SSS3 Government Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Government Scheme of Work

In Senior Secondary School 3 (SSS3) in Nigeria. Government as a subject encompasses the study of political systems, governance frameworks, and the functions of government in society. It equips students with essential knowledge and analytical abilities crucial for responsible citizenship and academic achievement.

The Lagos state unified scheme of work for the SSS3 subject, Government,  covers a broad spectrum, including constitutional evolution, political ideologies, electoral processes, and democratic principles. Students explore Nigeria’s political history, federal structure, and governance dynamics at the state and national levels. This comprehensive understanding not only enhances students’ grasp of national governance but also fosters a deeper appreciation for civic duties and rights as future leaders and active members of society.

The study of Government in SSS3 is designed to prepare students effectively for the WASSCE by emphasizing the practical application of theoretical knowledge to real-world contexts. Beyond examination purposes, Government education promotes an understanding of the rule of law, human rights, and mechanisms of governmental accountability. These insights are not only beneficial for academic success but also establish a foundation for responsible citizenship and potential careers in fields such as politics, law, public administration, or international relations.

Assessment Guide

SSS3 students in Nigeria are assessed in the subject, Government, through continuous assessments and the WASSCE. Continuous assessments include class tests, assignments, oral presentations, projects, and class participation. The WASSCE consists of multiple-choice questions and essays. These assessments evaluate a range of skills, ensuring holistic evaluation, skill development, preparation for higher education and careers, and identifying areas for improvement.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Government

 Government Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 TermFirst Term
11. Federalism

i. Origin of federalism in Nigeria.
1. Emergence of federalism in Nigeria.
2. Factors that necessitate the formation of federalism.
3. Conferences organized by the colonial powers.
2Nature and Structure of Nigerian Federalism1. Structure of Nigerian federalism.
(i). Federalism before independence.
(ii). 1960-1966
(iii). 1967-1975
(iv). 1976 to date.
3Problems of Nigerian Federalism.
– Revenue Allocation – Minority Issues And The Creation Of State.
– Inter Ethnic Rivalry and issue of secession.
1. The need for revenue allocation in a federal state
2. Revenue allocation formula in Nigeria.
3. Conflicts over each adopted revenue allocation formula.
4. The major and minor ethnic groups in Nigeria.
5. Reasons for the demand for more states.
6. Complexity and endless nature of the state creation.
7. Recommendation of Willinks commission.
8. Solution to minority problems in Nigeria.
4Development of political parties in Nigeria. (i). Nigeria National Democratic Party. (NNDP).
(ii). The Nigeria Youth Movement. (NYM)
(iii). National Council of Nigeria and Cameron/Citizen. (NCNC).
(iv). Action Groups (AG)
(v). Northern People’s Congress (NPC)
(vi). Northern Element Progressive Unions. (NEPU).
1. Origin of the political parties.
2. Motives for the formation of AG, NPC and NEPU.
3. Organizational structure.
4. Sources of finance.
5. Objectives.
6. Performance.
5(vii). National Party of Nigeria (NPN)
(viii). Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN)
(ix). Nigeria’s People Party. (NPP).
(x). Great Nigerian’s People Party (GNPP)
(xi). People’s Redemption Party. (PRP). (xii). Nigerian Advance party. (NAP).
1. Formation of NPN, UPN, NPP, GNPP, PRP, and NAP.
2. Organizational structure.
3. Source of finance.
4. Objectives.
5. Performances.
6(xiii). Social Democratic Party. (SDP).
(xiv). National Republican Convention (NRC).
(xv). People’s Democratic Party. (PDP).
(xvi). All Nigerian People’s Party. (ANPP)
(xvii). Alliance for Democracy.
(xviii). Action Congress (AC) and Small Political Parties.
1. Formation of SDP, NRC, PDP, ANPP, AD, AC and other small parties.
2. Structural organization.
3. Sources of finance.
4. Objectives.
5. Performance.
7Major Political Crisis in Nigeria.1. Political Crisis.
(i). Kano riot 1953.
(ii). Easter regions Constitution 1953.
(iii). Census Crisis 1962/63.
(iv). Action groups crisis 1962, 1961-1970
2. Electoral Crisis: (i). Federal election 1964.
(ii). Western Nigeria election 1965.
(iii). General election 1979.
(iv). Executive Vs Legislative Crisis 1981 in Kaduna.
(v). General election 1983.
(vi). General election 1993.
8Military rule in Nigeria.1. Military rule:
(i). 1966-1975
(ii). 1975-1979.
(iii). 1983-1985
(iv). 1985-1993.
(v). 1993-1999.
2. Features.
3. Causes.
4. Consequences.
5. Structure.
9Conflicts resolution and management.
Peace Education.
1. Conflicts. – Meaning. – Types. – Causes. – Consequences.
2. Conflict resolution.
3. Meaning of peace.
4. Mechanism for promoting peace.
10The Interindependence of Nations and Globalization. Nigerian’s Foreign Policy.1. Inter-dependence of nations.
2. Community of nations.
3. Purpose of interaction.
4. Nigeria’s interaction; (i). Economic. (ii). Political. (iii). Social cultural.
5. Merits and demerits.
6. Factors affecting Nigeria’s foreign policy.
7. Aims and objectives of Nigeria’s foreign policy.
8. Nigeria’s foreign policy since independence.
9. Non-alignment.
10. Nigeria and nonalignment.

SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Government

 TermSecond Term
1International Organization.
The United Nation Organization (UNO).
1. International Organizations:
(i). United Nations Organization (UNO).
2. Agencies of the UNO.
(i). UNDP (ii). FAO (iii). UNESCO (iv). WHO. (v). UNICEF.
3. Aim and objectives.
4. Achievements.
2The Organization of African Unity. (OAU)/AU African Union.1. International organization: OAU/AU.
2. Agencies of the OAU/AU.
3. Aims and objectives.
4. Achievements and failures.
3The Commonwealth of Nations.1. International organization. – The commonwealth.
2. Organs of the commonwealth.
3. Aims and objectives.
4. Achievements and failure of the commonwealth.
4The Economic community of West African States (ECOWAS).1. International organization.- ECOWAS.
2. Organs of ECOWAS.
3. Aims and objectives of ECOWAS.
4. Achievements and failures of ECOWAS.
5Millennium Development Goals (MDG)1. Meaning.
2. MDG achieve by 2015.
(i). Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
(ii). Achieve universal primary education.
(iii). Promote gender equality and empower women.
(iv). Reduce child mortality.
(v). Improve maternal health.
(vi). Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria.
(vii). Ensure environmental sustainability.
6New Economic Partnership for Economic Development (NEPAD).1. Meaning.
2. Aims and objectives.
7E- Government.1. Meaning: use of computers or ICT in government business or activities.
2. Areas:
– Nigerian immigration services
. – Nigeria customs service.
– Federal inland Revenue service. (FIRS).
3. Other uses. – Website – E-mail – Network of offices.
4. Advantages and disadvantages.
8Leadership and Followership.1. Leadership.
2. Followership.
3. Qualities.
4. Roles politics and government.
9Revision and Examination 


Recommended Government Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 3

The recommended Government textbooks for SSS3 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Comprehensive Cert. Government by Felix K Alonge, et al 

        University Press Plc SS 1- 3 

  • Government for Schools & Colleges by Prince Francis Ebere Okoli 

        Mid-Field Publishing Ltd SS 1-3 

  • New Government by  O. Adedeji, G. Onodu, B. Usman 

        Learn African Plc 

  • Concise Government for Senior Secondary Schools by B.A. Oyewole 
  • Essential Government By C.E Ande


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