JSS1 Social Studies Scheme of Work

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About JSS1 Social Studies Scheme of Work

Social Studies for Junior Secondary School 1 (JSS1) is a subject that helps students learn about society, culture, and how people interact. It covers many different topics like history, how societies work, culture, money, and how people live together. It aims to help students think carefully about the world and understand other people’s points of view.

The main goal of social studies is to teach students how to make good decisions for everyone in a diverse and fair society.

By studying Social Studies, JSS1 students get better at understanding the world and being kind and responsible. The subject aims to help them become smart and helpful citizens who make their communities and society better.

Assessment Guide

In junior secondary schools, assessment methods in Social Studies may vary from one institution to another. However, the common approaches include regular tests or quizzes, known as Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs), and end-of-term exams.

Students’ performance is graded on a scale ranging from A to F. An A grade reflects outstanding achievement,  corresponding to scores around 70% or 80%. An F grade indicates failure, typically associated with scores below 50% or 45%.

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JSS1 First Term Scheme of Work for Social Studies

 Social Studies Scheme of Work for Junior Secondary School 1(JSS1)
 SubjectSocial Studies
 TermFirst Term
1Meaning, Scope and Nature of Social Studies 
2Objectives & Importance of Social Studies 
3Physical EnvironmentMeaning, Types and Features.
4Resources in Our Environment and their Uses 
5Environmental Problems, Causes, Effects and Solutions 
6Social Environmenti.Meaning and Types; ii. Primary and Group (Family) Types; Role and Responsibilities of Members
7Secondary Social Groupi.Types, Structure, Roles and Responsibilities of Members.
8Conflict Within Social Groupi. Causes, Effect and Steps In Conflict Resolution.
9Influence of Man in the Environment 
10Accidents in the Home and School.i. Needs for Safety
11Accidents in the Home and School.i. Measures for Safety in the Home, School, Workplace and the Environment

JSS1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Social Studies

 TermSecond Term
1Revision of Last Term’s Work 
2Socializationi. Meaning, Significance & Processes
3Agents of Socialization and Effects of Socialization 
4Culturei. Meaning, Components & Features
5Culturei. Features of Culture.
6Cultural Similarities Among Nigerians 
7Cultural Differences Among Nigerians 
8Uniqueness of Nigerian Culture 

JSS1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Social Studies

 TermThird Term
1Revision of Last Term’s Work 
2Social Issues and Problems Examinationi. Meaning and causes
3Social Issues and Problemsi. Effects and Solution
4Cultism.i. Meaning, Causes, Effects and Solution
5HIV/AIDSi. Meaning, Causes, Effects and Prevention.
6Problems Associated with Contemporary Social Problems in Nigeriai. Individual, Family, Nation
7Problems Associated with Contemporary Social Problems in Nigeria.i. Individual, Family, Nation
8Measures of Solving Contemporary Social Problems. 
9National Unity and Integrationi. Meaning, Needs and Importance.
10National Unity and Integrationi.Meaning, Needs and Importance.
11Revision of Last Term’s Work 

Recommended Social Studies Textbooks for Junior Secondary School 1

The recommended textbooks for Social Studies include:

  • Junior Secondary Social Studies Book 1 By Charles Eguridu and Uche Chinweuba Learn Africa Plc.
  • Basic Social Studies for Junior Secondary Schools Book 1 By O.A. Fatuyi – Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Limited.
  • Junior Secondary Social Studies Book 1  By Afolabi Ogunbanjo and Gbemi Fakolade -Longman Nigeria Plc.
  • New Concept Social Studies Book 1  By Oyeyemi S. D. Lantern Books.
  • Social Studies for Junior Secondary Schools Book 1 By B.U. Anyabolu and O.J. Amaechi, – Africana First Publishers Limited


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