SSS3 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work

Agricultural Science is the study of the principles and practices involved in farming and the cultivation of plants and animals for human use. It covers a wide range of topics, including crop production, animal husbandry, soil science, horticulture, and agricultural economics, and applies scientific knowledge to enhance agricultural productivity, sustainability, and efficiency. 

The Lagos state unified scheme of work for Agricultural Science in SSS3 is carefully crafted to equip students with the essential knowledge and practical skills needed for both academic and real-world applications in agriculture. The scheme covers a broad range of topics including crop production, animal husbandry, soil science, agricultural economics, and modern agricultural technologies. 

Also, the Lagos State unified scheme of work emphasizes practical, hands-on experiences, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.  It serves as a compass for secondary education, offering students the tools and knowledge necessary for success in the WASSCE and beyond. It prepares them to become informed, skilled, and innovative contributors to Nigeria’s agricultural sector, which remains a cornerstone of the nation’s economy and sustenance. 

Understanding Agricultural Science is crucial for SSS3 students preparing for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) because they are well-prepared to tackle the diverse and challenging questions posed in the WASSCE.

Assessment Guide

SSS3 students in Nigeria are assessed in Agricultural Science through continuous assessments and the WASSCE. Continuous assessments include class tests, assignments, oral presentations, projects, and class participation. The WASSCE consists of multiple-choice questions, essays, and practical exercises. These assessments evaluate a range of skills, ensuring holistic evaluation, skill development, preparation for higher education and careers, and identification of areas for improvement.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Agricultural Science

 Agricultural Science Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 SubjectAgricultural Science
 TermFirst Term
1Crop improvement.1. Aim of crop improvement
– increase yield
– improve quality of produce etc
2. Methods of crop improvement
– proper timing of planting
– the adoption of better cultivation methods etc
3. Mendel’s law of inheritance
i. Definition of some genetic terms
– the character of traits, chromosomes, genes, etc
ii. Mendel’s 1st law of segregation of genes.
iii. Mendel’s 2nd law of independent assortment of genes;give examples
4. Advantages of crop improvement
2Animal improvement I1. Meaning of animal science.
2. Aims of animal improvement.
3. Methods of animal improvement.
– introduction
– selection
-types of selection
– breeding
-types of breeding
3Animal improvement II [ Artificial insemination]Meaning of artificial insemination
– methods of collecting semen
– advantages and disadvantages of artificial insemination.
4Animal health management I1. Meaning of disease.
2. Causal organisms
– viruses
– bacteria
– fungi
– protozoa
3a. Factors that could predispose animals to diseases.
– the health status of animals
– nutrition
– management etc
3b. Reactions of animals to diseases, susceptibility, and resistance to diseases.
5Animal health management IISymptoms, effects, and mode of transmission of selected diseases e.g.
i. Viral diseases
– foot and mouth rinderpest
– new castle etc
ii. bacterial
– anthrax
– brucellosis
– tuberculosis etc
iii. protozoa
– trypanosomiasis
– coccidiosis etc.
iv. fungal
– scabies
– ringworm etc
v. parasite
– meaning of parasites.
– types of parasite
– Mode of transmission and life cycles of some selected livestock parasites.
6Animal health management III1. General methods of prevention and control of diseases and parasites – Quarantine, inoculation, etc
2. Control of parasites – Dipping, drenching, spraying, and deworming.
7Aqua-culture1. Meaning of aqua-culture.
2. Different types of aquaculture
– fish farming – crab faring, etc
3. Meaning of fish farming.
4. Importance of fish farming.
5. Conditions for siting a fish pond
– adequate water supply
– vegetation etc
6. Establishment and maintenance of fish ponds.
7. Fishing regulations – meaning of regulations like close season, catch quota, regular stocking, etc
8. Fishing methods and tools.
8Apiculture or beekeeping1. Meaning of apiculture or beekeeping.
2. Types of bees i. indigenous bees
ii. exotic bees
3. Importance of beekeeping
-Job/wealth creation
– bees and bee products are medicinal etc
4. Methods of beekeeping.
5.Bee keeping equipment i.e. bee hives, hives tools like suits, smokers, jungle boots, brusher, etc
6. Precautionary measures in bee keeping -local apiaries far from human dwellings -put warning symbols near your apiary etc.
9Agricultural finance I1. Meaning of agricultural finance.
2. Importance of agricultural finance.
3. Sources of farm financing
– personal savings
– commercial banks
– cooperative societies
– government [Local, State, and Federal]
– non-governmental organizations etc.
10Agricultural finance II1. Classes of credit
a. Classification based on lengths of period i.e. period
i. Short-term credit
ii. medium-term credit
iii. long-term credit
b. classification-based sources of credit
i. institutional credit e.g. banks, cooperatives, government, NGOs
ii. Non-institutional credit e.g. personal savings, friends and relatives, and money merchants.
c. Classification based on liquidity
i. Loan in cash
ii. Loan in bond.


