SSS3 Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work

In SSS3, Christian Religious Studies (CRS) focuses on the teachings and practices of Christianity, helping students grasp its core beliefs and ethical principles. CRS covers a wide range of topics such as the life of Jesus Christ, the importance of the Bible, Christian morals, church history, and key Christian celebrations and rituals. 

The Lagos state unified scheme of work for CRS in SSS3 is designed to sharpen students’ critical thinking and ability to explain religious ideas clearly. What they learn in CRS directly relates to what they’ll be tested on in the WASSCE exams, making it a useful teaching and study tool. 

Beyond exams, CRS also plays a vital role in shaping students’ moral and ethical development. It encourages values like kindness, fairness, and honesty, which are crucial for personal growth and building harmonious communities. Additionally, by studying Christianity in depth, students gain a greater understanding of other religions, promoting tolerance and respect for different beliefs.

Assessment Guide

In SSS3 for Christian Religious Studies in Nigeria, assessment methods include written exams covering biblical texts and doctrines, project work on themes and ethics, oral presentations on sermons or debates,, group projects analyzing narratives, and continuous assessments like quizzes and homework. 

Students also prepare for external exams such as WASSCE which comprises multiple-choice questions and essays. These methods aim to evaluate knowledge, critical thinking, and application of Christian teachings in practical and theoretical contexts.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies

 Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 SubjectChristian Religious Studies
 TermFirst Term
1Birth of Jesus ChristThe annunciation of Jesus Christ. Matt. 1:18-25; Lk 1:25-33
  The birth of Jesus Christ Matt. 2:123, Lk 2:1-20
  The visit of the wise men and the significance of the gifts. Matt. 2:1-12.
2Baptism of Jesus Christ1. Meaning and types of baptism.
2. Purpose of Jesus’ baptism.
3. Synoptic account of the baptism of Jesus Christ. Mt. 3:13-17, Mk 1:911, Li. 3:21-22.
4. the significant of Jesus’ baptism.
3Temptation of Jesus ChristSynoptic account of the temptation of Jesus Christ Matt. 4:1-11 Mk. 1:9-13 Lk. 4:1-12
  Significance of each of the three temptations.
  Temptation in the world today and how to overcome it.
4Call to discipleshipDiscuss the meaning of discipleship and reasons why Jesus called the disciples. Matt. 28:19-20, Mak. 16:15-19, Lk. 5:10
  1a. the call of the first four disciples and their responses. Matt. 4:18-25 Mk 2:13-17, 1:16-20 Lk. 5:1-11
1b. The names of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ.. Matt. 10:1-4
  The call of the word is disciples and the demand for discipleship.
5Mission of the twelve and seventy disciplesReasons why Jesus sent out his disciples on a mission.
  Mission of the twelve Mtt. 10:L1-15 Mk. 6:7-13 Lk. 9:1-16
  Achievements of the mission of the twelve and its significance.
6Mission of the seventyThe mission of the seventy. Lk. 10:1-20
Note instructions that were given to the seventy.
  Achievement of the seventy disciples.
  1. Differences and similarities in the mission of the twelve and the seventy disciples.
2. The significance of the mission of the twelve and the seventy disciples
7The trial before the high priesta. The names of the three authorities that tried Jesus Christ
b. Christ before the high priest. Matt. 26:36-75 Mk. 14:53-72 Lk 22:66-71
  Christ before Herod. Lk. 23:6-12
Danger of false accusation.
8Crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus ChristThe crucifixion. Mtt. 27:32-66 Lk. 23: 26-46
  Jesus words on the cross seven words of Jesus on the cross Mtt. 27:46 Mk. 15:34 Jn. 19:27. Jn 19:30
  1. Death and burial. Matt. 27:57-71 Mk. 15:42-47 Lk. 23:50-56
2. The role of Joseph of Arimathea
3. The women in the burial of Jesus Christ Lk:23:50-56 Jn. 19: 38-42
-Significance of Jesus’ death.
9The resurrection of Jesus ChristJesus rose from the dead after three days Mtt. 28:1-10 Mk 16:1-14, Lk 24:1-35
  The activities of women in the resurrection story.
  The importance of the resurrection of Jesus to the Christian faith
  Jesus appearance to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus. Lk. 24:135.
10Communal living in the early churchPeter’s address. Act. 1:15-20.
  The election of the successor of Judas Iscariot. Act 1:21-26
  Characteristics of the early Christian community. Acts 2:24-47, Acts 4:32-37
1. Dishonesty Acts. 5:1-11 2.
2. Discrimination. Hellenistic and Hebrew
3. Partiality
  1. Solution to the problem of the early Christian community. Acts 6:2-6.
2. The need to appoint seven deacons. Relate the problem of early community with the problem of tribalism or sectionalism in local churches today.
3. Ways of solving these problems.


