SSS3 Igbo Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Igbo Scheme of Work

Studying Igbo is very important. It helps students connect with Igbo traditions, values, and ways of life, which is vital for keeping Nigerian culture alive. When students read Igbo stories, proverbs, and oral traditions, they learn about the history and social customs of the Igbo people. This understanding helps Igbo-speaking students feel proud of their heritage and also encourages respect among students from different backgrounds.

From an academic perspective, knowing Igbo well can improve students’ performance in the WASSCE. The exam includes a specific Igbo language paper that tests their reading, writing, understanding, and speaking skills. Additionally, studying a language like Igbo can improve memory, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are useful for all subjects.

Being fluent in Igbo can lead to various job opportunities in areas like teaching, media, translation, and preserving culture. As Nigeria values its local languages more and more, there is a growing need for people who are good at Igbo. Therefore, learning Igbo in SSS3 using the Lagos state unified scheme of work not only helps students do well in their WASSCE exams but also prepares them for future careers.

Assessment Guide

Assessment methods for Igbo in SSS3 include continuous assessment through class tests, quizzes, assignments, oral presentations, group projects, and participation. End-of-term and mock exams assess written and oral skills. Practical assessments involve listening comprehension and cultural activities. The WASSCE includes a written paper for essays and comprehension, and an oral paper for spoken Igbo proficiency, ensuring comprehensive evaluation of students’ language skills.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Igbo

 Igbo Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 TermTaam Nke Mbu
Izu UkaIsi OkwuNdinisiokwu
1Ekwumekwu Nzikoritaozi keteknolji1. Ihe bu nzikoritaozi keteknoloji
2. uzo di iche iche e si ezikorita ozi keteknoloji
3. Oghom din a ezikoritaozi keteknoloji
4. Nzikorita ozi na website Igbo n’intaneet.
2Agumagu adinala1. Mmughari ihe a muburu n’agumagu odinala.
2. Iggu agumagu odinala di iche iche
3. Itule na inyocha njirimara agumagu odinala
– Isiokwu ihe e dere
– Usoro lnhazi
– Nkaasusu
– Nkwenye na omenala ndi Igbo putara ihe
3Njirimara ndi Igbo 11. nsoala/lbeene1. Ihe bu nsoala lbeene.
2. Iweputa omumaatu nsoala/lbeene
3. Etu nsoala/lbeene obodo ufodu siri malite
4. Oru di iche iche nsoala/lbeene na-aru n’obodo.
5. Ntaramahuhu diiri ndi mebiriiwu nsoala lbeene di ka ikpu aru ma o bu ikpu ala.
4Udaasusu1. udi mkpuru udaasusu (fonim) di iche iche
– etu si akpoputa ha.
– ehe mkpoputa ha.
2. Nkejiokwu
3. Myiriudaccme dika nkejiokwu
5Agumagu ederede1. Igu agumagu ederedendi a hoputara.
2. Inyocha na itule agumagu ederede.
– ntoala agumagu
– usorolnhazi
– isiokwu ihe e dere.
– nkenudi
– kaasusu
– omenaala nankwenye Igbo putara ihe.
6Otu ogbo/uke Ebiri1. Ihe otu ogbo/uke/ebiri putaea.
2. Usoro esi aba n’otu ogbo.
3. Uru na oghom di n’otu ogbo.
4. Oru ya n’iwelite ma o bu n’igbochi oganiihu.
5. Onodu otu ogbo n’oge ugbu
7Ahiriokwu na nkenudi ya.1. Ihe bu ahiriokwu.
2. Udiahiriokwu e nwere:
– ahirimfe
– ahirinha
– ahiriukwe
– ahirinju
– ahiriajuju
– ahirintimiwu
– ahiriekelesu
– ahiringomss
8Echiche ndi Igbo banyere eluuwa.1. Nkowa odidi mmadu, ndiiche, mmuo na arusi.
2. Ndu na-esota onwu, ogbanje, ilo uwa na akaraogli/ofeke
3. Aha na udi chi di iche ndi Igbo nwere
4. Oru chi ndi a na-aruru ndi Igbo.
9Nsoroedide: Akara Edemede1. Mmughari akaraedemede ndi a murula.
2. Akaraedemede ndi ozo
– rikom elu
– Kpomkpom
– kpom rikom
10Nsoroedide: Akara Edemede– akara mkpu
– akara ngwu
– akara mgbodo
11Mmughari Imunwe Ihe e mere na taam 