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Agricultural Science

 TermSecond Term
1Agricultural finance (capital market I agriculture) IIIa. Meaning of capital market institution that deals with medium and long-term loans for agricultural business.
b. Institutions involved in the capital market
– commercial banks
– mortgage banks
– Nigerian Agric co-operative and rural development bank etc.
c. sources of funds for the capital market
– bonds
– insurance
– merchant banks
– the stock exchange sales and purchase of shares
d. roles of capital markets
– mobilization of long-term funds for lending
– reduce over reliance on the money market etc.
2Farm records and accounts I1. Importance of farm records
– performance evaluation of farms
– farm management decisions etc
2. Types of farm records.
– inventory records
– production records
– income and expenditure records.
– supplementary or special records
3. Design farm records.
3Farm records and accounts IIFarm accounts
i. expenditure accounts (purchase account)
ii. income/sales account
iii. profit and loss account
iv. Balance sheet.
4Marketing of agricultural produces I1. Meaning and importance of marketing
– marketing agents e.g. retailers and whole sellers (middleman)
2. Marketing functions
i. assembling ii. transportation iii. processing etc.
5Marketing of agricultural produce [export promotion]1. Marketing of export crops.
2. Export crops in Nigeria – cocoa, cotton, oil palm, rubber, etc
3. Guideline for exporting crops in Nigeria.
4. corporate bodies, cooperative societies, and individuals engaged in exporting agricultural products e.g. ANCE, Association of Nigeria Cooperative Exporters, etc
5. Importance of exporting agricultural products
– foreign exchange earning
– wealth creation for farmers etc
6. Problems of marketing agricultural products
– inadequate processing and storage facilities etc.
6Agricultural insurance1. Meaning of agricultural insurance.
2. Importance of agricultural insurance.
3. Types of insurance policies for agricultural production
– Specific enterprise insurance e.g. crop insurance, livestock insurance.
-Farm vehicle insurance
– Fire disaster insurance or machine and building.
– life assurance [farmers, farm workers, and farmers household]
4. Insurance premiums.
5. Problems of agricultural insurance
– uncertainties of weather
-Losses due to natural disasters etc.
7Agricultural extension I1. Meaning of agricultural extension as a teaching and learning process
2. Agricultural extension programme
3. Extension methods.
8Agricultural extension II1. Agricultural extension programmes in Nigeria e.g. ADP, NDE, Agro-service centres, state ministries of Agricultural Resources.
2. Problems faced by agricultural extension in Nigeria e.g. illiteracy among farmers.
– inadequate transport facilities etc.
9Revision and Examination 


Achievement Standards

At the end of SSS3, students can;

  • Create a solution to malnutrition in farm animals;
  • Share ideas and information among themselves and students from other schools on farming;
  • Carry out maintenance practices on the school farm;
  • Carry out cross-breeding among poultry animals;
  • Manage the affairs of the school cooperative society;
  • Create their farm at home;
  • Become good farm managers.

Recommended Agricultural Science Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 3

The recommended Agricultural Science textbooks for SSS3 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Agriculture for junior/senior secondary schools by Dairo S.D et al – Spectrum Books Ltd
  •  Agriculture by L.A Are et al – University Press Plc
  • Fundamental Agricultural Science  by Nnoka C.N et al –Noble Publishers  
  • Senior secondary Agricultural Science by Akinsanmi O. 

        Longman Group Ltd

  • Current Animal Husbandry by  M.C Okechukwu et al 

        Mis-Fav Publishers SS 1-3 

  • Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary with workbook by Udofia Elizabeth et al University Press Plc


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