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies

 TermSecond Term
1The holy spirit in PentecostThe promise of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8.
  The coming of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-13.
  1. Peter’s speech Acts 2:14-41.
2. The Holy spirit at work today.
2Mission to the gentilesSaul’s conversion Acts 9:1-19.
  Saul in Damascus and Jerusalem Acts 9:20-30.
  1. Peter’s ministry in Lydda and Joppa Acts 9:32-42.
2. Peter and the Gentles convert Acts 10:44-48, 11:1-18.
3Opposition to the gospel messageArrest and imprisonment of the Apostles. Acts 4:1-31.
  Opposition against Stephen. Acts 6:817, 10.
And the death of Stephen. Acts 7:1-60.
  1. Saul’s opposition to the early church. Saul’s early life and his conversion. Acts 9:3-32, 9-33
2. Herod’s opposition. Acts 12:1-24.
4The need for order in society1. Meaning of civic responsibility constitution charter and human rights.
2. The Nigeria constitution.
  The African Charter on Human and human rights
a. the in the declaration on human rights.
b. maintenance of law and order in the society.
  Maintainance of law and order
  1. Need to be responsible and reliable.
2. Submission to those in legitimate authority.
5Good citizenshipa. Meaning of good citizenship.
b. Christian duties of a good citizenship in the society. Peter 2:1317.
  The rights of a good citizen.
  1. Types of citizenship in Nigeria.
2. Results of disobedience and law-breaking.
6Care of the sick1. Meaning and causes of HIV/AIDS.
2. Identification of the symptoms and how people can be infected.
  1. The preventative measures of HIV/AIDS.
2. How is HIV/AIDS transmitted and HIV/AIDS stigmatization?
3. Jesus cared for those who were sick. Jn. 4:46-51 Jn. 5:1-5 Jn. 9:1-7
  Impart of the HIV/AIDS
1. Affected person
2. On the family and society.
3. Economics effect.
4. Social effect.
7Independence self actualizationmeaning of skill acquisition, empowerment and creativity.
  1. The power of creativity that is latent in them.
2. different things which they can do with their hands.
8Dignity of LabourThe obligation to work.
1Thess. 2:9,
II Thess. 3:6 – 15,
Colossians 3:23-25,
Ephe. 6:5-8,
Titus 3:1
  1. Enumerate the different types of labour.
2. The benefits of hard work.
  1. The advantages of the dignity of labour
2. Danger of idleness
3. Lose of respect for personal dignity e.g. (menial job)
9Revision and Examination 


Achievement standards

SSS3 First Term

At the end of SSS3 first term, students can;

  • Explain the meaning of baptism;
  • Mention the disciples of Jesus Christ and the role they played in His ministry;
  • Give an account of the arrest and trial of Jesus Christ;
  • Explain the reaction of Jesus to the accusation laid against Him;
  • Narrate the event of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, His death and  burial, and point out the significance of His death to mankind’s salvation;
  • Describe the activities of the women in the resurrection story;
  • Explain the significance of the resurrection to the Christian faith.


SSS3 Second Term

At the end of SSS3 second term, students can;

  • Narrate the election of Mathias as a successor of Judas Iscariot as recorded in Acts 1:15-26; 2:41-47;
  • Identify the characteristics of the early Christian community;
  • Recognize the coming of the Holy Spirit as the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus to the disciples;
  • Describe the conversion of Saul to Paul and its effect on the spread of Christianity;
  • Identify various types of opposition that helped spread the gospel;
  • Discuss Herod’s opposition to the spread of the gospel and its consequences.

Recommended Christian Religious Studies Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 3

The recommended Christian Religious Studies textbooks for SSS3 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools with Workbook by John Chiakwelu 

        Mid-Field Publishers Ltd SS 1-3 

  • Fundamental Christian Religious Studies for Senior Secondary Schools by Osinloye Rebecca .A., Aderemi Adeoye et al 

        Noble Resources Ltd

  • Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary by H.A Adigwe, R.I Arubalueze, E.I Alutu et al 

        Africana First Publishers Book House Trust

  • Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools by  A.A  Adeyinka et al 

        Learn Africa Plc SS1-3

  • Christian Religious Knowledge A Complete Guide by A.E Izuchukwu et al 

        Learn Africa Plc


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