SSS3 Civic Education Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Civic Education Scheme of Work

Civic Education in  Senior Secondary School 3 (SSS3) across Nigeria teaches students about their rights, responsibilities, and how they fit into society. The goal is to prepare students to be active and engaged citizens who understand how their government works and their role in it.

In SSS3, Civic Education’s unified scheme of work by the Lagos state government is specially crafted with respect to the requirements for WASSCE and covers topics like governance, human rights, and the importance of laws and fairness. It encourages students to think critically about social and political issues so they can form informed opinions and discuss them respectfully. The subject also focuses on practical skills such as debating, public speaking, and community service. These skills are not just for passing the WASSCE exams but for personal growth and making a positive impact in their communities.

For the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), Civic Education is particularly important. It tests students on their knowledge of civic principles, their ability to apply legal and ethical concepts, and their awareness of current social issues. Doing well in this exam shows that students are ready to actively participate in society and contribute to their country’s development.

Assessment Guide

SSS3 students in Nigeria are assessed in Civic Education through continuous assessments and the WASSCE. Continuous assessments include class tests, assignments, oral presentations, projects, and class participation. The WASSCE consists of multiple-choice questions and essays,. These assessments evaluate a range of skills, ensuring holistic evaluation, skill development, preparation for higher education and careers, and identifying areas for improvement.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

 Civic Education Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 SubjectCivic Education
 TermFirst Term
1Human rights I1. Meaning of human rights.
2. Citizens fundamental rights e.g. right to life, right to personal liberty, right to fair hearing etc.
2Human rights II1. Characteristics of human right e.g. equality, indivisibility, universality, inherent etc.
2. Categories of human rights e.g. civic and political rights, legal right, environmental right, economic, social and cultural rights
3Human rights III1. Factor that protect the fundamental human right e.g. prohibition, mass illiteracy campaign, writ of mandamus, writ of certionri, independence of the judiciary.
2. Conditions that limit the rights of a citizen.
4Fighting political apathy.1. Meaning of political apathy.
2. Ways of fighting political apathy e.g. knowing and defending our rights, participation in elections, joining popular organization etc.
5Public service in democracy I1. Meaning of public service.
2. Reasons for the short comings in the public service e.g. corruption, waste of man power and inefficiency, colonial influence etc.
6Public service in democracy II1. Ways of improving the public service in Nigeria.
2. Teaching of political education on schools, uses of code of conduct etc
7Civil Society.1. Meaning of civil service.
2. Functions and need for civil society.
3. Qualities and problems of civil society.
8Popular participation.1. Meaning of popular participation.
2. Types of popular participation e.g. economic, political social, civil etc.
9Popular participation II.1. Need for popular participation in civil society e.g. it promotes good neighborliness, to be politically socializes etc.
2. Traditional and modern mode of popular participation.
3. Difference between modern and traditional popular participation.
10Democracy1. Meaning of democracy.
2. Importance of democracy.
3. Problems of democracy.
4. Processes of democracy.


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

 TermSecond Term
1Rule of law I1. Meaning of rule of law.
2. Importance of rule of law.
3. Processes of rule of law.
2Rule of law IIProblems of rule of law.
3Constitutional Democracy I1. Meaning of constitutional democracy.
2. Types of constitutional democracy e.g. plurality constitutional democracy, proportional, presidential democracy.
4Constitutional Democracy II1. Features of constitutional democracy e.g. popular sovereignty, majority rights etc.
2. Advantages of constitutional democracy.
3. Disadvantages of constitutional democracy.
5Constitutional Democracy IIIMeaning of key concepts in constitutional democracy.
6Human Trafficking I1. Meaning of human trafficking.
2. Causes of human trafficking e.g. poverty, greed, low self esteem, corruption etc
3. Universal causes of human trafficking.
7Human Trafficking II1. Causes of human trafficking from countries of Origin e.g. abject poverty, a lack of realistic prospects, situation of armed conflict and oppression etc.
2. Causes of human trafficking from countries/region of destination e.g. increased demand for cheap and exploitable domestic labourers in the construction, agricultural sectors etc.
8Human Trafficking III1. Effects and consequences of human trafficking e.g. death, unwanted pregnancy, physical and emotional traumas, loss of manpower etc.
2. Government and individual effects to stop human trafficking e.g. NAPTIP, Enactment of laws, NGO’s like WATCLEF.
9Revision and Examination 


Recommended Civic Education Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 3

The recommended Civic Education textbooks for SSS3 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Model Civic Education for Senior Secondary school with workbook by Anene Anthony 

        Mid-Field Publishers Ltd SS 1 -3 

  • Pacific Civic Education for Upper UBE Class by Victor Emeka Okafor, Francis O Arinze 

       Pacific Publishers Ltd SS 1-3 

  • WABP Civic Education by Dayo Olagunju 

       West African Book Publishers SS 1-3 

  • Varsity Model Civic Education for Secondary School and Colleges by Babalola G.M, Ogbalu et al 

        Varsity Publishing company SS 1-3 

  • Religion and National Values by Olisa A.C 

       New Age Press Ltd SS 1-3 

  • Model Basic Civic Education by Obi, Franca Ego, Ph.D, et al. 



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