SSS3 Catering and Craft Practices Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Catering and Craft Practices Scheme of Work

Catering and Crafts in SSS3 is a subject that teaches culinary arts and practical craftsmanship. It covers food preparation, nutrition, menu planning, and cooking techniques in catering. In crafts, students learn various artisanal skills like weaving, pottery, bead-making, and fabric design, fostering creativity and hands-on craftsmanship.

Studying Catering and Crafts in Senior Secondary Schools under the Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work offers a comprehensive foundation in culinary arts and practical craftsmanship. The curriculum typically begins with an introduction to the basic principles of catering, emphasizing hygiene, nutrition, and food safety regulations. Simultaneously, the Crafts component of the curriculum focuses on developing students’ skills in various handicrafts and creative arts. Practical sessions allow students to experiment with different materials and tools, fostering creativity and craftsmanship.

The Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work ensures a balanced approach, integrating theoretical lessons with practical applications to provide a holistic learning experience while preparing SSS3 students for the WASSCE.

Assessment Guide

Assessment in Catering and Crafts in SSS3 typically includes practical tasks such as preparing and presenting dishes or crafting handmade products. Students are evaluated on their skills in food preparation, creativity in crafts, adherence to safety and hygiene standards, and understanding of theoretical concepts like nutrition and design principles. This is done cumulatively in the WASSC exams.

Assessments are designed to evaluate knowledge acquisition and practical skills, preparing students for further studies in catering, hospitality management, or entrepreneurship in the culinary and crafts industries.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Catering and Craft Practices

Catering and Craft Practices Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools
 SUBJECTCatering and Craft Practice
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Resumption Test/Revision of
last session work
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. answer most of the ressumption test correctly
2. recall some of the topics taught last term
2Meal Planning
-Meaning of meal planning
-Importance of meal planning
-Factors affecting meal
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. discuss meal planning
2. enumerate the importance of meal planning
3. state the factors affectting meal planning
3Speacial menu
-Types of vegetarians
-Reason for vegetarian
-Plan meal for vegetarian
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. identify vegetarians
2. highlight types of vegetarians
3. analyze the reason for vegetarian
4. plan a menu for vegetarian
4Speacial menu
Pregnant/lactating women
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. differentiate between pregnant and lactating
2. identify the nutritional needs of pregnant
3. state the guidelines for planning meal for
lactating women
5Special menu
-Infants and toddlers
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. differentiate between infants and toddlers
2. state the characteristics of infant and toddlers
that affects their nutritional needs
3. highlight the guidelines for meeting the
nutritional needs of infants and toddlers
6Speacial menu
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. discuss adolescents
2. state the characteristics of adolescents
3. identify the nutritional requirements of
4. plan aday’s menu for the adolescents
7Mid Term Test/ Open Day/Mid-Term Holiday
8Speacial Menu
Aged/ Elderly
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. discuss the nutritional requirements for aged/
2. point out factors that influence the appetiate/
eating habits of the aged/elderly
9Special menu
-Manual and sedementary
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to
1. differentiate between manual workers and
sudementary worker
2. suitable dishes for manual workers and
sedemantary workers respectively
10Special menu
-Diabetic and hypertensive
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to
1. explain diabetic patients
2. discuss hypertensive patients
3.plan dishes that are suitable for diabetic patients
4. state the guidelines for providing meals for
hypertensive patients
11Speacial menu
-Invalid and converlescent
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to
1 differentiate between invalid and converlescent
2. analyze the guidelines for providing meal for
invalid and converlescents
3. plan a meal for invalid and converlescents


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Catering and Craft Practices

 SUBJECTCatering and Craft Practice
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Resumption Test/RevisionBy the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
1. answer test questions correctly
2. recall the memory of previous topics in second
term work
2House Keeping Department
-Meaning of Housekeeping
-Areas of Housekeeping
-Duties and responsibility of
housekeeping personnel
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to
1. discuss the meaning of housekeeping
2. figure out the areas of housekeeping
3. identify the duties and responsibility of house
keeping personnel
3Bed Making
-Meaning of bed
-Types of bed
-Bed lining
-Procedures for bed making
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to
1. explain bed
2. point out types of bed
3. discuss bed linen with examples
4. explain the procedures for bed making
4Project and Practical on bed
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to
1. demonstrate and make a bed
5Hotel Receptionist
-Meaning of receptionist
-Qualities of a good
-Responsibilities of a
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to
1. explain receptionist
2. highlight qualities of a good receptionist
3. discuss the responsibilities of a receptionist
6Front office
-Meaning of front office
-Personnel in front office and
their duties
-Attributes of front office
-Front office activities
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to
1. dscuss front office
2. identify various personnel in front office and
main duties
3. explain the attributes of front office personnel

Achievement Standards

At the end of the SSS3 session, students can;

  • Make a menu for invalid and convalescent;
  • Enumerate the importance of meal planning;
  • Plan a menu for vegetarians, pregnant women, lactating women, infants, and toddlers;
  • Identify the duties and responsibilities of housekeeping personnel;
  • Demonstrate and make a bed;
  • Highlight the responsibilities of a good receptionist.


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