SSS3 History Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 History Scheme of Work

History plays a crucial role in helping Nigerian students understand the past and its significance for today. It’s a key subject in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) curriculum, offering insights into how civilizations developed and the events that shaped them.

In the Lagos state unified scheme of work for SSS3, History covers a wide range of topics, from ancient societies and powerful empires to the struggles for independence in Nigeria and Africa. It also looks at global history, showing how different parts of the world have influenced each other over time.

Studying History in SSS3 is important for WASSCE because it teaches critical thinking. Students learn to analyze historical sources and think deeply about why events happened and their consequences. This helps them build strong arguments and understand complex ideas.

Assessment Guide

SSS3 students in Nigeria are assessed in History through continuous assessments and the WASSCE. Continuous assessments include class tests, assignments, oral presentations, projects, and class participation. The WASSCE consists of multiple-choice questions and essays. These assessments evaluate a range of skills, ensuring holistic evaluation, skill development, preparation for higher education and careers, and identifying areas for improvement.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for History

 History Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 TermFirst Term
1Islamic Movement of Usman Dan Fodio1. The origin of the Fulani Jihad
2. Causes and effects of the Fulni Jihad
3. Reasons for the success of the Jihad
2Islamic Movement of Seku Ahmadu and Alhaji UmarCauses of the Seku Ahmadu and Alhaji Umars Jihad and the consequences the two Jihads.
3Empires of Western Sudan and African HistoryEthiopia at the beginning of the 19th century
The rise and fall of emperor Theodore and Menelik II
4West and African History Empires of Western SudanFactors responsible for the collapse of the old Oyo, Benin Borno etc in the 19th Century
5Colonial rule in Nigeria and colonial economy1. The meaning of colonialism.
2. The British policy of indirect rule in Nigeria and the Colonial economy in Nigeria.
6Nationalist movement and Decolonization in Africa Nationalist movement and decolonization in AfricaMeaning of nationalism
1. The role of the formation of political parties in the rise of nationalist movement in Africa.
2. The role of the world war II in the increase agitation for selfrule in Nigeria and Africa in general.
7Prelude to Apartheid and Apartheid Legislations1. Introduction of apartheid in South Africa.
2. Meaning of apartheid
3. Apartheid legislations in South Africa.
8The suppression of the African Nationalist Movements in S/Africa and External Reactions e.g. A.U1. The struggles mounted by the black South Africans to resist Apartheid policies.
2. The role of the O.A.U to put an end to apartheid in South Africa
3. The support for and against Apartheid regime in South Africa by other bodies e.g. Britain U.N.O
4. Actions taken by the white minority rule to suppress nationalist movements in South Africa.
9External reactions to Apartheid OAU and Apartheid1. External reactions to Apartheid SouthAfrica in the role of OAU, UNO.
2. Nigeria in the abolition of Apartheid policy in South-Africa.
10Problems of Independent African states1. Neocolonialism.
2. Poor economic development.


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for History

 TermSecond Term
1Problems of Independent African States1. Political instability.
2. Unequal development within Sates.
3. Corruption.
2Global IssuesMilitary intervention in African Politics Boundary disputes among African states and threat to African Unity.
3The Common Wealth of Nations1. Meaning of Common Wealth and Origin membership of the organization.
2. The organization structure of the union.
4The Common Wealth Nations1. Benefits derived by member states of the Common Wealth.
2. Achievements
3. Problems of the Common Wealth.
5African Union (OAU)1. The origin and formation of OAU
2. Membership of OAU (AU).
3. The organizational structure of the Union.
4. Achievement
5. Problems
6Economic community of West African States. (ECOWAS)1. The origin of ECOWAS.
2. The Organizational structure.
3. Achievement and problems of ECOWAS.
7Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountriesThe formation of OPEC
– Organizational structure of OPEC and its contributions to the economic development of States.
8The role of the U.N.O. and Developed Societies of the World1. Dept relief for poor countries control of arm production.
2. Nuclear science, maintenance of world peace and contributions of millennium development goals (MDG) and NGOS to the development of states.
9Revision and Examination 


Recommended History Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 3

The recommended History textbooks for SSS3 include but are not limited to the following:

  • History of Nigeria and The Wider World Since 1800 for Senior Secondary Schools by  Eruchalu A. N Okafor PIO – A Patrobas Nigeria Ltd
  • Africa and the wider world by Oladele Odanye
  • A Handbook of History for Senior Secondary Schools, History of Nigeria by Oladele Odanye.
  • A Comprehensive History for Senior Secondary Schools in Nigeria Oladele Odanye (Ph.D)
  • Ajayi and Crowther (1971): History of West Africa Vol I, London, Longman.
  • Ajayi and Crowther (1971): History of West Africa Vol II, London, Longman.


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