SSS3 Building Construction Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Building Construction Scheme of Work

Building construction plays a crucial role in human progress by creating the structures we live and work in, improving our quality of life. In Senior Secondary School 3 (SSS3), students start learning the basic principles and methods of building construction. This subject aims to give students a thorough understanding of it, setting them up for future studies and careers in the construction industry.

The Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work for SSS3 includes various topics like construction, types of buildings, materials used, tools and equipment, and construction processes. It is important to study Building construction using the Lagos state unified scheme of work because it helps students understand the theory and practice of building construction through hands-on activities and projects.

By the end of SSS3, students will have a strong foundation in both the theoretical and practical sides of construction. This prepares them for the WASSCE and further studies in related fields.

Assessment Guide

In SSS3 building construction, assessment methods include exams to evaluate theoretical knowledge, practical projects to test hands-on skills, class participation for ongoing engagement, assignments and homework for individual learning, and periodic tests for continuous assessment. Additionally, students take the WASSCE-certification exam for senior secondary school.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Building Construction

 Building Construction Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3 (SSS3)
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
– Definition of stairs
– Types of stairs
– Parts of stairs
– Functional requirements of stairs construction
– Setting out timber stairs
– Layout of timber stairs
– Timber stairs construction
– Problems in timber stairs construction
– Concrete stair construction
– Footwork for concrete stairs
– Placement of reinforcement bars
– Fixing of balustrade
– Functional characteristics of materials for balustrade
– Construction of metal stairs
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. acquire knowledge about stairs
ii. understand the fundamentals of stair construction
– Definition of stairs
– Types of stairs
– Parts of stairs
– Functional requirements of stairs construction
– Setting out timber stairs
– Layout of timber stairs
– Timber stairs construction
– Problems in timber stairs construction
– Concrete stair construction
– Footwork for concrete stairs
– Placement of reinforcement bars
– Fixing of balustrade
– Functional characteristics of materials for balustrade
– Construction of metal stairs
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. acquire knowledge about stairs
ii. understand the fundamentals of stair construction
– Definition of stairs
– Types of stairs
– Parts of stairs
– Functional requirements of stairs construction
– Setting out timber stairs
– Layout of timber stairs
– Timber stairs construction
– Problems in timber stairs construction
– Concrete stair construction
– Footwork for concrete stairs
– Placement of reinforcement bars
– Fixing of balustrade
– Functional characteristics of materials for balustrade
– Construction of metal stairs
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. acquire knowledge about stairs
ii. understand the fundamentals of stair construction
– Tools and requirements
– Materials for plastering
– Reparation of the wall
– Surface
– Plastering process
– Plastering sequence
– Properties of plaster
– Plaster board lathing
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define plastering and properties of mortar
ii. know the reason for the application of plaster on the internal surfaces
iii. identify tools and requirements for standard plastering
iv. know how to prepare the background to receive plastering
– Methods of construction
– Inspection chambery
– Septic tanks and soak away pits
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. construct drains
ii. lay inspection chamber
iii. construct septic tanks and soak away pits
– Define drainage
– Principles of drainage system
– Factors for selecting a type of drainage system
– Materials for drainage
– Methods of joining pipes
– Functions of traps
– Functions of inspection chamber
– Protection against flooding
– Methods of bedding and laying drains
– Methods of testing drains
– Functions of soak ways
– Construction of materials
– Construction of septic tanks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the principles of drainage
ii. explain the types of drainage systems
iii. explain the factors to consider in selecting a type of drainage system
iv. describe the materials for a drainage system
v. explain with sketches the process of joining pipes
vi. describe the function of traps
vii. explain the function of the inspection chamber
viii. demonstrate the measures for protecting against flooding
ix. demonstrate the methods of bedding and laying drain pipes
x. demonstrate methods of testing drains
xi. explain the term cesspool
xii. explain functions of soak away
xiii. demonstrate methods of constructing manholes
xiv. demonstrate the methods of constructing septic tanks
– Define drainage
– Principles of drainage system
– Factors for selecting a type of drainage system
– Materials for drainage
– Methods of joining pipes
– Functions of traps
– Functions of inspection chamber
– Protection against flooding
– Methods of bedding and laying drains
– Methods of testing drains
– Functions of soak ways
– Construction of materials
– Construction of septic tanks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the principles of drainage
ii. explain the types of drainage systems
iii. explain the factors to consider in selecting a type of drainage system
iv. describe the materials for a drainage system
v. explain with sketches the process of joining pipes
vi. describe the function of traps
vii. explain the function of the inspection chamber
viii. demonstrate the measures for protecting against flooding
ix. demonstrate the methods of bedding and laying drain pipes
x. demonstrate methods of testing drains
xi. explain the term cesspool
xii. explain functions of soak away
xiii. demonstrate methods of constructing manholes
xiv. demonstrate the methods of constructing septic tanks
– Define drainage
– Principles of drainage system
– Factors for selecting a type of drainage system
– Materials for drainage
– Methods of joining pipes
– Functions of traps
– Functions of inspection chamber
– Protection against flooding
– Methods of bedding and laying drains
– Methods of testing drains
– Functions of soak ways
– Construction of materials
– Construction of septic tanks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. explain the principles of drainage
ii. explain the types of drainage systems
iii. explain the factors to consider in selecting a type of drainage system
iv. describe the materials for a drainage system
v. explain with sketches the process of joining pipes
vi. describe the function of traps
vii. explain the function of the inspection chamber
viii. demonstrate the measures for protecting against flooding
ix. demonstrate the methods of bedding and laying drain pipes
x. demonstrate methods of testing drains
xi. explain the term cesspool
xii. explain functions of soak away
xiii. demonstrate methods of constructing manholes
xiv. demonstrate the methods of constructing septic tanks
– System of pipe works
– One pipe system
– Two pipe system
– Single stale system
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define plumbing
ii. identify and use materials for domestic plumbing
iii. know the system of pipe works
iv. be able to fix and explain one pipe, two pipe and single stale systems

SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Building Construction

– Types of fencing
– Materials of fencing
– Construction of a fence
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define and identify fences and it’s erection process
ii. list types of fences and boundary wall used in building construction
iii. identify and list materials used for fencing and boundary wall
iv. set out and construct a boundary wall using bricks, blocks and other durable materials
– Types
– Functions and materials for construction
– Construction technique for road in the site
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define access in the construction site
ii. list and prepare a temporary access road for building construction
iii. identify and state construction techniques used for temporary road within and around the site
– Definition
– Types of gates
– Materials and classification
– Production, fixing and maintenance
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. define gates in relation to building construction
ii. identify and list types of gates and classification
iii. participate in the fixing of steel gates
iv. maintain and repair the existing school gate
– Definition
– Types of floor finish
– Materials for floor finishes
– Laying procedures
– Advantages and disadvantages of types of floor finishes
– Factors necessary for considering when selecting finishes
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify and describe types of floor finishes
ii. describe the materials for floor finishes
iii. describe the procedure for laying floor finishes
iv. explain the advantages and disadvantages of types of floor finishes
v. list factors affecting floor finishes
vi. fix floor finishing according to specification
vii. do the necessary housekeeping after the application of floor finishes
– Definition
– Types of floor finish
– Materials for floor finishes
– Laying procedures
– Advantages and disadvantages of types of floor finishes
– Factors necessary for considering when selecting finishes
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify and describe types of floor finishes
ii. describe the materials for floor finishes
iii. describe the procedure for laying floor finishes
iv. explain the advantages and disadvantages of types of floor finishes
v. list factors affecting floor finishes
vi. fix floor finishing according to specification
vii. do the necessary housekeeping after the application of floor finishes
6LAND SCAPPING WORKBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. identify and list materials for landscaping
ii. interprete plan and other perimeter drawing
iii. select the tools for earthmoving
iv. select other earthmoving equipments
v. cut, fill and ram the undulation terrain for landscaping process
vi. level the soil with relevant tools
vii. treat and maintain landscape project till maturity
viii. do proper housekeeping,etc

Achievement Standards

At the end of the SSS3 session, students can;

  • Understand the fundamentals of stair construction;
  • Know the reason for the application of plasters on internal surfaces;
  • Know how to construct drains and inspection chambers;
  • Know the methods of joining different types of pipes;
  • Know the factors that must be considered when selecting a type of drainage scheme;
  • Identify and use materials for domestic plumbing;
  • Understand the erection process of fencing;
  • Identify materials used for fencing and boundary walls;
  • Understand the procedures for laying out floor finishes;
  • Identify materials for landscaping;
  • Interpret the plan and other perimeter drawings.


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