WAEC Arabic Syllabus

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Writing Arabic in WAEC Exams

The WAEC Arabic syllabus is a must-have for all who have chosen Arabic as part of their WAEC exam subject combination. Arabic is widely spoken across the Middle East and North Africa and is quite beneficial for all who want to have careers in international relations, Islamic Studies, diplomacy, and business. 

You should see this syllabus as a roadmap or a guide letting you know what to expect on the day of your exam. 

If you study your syllabus and go through your past questions often, be rest assured that the exam will be quite easy for you.

Marking Guide

The exam will have 3 papers. Paper 1 and paper 2 will be taken in one sitting. 

Paper 1  is the Objective section, and will comprise a comprehension passage, Arabic translation, and grammar all of which will be given a total of 25%. This paper will last for 50 minutes.

Paper 2  is the theory section, consisting of a composition and literature section with a total of 60%. This paper will last for 2 hours.

Paper 3 is the Oral section where students will be tested on their abilities to speak and pronounce given words.

This section will be 15%. This paper will last for 15 minutes

A full breakdown can be seen below:


Comprehension     15 marks (7.5%)

Translation             20 marks (10%)

Grammar                15 marks (7.5%)

Total:                      50 marks (25%)


Composition         40 marks (24%)

Literature               60 marks (36%)

Total:                      100 marks (60%)


Oral                        30 marks (15%)

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Excelling your WAEC Arabic exam starts from knowing what’s expected of you. 

Don’t be left behind. Download the Syllabus today.

Arabic Syllabus for WAEC Exams

1COMPREHENSION15 questions will be set based on 3 Arabic passages of about 70 words each
on topics within the experience of the candidates with 5 multiple-choice questions
on each passage.
The comprehension carries 15 marks
2TRANSLATIONThe Arabic text for translation must deal with things which the candidates are familiar with.
The texts must have essential vocalization and punctuation.
The translation carries 20 marks.
3GRAMMARParts of Speech
i. Nouns, pronouns, singular, dual, sound and broken plurals as well as relative and demonstrative pronouns.

ii. Gender: masculine and feminine. Prepositions and construct phrases.

iii. Adjectives, conjunctions, the permutative and the emphatic.

iv. Verbs: The perfect, the imperfect and the imperative.

v. Particles governing imperfect verbs: Nominal and verbal sentences

vi.Kanna, Inna, Zanna and the respective associates.

vi. Transitive and intransitive verbs, the five verbs and conjugation of verbs. Numbers (from one to one thousand.) Transitive and intransitive verbs, the five

vii. Active and passive voices.

viii. The verbal noun, the active participle, the passive participle, the elative and special adjectival forms.
4COMPOSITIONThe composition in Arabic will be about 120 words. Four essay topics will be set; one of then should be fornal or informal letter. Only one of the topics should be chosen.

Consideration will be given to orderly and coherent presentation of ideas, use of

appropriate diction and style, as well as correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. The

type of the essay will be narrative, descriptive, argumentative or in the form of a

dialogue. The composition carries 40 marks.
5LITERATUREThere will be five questions in this part spread over the four periods of Arabic Literature.

Candidates will be required to answer four questions in all-a compulsory question and

any other three
6ORAL TESTThe test will include:

ا عبد الله بن محمد بن فودي : تزيين الورجات المطبعة

جامعة إبان . مرتضى بر ماضي مستقبل اللغة العربية في نيجيريا

دار النشر الإسلامية لا غموس ٩٧ دام

احمد الإسكندري والآخرون : المفصل في تاريخ الأدب العرية الأول والثانى ) وزارة المعارف العمومية القاهرة. زكريا حسين : المادية الأدبية الطلاب العربية في تغرب افريقيا دار النور او

Recommended WAEC Arabic Textbooks



ا عبد الله بن محمد بن خودی : تزيين العرينات مطبعة جامعة اب 


مرتضى برماضي المستقبل اللغة العربية في نيجيريا دار النشر الإسلامية لا غموس ٧ عام


احمد الإسكندري والآخرون : المفصل في تاريخ الأدب العديد : الأول والثاني ) وزارة للعارف العمومية – القاهرة . زكريا حسين المادية الأدبية الطلاب العلامة في الحرب افريقيا دار النور اولشان.






ا سید حمزة مالك : المرشد في الانتماء العربي والكتابة


الأول والثاني، دار النشر الإسلامي لا غموس ۱۹۸۲. اسحاق أو غنبيه القصص الشعبية من السلحفاة


عند اليوريا وبين ، آبادن وكنو.


محمد بديع شريف وسلیم حکیم والحاج حسین آدم: العربية الجديدة في نيجيريا الكتاب الكالة او تعمال النجا لا تموید


قاموس جيد عربي – انجلين وعربي




المحمد أجروم الصهابي : متن الاجرومية – القاهرة


على الجازم ومصطفى أمين : النحو الواضح المدارس المرحل الأولية الجزء ١-٢ المعارفي القاهرة .


محمد عبد العليم حجاب : العربية الحديثة الجزء السم دار الشعر الإسلامية، لا تموس.


  1. I.A., B Balogun and Z.I Oseni: A Modern Arabic Course Book 1, Lagos. Islamic Publications Bureau 1982.
  2. David Cowan: Modern Literary Arabic, London: Cambridge University Press and Lagos. I.P.B
  3. J.A Haywood and H.M Nahmad: A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language. London Lund Humphries, 1965.
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Frequently Asked Questions About WAEC Arabic Exam

Should I do Arabic in my WAEC?

If you are interested in pursuing careers in Religious Studies, Arabic language, Islamic Law, and other related courses, you may have to write Arabic in WAEC. 

What should I do on the day of the exam to perform well?

Stay calm and pay attention to the instructions. Do not panic whenever you see a question you don’t know. When you get confused about a question, raise your hand and ask the invigilator for clarification.

How can I create a study schedule to cover all the syllabus topics?

Draw up a reading timetable for all the subjects you will be taking in the WAEC exams.

Is it necessary to memorize case studies for the exam, and if so, how should I approach studying them?

No. Instead of memorizing, you should read to understand and come up with examples that you can relate to.

How long does it take WAEC results to be out?

WAEC results normally take 60-90 days to be out after the completion of the overall exam.

How can a candidate collect his/her certificate?

School candidates are to collect their certificate from the school where they write the exam.

Private candidates are to obtain their certificates from WAEC directly.

Are there any specific topics that are heavily tested in the exam?

All the topics in the syllabus above are important and you will be tested on them.


How deep should my understanding be for each topic be?

You should be able to understand each topic so well that you can apply them to your daily life.

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