SSS3 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work

Islamic Religious Studies (IRS) in SSS3 provides a fundamental understanding of Islam, showing students its teachings, ethics, and impact on society. It examines the Quran as the main religious text, explaining how it guides personal behavior and community life. Through studying Hadiths about the Prophet Muhammad, students learn about Islamic traditions and morals, influencing how laws are understood in Islamic communities.

Using the Lagos unified scheme of work, IRS teaches critical thinking by analyzing religious texts, solving ethical issues, and appreciating different cultures. This helps students excel in the WASSCE by testing their knowledge of Islamic beliefs and practices.

IRS also encourages tolerance and respect for different religions, promoting dialogue between faiths and peaceful coexistence in Nigeria’s diverse society. It encourages empathy and understanding among students, preparing them to be responsible global citizens who value kindness, fairness, and unity.

Assessment Guide

In SSS3 for Islamic Religious Studies in Nigeria, assessment methods include written exams covering biblical texts and doctrines, project work on themes and ethics, oral presentations on sermons or debates,, group projects analyzing narratives, and continuous assessments like quizzes and homework. 

Students also prepare for external exams such as WASSCE which comprises multiple-choice questions and essays. These methods aim to evaluate knowledge, critical thinking, and application of Islamic teachings in practical and theoretical contexts.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Islamic Religious Studies

 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 SubjectIslamic Religious Studies
 TermFirst Term
1Sirah Briefly History of Uthman Dan FodioExplain the life history of Uthman Dan Fodio.
2Hadith1. Introduction to An-Nawawis collections.
– An-Nawawis 6
– An-Nawawis 7
-An-Nawawis 8
– An-Nawawis 9
– An-Nawawis 22
– An-Nawawis 23
– An-Nawawis 25
– An-Nawawis 26
– An-Nawawis 27.
3Islamic moral education kindness to parentsSelected topics in Islamic moral education:
-kindness to parents.
-honesty in words and deeds.
4Moral education modesty in dressing, behaviour and trust1. Selected topics in Islamic moral education modesty in dressing, behaviour, and trust.
2. Leadership
3. Followership and justice
5Sirah Islamic moral education on perseverancePerseverance
6Tawhid and fiqh right and duties of husbands and wives Nikah (marriage).Rights and duties of husbands and wives.
7NikhaThe status of women in Islam:
-polygamy and its rules.
8Nikkah Talaq (divorce)Talaq:
-Islamic attitudes toward it.
-custody of children.
9Quran Surat Nasir and Nas1. Reading in Arabic translation and brief commentary on the following chapters of the Quran.
2. Suratul-Nasir and Nas.
10Quran Surat Nasir and NasReading in Arabic, translation and brief commentary on the chapters of the Quran Surat Ikhlas.


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Islamic Religious Studies

 TermSecond Term
1Qur’anRevision: 1. Reading in Arabic, translation, and brief commentary on the following chapters of the Qur’an:
-Suratil Nasr
-Suratil Lahab
-Suratil Ikhlas
-Suratil Falaq
-Suratil Nas.
2HadithIntroduction of anNawawis collection:
-An-Nawawis 32
-An-Nawawis 34
-An-Nawawis 35
-An-Nawawis 38
-An-Nawawis 41
3Mikkah (marriage)1. Rights and duties of husbands and wives.
4Islamic moral education1. Selected topics in Islamic moral education: kindness to parents.
2. Honesty in words and deeds.
5Islamic moral education1. Selected topic in Islamic moral education
-unity and brotherhood.
-religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
-enjoying what is righteous and forbidding what is evil.
6Islamic moral education1. Personal hyglene and environmental sanitation.
2. Danger of smoking.
7Islamic moral education1. Prohibition of bribery, corruption and stealing.
2. Prohibition of gambling intoxicants and drug abuse.
8Quran and HadithRevision: reading and translation of all suwar and hadith
9Revision and Examination 



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