAR Phrasal Verbs IIa. Give + up, in, back, off, away b. Put + off, up, away, on, into
10SPOKEN ENGLISH Speaking to persuade/ConvinceOrganize debate session on the topic: ‘women are better leaders
 READING COMPREHENSION Reading for summaryAs in week 4
 CONTINUOUS WRITING1.Articles on issues of current interest like a. Bribery of public officers b. Fraudulent acquisition of properties. c. The importance of a good quality life d. Cleanliness is next to godliness etc.
 GRAMMAR Phrasal verbs IIC. Bring + Back, about, up, in out d. Take + away, off, up, in

Recommended English Studies Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 1

The recommended English Studies textbooks for SSS1 include but are not limited to the following:

  • High Standard English for Senior Secondary Schools by Gabriel A. et al. – Spectrum publishers  
  • Advanced Learner’s Dictionary    
  • English At a Sitting  by J. O. Olanrewaju  – Excellent Scholars publishers 
  • Understanding Oral English for Schools and Colleges by Emeke Modesty   
  • Understanding English Grammar for Schools and Colleges  by Obiazikwor   
  • Daily Mastery of Mathematics and English by Ariyo S.O. & Aremu B. – Joytal Prints


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