SSS3 Geography Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Geography Scheme of Work

Geography in Senior Secondary School (SSS) 3 in Nigeria is an important subject that helps students prepare for their final exams, especially the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). The SSS3 Geography curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including the earth’s physical features like mountains and rivers, weather patterns, types of plants and soil, and how human activities affect the environment.

Students also learn about economic activities such as farming, mining, and industry, as well as issues related to cities and population growth. The Lagos State unified scheme of work for Geography focuses on developing students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They learn to read maps, use geographic information systems (GIS), and conduct field studies, which helps them understand and solve real-world geographical problems.

Mastering Geography in SSS3 prepares students well for the WASSCE. Doing well in this exam can open up opportunities for further studies and various careers, such as urban planning, environmental management, disaster response, and resource management. The knowledge and skills gained from studying Geography are very useful in our interconnected and rapidly changing world.

Assessment Guide

Assessment methods for Geography in SSS3 include classroom tests, quizzes, assignments, fieldwork, practical exercises, projects, class participation, oral presentations, continuous assessment, mock exams, and final exams. These methods evaluate students’ understanding, critical thinking, and practical skills, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of their knowledge and preparedness for the WASSCE.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Geography

 Geography Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 TermFirst Term
1Earthquake1. Origin/focus:
– tremor – epicenter waves – shock waves
2. Causes of earthquakes:
– faults from collision of tectonic plates. – sudden release of stress.
3. Regions of earthquake occurrence:
– tonga region – chile – argentina region – fiji islands – mid-atlantic ridge – some asian countries
4. Effects of earthquakes:
– displacement of earth’s crust. – raising and lowering of coastal rocks. – raising and lowering of ocean floor. – landslides and cracks etc.
2&3Vulcanicity1. Meaning of vulacnicity
2. Process: – crustal disturbance – intrusion – extrusion – eruption – emission etc.
3. Regions of occurrences
4. Characteristics features of landforms in the regions.
(a) Intrusion features/landforms: – sills – dykes – batholiths – laccoliths – phacoliths
(b) Extrusion features: – composite cone – lava domes or shield volcanic. – ash and undercones
4&5Karst (limestone) Topography1. Karst topography regions.
2. Characteristics of karst topography:
– solubility
– absence of luxuriant vegetation codes.
– absence of drainage.
– joints and rugged topography.
– dry surface valley etc.
3. Features of karst region.
(a) Surface features:
– grikes
– clints
– swallow holes
– sink holes
– doline
– uvalo
– piojes
(b) Underground features:
– causes and caverns
– limestone gorge
– resurgence or spring
– stalactites
– stalagmites
– pillar
4. Importance of karst topography.
6Denudational Process
(a) Weathering
1. Meaning
2. Types of denudatinal processes:
– weathering
– mass movement etc.
3. Factors affecting denudation:
– relief
– climate
– human activities etc.
4. Major concepts:
– disinter ration (expansion and contraction).
– decomposition (oxidation and carbonation).
– weathered debris, etc.
5. Types of weathering.
(a) Physical (mechanical weathering).
(b) Chemical weathering:
– solution – oxidation – hydrolysis – hydration – carbonation
(c)Biological weathering:
– plants and animals
– burrowing
– human activities
7Mass Movements1. Meaning of mass movement.
2. Types of mass movement:
– slow (e.g. creep, soil flow).
– rapid mass movement (e.g. land slide, avalanche/rock fall, etc).
3. Mass movement processes.
a) Soil creep:
– weathered materials
– gentle slope
– water lubricants
– heating and cooling
– wetting and drying
(b) Soil flow:
– rock fragments
– down slop
– freezing
– thawing
(c) Landslides:
– loose rock
– steep slope
– water lubricants
– earthquakes, etc
(d) Rock avalanche:
– rock fall
– sleep cliff, etc.
4. Effects of mass movement.
8Climatic change1. Causes of climatic changes:
– green-house effect
– ozone layer depletion
– chloro-floro carbon (CFC) gases.
– carbon emission
– deforestation
– gas flaring etc.
2. consequences of climatic change:
– melting of ice caps.
– increasing temperature
– high rainfall.
– submergence of coastal cities.
– desertification
– cancer and eye cataracts.
– emergence of new diseases.
– extinction of some plants and animals etc.
3. Remedies
9Satellite Remote Sensing1. Definition of concepts:
– remote sensing
– satellite
– satellite remote sensing
2. Application of satellite remote sensing:
– forestry
– environment
– agriculture
– telecommunication
– transportation
– emergency response etc.
3. Relationship between GIS and remote sensing.
10GIS Application1. Areas of use:
– defense
– agriculture
– urban development
– mapping
– surveying
– transportation
– census
2. Problems with GIS implementation in Nigeria:
– power
– personnel
– capital (costal hardware and software).


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Geography

 TermSecond Term
1&2Representation of Relief Forms1. Physical features (relief):
– valley
– spar
– pass
– knoll
– conical hills etc.
2. Methods of representing relief:
– contour
– hill shading
– relief coloring
– spot heights
-hauchers etc.
3&4Map enlargement1. Map enlargement procedure:
– determination of scale factor.
– construction of a new rectangle with the scale factor.
– grid/square method
2. Scales (small/large) of new enlarged maps.
5&6Map Reduction1. Map reduction procedure:
– determination of scale factor.
– construction of a new rectangle with the scale factor.
– grid/square method
2. Scales (small/large) of new reduced maps.
7&8Interpretation of physical and cultural features1. Contour lines
2. Physical features:
– ridges
– spurs
– valleys
– hills
– plateau
– rivers, etc
3. Cultural features:
– roads
– settlements
– schools
– communication lines
– markets etc
9Revision and Examination 


Recommended Geography Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 3

The recommended Geography textbooks for SSS3 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Senior Secondary Geography by S.A. Emielu –  Geographical Bureau Nig. Ltd  
  • Learning Solutions Senior Secondary Atlas by  Learning Solutions – Learning Solutions
  • Comprehensive Cert Geography by K. Ahmed, O Areora et al – University Press Plc SS 1- 3 
  • A New Geography of Nigeria (New Education) by Iloeje, N.P.
  • Certificate Physical and Human Geography for Senior Secondary School (West African Edition) by Adeleke, B.O., Leong, G.C – Ibadan: Oxford.
  • A Practical Approach to Map Reading for WAEC A Aso – Spectrum Books Ltd SS 1- 3


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