SSS1 Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work

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About SS1 Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work

In Senior Secondary 1 (SS1) in Nigeria, the Food and Nutrition scheme of work provides students with essential insights into healthy living and dietary habits. This subject covers the science of nutrients, their sources, roles, and the significance of maintaining a balanced diet. It examines the connection between food consumption and overall health, highlighting the prevention of nutritional deficiencies and lifestyle diseases. 

By studying Food and Nutrition in SSS1 using the Lagos state unified scheme of work, students gain knowledge in food preparation, safety, and preservation, fostering a thorough understanding of sustaining good health through proper nutrition.

Assessment Guide

In senior secondary school 1, students are assessed in Food and Nutrition based on the school’s prerogative. However, typically, they are evaluated through tests or quizzes (Continuous Assessment Tests), practical exercises, and end-of-term exams.

Grading follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%.

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SS1 First Term Scheme of Work for Food and Nutrition

 Food and Nutrition Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1(SSS1)
 ClassS.S.S 1
 SubjectFood and Nutrition
 TermFirst Term
1Introduction to food and nutrition.1. Definition of basic terms in food and nutrition e.g. food, nutrition, antineutron, malnutrition; pro-vitamin etc.
2. Importance of foods and nutrition.
3. Factors affecting foods and nutrition e.g. available income; availability of food, foods in season etc.
2Careers in food and nutrition.Careers in foods and nutrition, e.g.-Teaching, Dietetics,-Food sc and Tech, food engineering, community nutrition; clinical nutrition; hotel and catering mgt; etc.
3Interrelationship of food and nutrition to other subjects.Relationship between food and nutrition to other subjects.
4Foods in the locality.1. Foods in the locality. 2. Nutrients quality 3. Functions according to their nutrient quality.
5Basic food nutrients (carbohydrates).1. Composition
2. Classification.
3. Functions
4. Dietary deficiencies.
5. Food sources of carbohydrates.
6Proteins1. Composition.
2. Classification
3. Complementary and supplementary values of protein.
4. Functions.
5. Dietary deficiencies
6. Food sources.
7Fats and Oils1. Difference between fats and oils.
2. Classification.
3. Functions.
4. Dietary deficiency symptoms/diseases
5. Food sources.
8Vitamins1. Chemical names.
2. Classifications.
3. Functions.
4. Deficiency, symptoms/diseases
5.Food sources.
3.Deficiency, symptoms/diseases
4.Food sources
10Water1. Chemical
2. Composition.
3. Functions.
4. Food sources


SS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Food and Nutrition

 TermSecond Term
1Scientific Study of Foods.Measurements,units and accuracy;
-Food weighed
-Nutrient weight.
-Uses of scales weights and handy measures.
2Effects of Heat on NutrientEffects of heat on carbohydrates
-Fats and oil
-Minerals and
3Tests for protein-Foam test.
-Million test.
-Biuret test
-Coagulation test.
4Test for
(a). Carbohydrate (b). Fats and Oils
-Iodine test
-Blotting paper test
-Sudan iii test.
-Ethanol test.
5The digestive system.Definition of simple metabolic digestion, absorption, utilization, enzymes.
6Digestion and Absorption.The digestion process from
the mouth the stomach the duodenum the small intestine or Ileum.
7Reproductive health.-Definition.
-Identification of female and male reproductive organs.
-Relationship between nutrition and productive health
8Kitchen plans, equipments and tools.1. Definition.
2. Kitchen plans or layout.
3. Factors that affect size of a kitchen
4. Advantages of a well planned kitchen.
9Kitchen plans, equipment and tools, and utensils1. Factors to consider when selecting kitchen equipment tools.
2. Large kitchen equipment, selection, and care.
10Small or moveable tools or utensils1. Small or movable utensils, selection, use and care.
2. Labour saving devices.

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SS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Food and Nutrition

 TermThird Term
1Cleaning agents and abrasives1. Definition.
2. Types
3. Commercial
4. Local.
2Safety habits in the kitchen.1. Causes of accident in the kitchen.
2. Measures to prevent falls.
3. Measures to prevent burns and scaled
3Measures to prevent cuts, suffocation and accidental poisoning1. Measures to prevents cut.
2. Measures to prevent suffocation and accidental poisoning.
4content and use of first aid box, simple first aid treatment.1. Definition
2. Content and use of a first aid box.
3. Simple first aid treatment for cuts, burns and scald.
5Hygiene:personal hygiene.1. Definition.
2. Personal hygiene
3. Rules for personal of the food handler
6Kitchen hygiene1. Definition.
2. Rules of kitchen hygiene.
7Food hygiene1. Definition.
2. Rules of kitchen hygiene.
8Waste and refuse disposal.1.Methods of waste disposal.
2. Use of refuse bins and bags.
3. Use and care of bins. Pests and pest control.
9Food borne diseases.1. Food poisoning.
2. Food infection.
3. Prevention of food borne diseases.
4. Food sanitation laws.
10ICPCMisappropriate execution of family food budgets


Recommended Food and Nutrition Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 1

The recommended Food and Nutrition textbooks for SSS1 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Foods and Nutrition for WASSCE and SSCE (Exam Focus) by J. O. Olusanya & Co. 

        University Press PLC  

  • Foods and Nutrition for Senior Secondary Schools by Ministry of Education. Publishers   –   Evans Brothers Ltd., Ibadan. 
  • O’Level Cookery by P.M. Abbey and G.M. MacDonald. 

        Publishers   –   Redwood Burn Ltd., Great Britain. 

  • Foods and Nutrition in Practice by Justina N. Anazonwu Bello. Publishers   –   Macmillan Publishers.
  • Home Economics for Schools Books 1, 2, 3 by Ghana Home Science Association. Publishers   –   Afram Publications, Ghana. 
  • Cooking Explained by Barbara Hammond. 

        Publishers   –   Longman Group Ltd. 6. 

  • Students Cookery Book by O’Reilly Wright. 

        Publishers   –   Oxford University Press.

  • Cookery for Schools by Melita Neil.
  • Foods and Nutrition for Senior Secondary Schools by Nigerian Education and Research Council.


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