SS1 Government Scheme of Work

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About SS1 Government Scheme of Work

Government, as a subject in senior secondary school, is the study of the organization, functions, and operations of government systems and political institutions. It covers a broad range of topics designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how societies are governed, how public policies are formulated and implemented, and the roles and responsibilities of citizens within a political system.

Government is a core subject in the Senior Secondary School 1 (SS1) unified scheme of work in Nigeria, and it is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the political and administrative framework of the country. This Lagos state unified scheme of work for Government covers essential topics such as the structure and functions of government, the principles of democracy, the constitution, the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judiciary), and the significance of citizenship and civic duties. 

By studying Government in SSS1, students gain insights into the workings of their government, the importance of governance, and the role of citizens in shaping and sustaining a democratic society.

Assessment Guide

In senior secondary school 1, students are assessed in Government based on the school’s prerogative. However, typically, they are evaluated through tests or quizzes (Continuous Assessment Tests) and end-of-term exams.

Grading follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%.

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SS1 First Term Scheme of Work for Government

 Government Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 1(SSS1)
 ClassS.S.S 1
 TermFirst Term
1Defining government
1. Characteristics and functions of government.
2. Government as a processor and governing.
1. Definition
2. Structure; i. Legislative. ii. Executive iii. Judiciary.
3. Characteristics and Functions.
4. Definition and features of the state
5. Relationship between State and Government.
6. Policy formulation and implementation
7. Rules making
8. Rule implementation
9. Rule adjudication
2ii. Government as an academic field of study.1. Why study government.
2. Some subfield of government
i) Local government
ii). Public Administration.
iii). International relations.
3Basic Concepts
i. Power ii. Authority
1. Definition of the power
2. The acquisition and exercise of power.
3. Form of power: i.military. ii. political iii .economic
4. Meaning of political authority
5. Sources of political authority.
6. Differences between power and authority
4i. Legitimacy1. Meaning of Legitimacy.
2. Factors that determine Legitimacy.
3. Legitimacyas a factor that determine stability of government.
 i. Sovereignty1. Two connotations of sovereignty
i. The state of political independence.
ii. the supreme power in the state.
2. problem of locating sovereignty.
3. Limitations.
5i). democracy

Political Culture and political socialization
1. Definition
2. Main features of democracy.
3. The meaning of political culture.
4. The component of political culture.
5. Meaning of political socialization.
6.Agents of political socialization.
6i. Communalism ii. Feudalism1. Meaning of communalism.
2. features of communalism.
3. Definition of feudalism.
4. Features.
5. Merits and demerits.
7Socialism1. Meaning of socialization.
2. features of socialism
3. Merits and demerits.
 Capitalism1. Meaning of capitalism
2. Essential features of capitalism
3. Differences between socialism and capitalism
4. Merits and demerits.
8Oligarchy1. Meaning of Oligarchy.
2. Features of Oligarchy.
3. Types of Oligarchy.
9Fascism1. Definition of fascism.
2. Characteristics of fascism.
10Totalitarianism1. Meaning of totalitarianism.
2. Characteristics


SS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Government

 TermSecond Term
1Types and characteristics of Government

Unitary Government
1.Meaning of Unitary government.
2. Main features
3.Advantagesand disadvantages.
4. Factors responsible for the success of unitary government.
5. Resource control.
2Federal Government1. Definition of federation.
2. Reasons for federating.
3. Characteristics of federal system.
4. Resource control
5. Merits and demerits.
3Presidential system of Government1. Definition of presidential system of government.
2. Characteristics
3. Resource control
4. Advantages and disadvantages.
4Parliamentary or cabinet system of government1. Meaning of parliamentary system.
2. Major characteristics
3. Merit and demerits
4. Differences between presidential and parliamentary systems.
5Confederal Government1. Meaning of confederation.
2. Main features.
3. Resources control
4. Merits and demerits.
5. Comparison with federalism.
6Monarchy1. Meaning
2. Forms of monarchy i. Absolute ii. Constitutional
3. Resource control
4. Main features
5. Merits and demerits
7Republicanism1. Definition
2. Features
3. Resource control
4. Difference between republicanism and monarchy.
8Constitutions and constitutionalism1. Meaning of constitution
2. Sources of constitution
3. Scope of constitution
4. Features
5. Types of constitution
6. Constitutionalism.
9Executive1. Composition
i. Parliamentary /cabinet executive
ii. Presidential executive
2. Functions
3. Control of the executive
4. Honesty and integrity.
10 1. Functions of the legislature.
2. Types of legislature i. Unicameral ii. Bicameral
3. Stages of passing bill into law
4. Honesty and integrity.
5. Selection of judges, status, conditions and privileges.
6. Functions
7. Judicial independence and maintenance and reasons.
8. Factors limiting judiciary. independence.
9. Honesty and integrity.


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SS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Government

 TermThird Term
1Basic principles of government

Rule of law
1. Basic interpretation.
i. Equality before the law.
ii. Supremacy of regular law.
iii. Right to personal liberty.
2. Problems of application.
2Fundamental human rights.1. Fundamental human rights
i. Social ii. Political. iii. Economic. iv. Asses to information.
2. Means of safeguarding fundamental human rights.
3. Limitations.
3Separation of power.1. Separation of power in the arms of government.
2. Separation of personnel performing functions.
3. Examine the relationship between separation of powers and check of balance.
4. Explain the extent of separation of power and checks and balances under presidential and parliamentary system of government.
4i. Representative government.

ii. Political participation
1. Meaning of representative government.
2. Means of establishing a representative government.
3. Advantages of representative government.
4. Meaning of political participation.
5. Forms of political participation.
6. Purpose of political participation.
5Centralization and decentralization1. Centralization
2. Decentralization
3. Forms of decentralization i. Devolution. ii. Decentralization
4. Advantages and disadvantages of centralization.
5. Advantages and disadvantages of decentralization.
6Delegated legislation.1. Delegated legislation.
2. Forms of delegated legislation.
3. Control of delegated legislation.
4. Advantages and disadvantages of delegated legislation.
5. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of delegated legislation.
7Citizenship1. Citizenship (meaning)
2. Acquisition of citizenship.
3. Right, duties, and obligation of citizenship.
4. Difference between citizens and non-citizens.
8Political parties1. Definition of political parties.
2. Organization.
3. Functions.
4. Types of political parties(elite/mass parties)
5. Honesty, integrity and transparency
9Party system1. Party system.
2. Types of party system. i. One party ii. Twoparty. iii. Multi-party.
3. Features of party system.
4. Merit and demerit of the systems.
10Pressure group1. Definition of pressure groups.
2. Types.
3. Characteristics.
4. Mode of operation.
5. Functions of pressure groups.
6. Differences between political parties and pressure groups.


Recommended Government Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 1

The recommended Government textbooks for SSS1 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Comprehensive Cert. Government by Felix K Alonge, et al 

        University Press Plc SS 1- 3 

  • Government for Schools & Colleges by Prince Francis Ebere Okoli 

        Mid-Field Publishing Ltd SS 1-3 

  • New Government by  O. Adedeji, G. Onodu, B. Usman 

        Learn African Plc 

  • Concise Government for Senior Secondary Schools by B.A. Oyewole 
  • Essential Government By C.E Ande


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