SSS3 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work

Animal Husbandry is an important subject taught to students in their final year of Senior Secondary School (SSS3) in Nigeria. It teaches practical skills for taking care of livestock, which are animals like cows, chickens, sheep, and goats raised for food or other products.

In SSS3, students learn about different aspects of Animal Husbandry, such as breeding animals, feeding them properly, keeping them healthy, and building suitable homes for them. They get hands-on experience in feeding animals, handling them safely, and giving basic medical care. This helps them understand how to choose and improve animal breeds to increase productivity and profit.

Learning Animal Husbandry using the Lagos state unified scheme of work is crucial for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). The exam tests students on both their understanding of animal science and their ability to apply what they’ve learned practically. Questions might ask about animal biology, reproduction, or how to identify and treat common animal illnesses.

Beyond exams, knowing Animal Husbandry is valuable for future jobs in agriculture, veterinary care, or managing farms. In Nigeria, where farming is vital for food and the economy, these skills are especially important. They help ensure there’s enough food for everyone and can lead to careers that support families and communities.

Assessment Guide

Assessment in Animal Husbandry for SSS3 typically includes both theoretical and practical components. Students are evaluated on their understanding of animal breeding, nutrition, health management, and housing. 

WASSCE may involve written exams with questions on livestock biology and care practices. Practical assessments include demonstrations of skills in feeding, handling, and basic veterinary care. Students are also tested on their ability to construct animal housing and diagnose common livestock diseases.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Animal Husbandry

 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 SubjectAnimal Husbandry
 TermFirst Term
1Farm animal improvement I1. Meaning and definition of animal. improvement
2. Aims of term animal. improvement.
– High reproductive efficiency.
– Proficiency. – Mothering ability
– Cool temperament.
– Resistance to pests and disease.
– High productivity
– Tolerance to environment.
2Methods of farm animal improvement introduction) IIIntroduction as a method of farm animal improvement.
3Methods of farm animal improvement (selection) IIISelection method of animals improvement advantages and disadvantages as a method of animal improvement
4Method of farm animal improvement

Breeding and Hybridization
Improvement methods, breeding and hybridization
Advantages and disadvantages of these methods.
5Artificial insemination IMeaning of artificial insemination.
Steps used in semen collection and processing.
6Artificial insemination IISteps and methods of artificial insemination.
a. Artificial vagina
b. Message methods
c. Electroejaculation
d. Recovery of semen from the vagina after service
7Advantages of artificial inseminationAdvantages of artificial insemination
– Earlier and less expensive than natural mating
– Easier and cheaper to import semen
– Services many females possible
– Allows for testing of offspring’s etc.
8Disadvantages of artificial inseminationDisadvantages of artificial insemination
– Requires expertise
– difficulties in detecting heat
– In breeding heat if few bulk is used
– handling procedure may be inadequate
9Farm animal diseases and casual agents IFarm animal discuses:
– definition
– basic symptoms.
10Farm animal diseases and causal agentsDiseases causal agents
a. Bacterial
b. Virus
c. Fungi
d. Protozoa


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Animal Husbandry

 TermSecond Term
1Farm animal diseasesPredisposing factors
1. Health status of the
animal ii. Environment
iii. Nutrition.
2Farm animal diseases and causal agents1. Mode of transmission
2. Ways of preventing farm animal diseases
a. Quarantine
b. Inoculation
c. Hygiene
d. breeding.
3Farm animal diseases (bacteria)Bacterial disease
1. Anthrax
2. Tuberculosis
3. Fouel typhoid
4. Chronic respiratory diseases
5. Brucellosis etc
4Farm animal diseases (viral)Viral diseases
1. Foot and mouth
2. New castle
3. Rinder pest
5Livestock parasites (ectoparasites)1. Definition
2. Classes of farm animals
– Ecto-parasites tick, lice mites etc.
3. effects of ectoparasites on farm animals e.g. weakness, acting as vectors of many diseases etc.
6Livestock parasites (endoparasites) II1. Endo-parasites
– Liver fluke
– Tape worm
– Round worm etc.
2. Effects of parasites on farm animals e.g. weakness and loss of appetite etc.
7Prevention and control of farm animal diseasesPrevention and control of livestock diseases
– Quarantine
– Vaccination
– Inoculation
– Hygienic condition
– Good feeding/nutrition
– Rotational grazing etc.
8Prevention and control of farm animal pest (parasites)Prevention and control of livestock parasites
– Isolation
– Hygienic condition
– Use of chemicals (spraying and dusting)
– Use of drugs deforming grazing etc.
9Revision and Examination 


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