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Igbo

 TaamTaam nke abuo
1Tensi na aspekti1. Mputara tensi
2. udi tensi dika:
– Tensi ndinaazu – Tensi ndinugbu a.
3. Mputara aspekti
4. Udi aspekti aika
– Aspekti ndieme
– Aspekti ndimecha
2Atumatuokwu asusu nka1. Mmughari atumatuokwu ufodu:
– ndika/myiri
– mburu
– mmemmadu
– nsinuda
– ogbaraokwu
2. Asusu nka ufodu dika:
– Ilu
– Ukabuilu
– Akpaalaokwu
3Echi chi na echimechi odinala II1. Mmughari echichi odinalal
2. Ikowa njirimara onye chiri echichi.
3. Uru na oghom diiri onye echiri echichi.
4. Nkwalite iche echichi ufoduna-ada ada n’ala Igbo.
5. Mgbanwe ufodu ndi batalala n’echichi odinala.
4Ogugu na aghotaazaa akwukwo dika ihe na-emeghe uzo agamnihu1. Ogugu banyere agumakwukwo dika ihe na-emeghe uzo agamnihu.
– nkowa agumakwukwo
– nkowa agamnihu
– etu agumakwuwo si ewetaagamnihu.
– oghom di n’agughi akwukwo
2. Igu na iza ajuju banyere agumakwukwo dika ihe na-emeghe uzo agamnihu.
5Ogugu na aghotaazaa agumakwukw o dika ihe naemeghe uzo agamnihu3. Uche umuakwukwo banyere ihe ha guru
6Edemede:Leta anamachoiheLeta anamachoihe dika icho oru n’ulooru govmenti ihe ndi di mkpa:
– adreesi oguu
– ekele mmeghe
– ekele mmeghe
– isiokwu leta
– ahu leta
– mmechi leta signecho na aha ode.
7Ntughari1. Nkowa ihe bu ntughari
2. Usoro e si eme ntughari
– Iji Igbo Izugbe
– Igbakwasi ukwu n’echiche karia namkpuruokwu.
3. Okwu ndi tara akpu:
– Okwu mbite
– akpaalaokwu
4. Ntughari kpomkwem.
8Mmughari Imunwe Ihe e mere na Klaasi 


Recommended Igbo Textbooks for Senior Secondary School 3

The recommended Igbo textbooks for SSS3 include but are not limited to the following:

  • Ndezu Uto Asus igbo nke ndi Sinio Sekondiri by Chinedum E. Ofomata – Format Publishers Ltd SS 1-3 
  • Igbo Izugbe maka Ule Sino Sekondiri by Jude Chijioke Okeke – Fides Media ltd 
  • Nka Edemede Igbo maka Ndi Sekondiri na Koleeji by Patty Ifeagwsie, Chinwe Okafor Mid-Field Publishers Ltd 
  • Mbem Na Egwu Igbo (Igbo Poems & Songs) by F.C Ogbalu – Varsity Publishing Co. Ltd SS 1-3 
  • Olu Umunwanyi Mba Africa by Nwaogu N. Ijeoma – Pacific Publishers Ltd SS 1-3 
  • Okacha Uto Asusu na Omenala Igbo (Lingwistiks Igbo) Maka Ule Senio Sekondiri N’Usoro Bezik Edukeshon by Chinwe Uzochukwu Okafor – Mid-Field Publishers  


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