SSS3 Store Keeping Scheme of Work

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About SSS3 Store Keeping Scheme of Work

Storekeeping is a vital part of business management taught to Senior Secondary School students in Nigeria. It involves the organized handling and tracking of goods within a business, starting from when they are acquired until they are used or sold.

Learning Store keeping using the Lagos state unified scheme of work is crucial for WASSCE because it teaches students important skills like how to store goods properly and how to manage inventory efficiently. These skills are not only useful for exams but also for real-life situations where keeping track of goods is important for a business to run smoothly.

Studying storekeeping in SSS3 gives students practical knowledge that can be applied in many different industries, such as retail, manufacturing, healthcare, and hospitality. They also get to learn about inventory management software and systems, which can prepare them for future careers in business management, logistics, or even starting their own businesses.

For WASSCE exams, storekeeping isn’t just about theory. Students have to show they understand how to manage inventory effectively, and this understanding is achieved when the study is done using the Lagos state unified scheme of work. This includes analyzing data about inventory, making decisions about when to reorder goods, and understanding how these decisions affect a company’s finances.

Assessment Guide

Store Keeping in SSS3 focuses on theoretical understanding and practical skills in managing inventory, stock control, and documentation. WASSCE assessments evaluate students’ ability to apply store management principles, solve problems, and communicate effectively. Emphasis is placed on ethical considerations and the use of technology, preparing students for careers in business administration and supply chain management.

SSS3 First Term Scheme of Work for Store Keeping

 Store Keeping Scheme of Work for Senior Secondary Schools 3(SSS3)
 ClassS.S.S 3
 SubjectStore Keeping
 TermFirst Term
1Role and qualification of a store keeper.Roles:
– receiving goods, storing and issuing equipment, materials, merchandise, etc in the store when required.
– counts, grades, or weigh articles, stores, supplies in bins on floors, or on shares depending on the nature of the articles for convenient removal, etc.
2Qualifications of a storekeeperQualification required for a position in store keeping e.g.
– Store keeper requires a senior secondary school certificate (SSCE).
3Duties and responsibilities of a store keeper.Duties and responsibilities.
– Record keeping care.
– Issues of supplies in a store room
4Skills needed for store keeping.Skills
– Numerical
– Administrative.
– Computer etc.
5Handling of equipment and facilities.Care of storage facilities.
6Appropriate storage facilities.Uses of storage equipment.
7Terminologies in store keeping.Terminologies.
– Stock out.
– Lead time.
– Record level.
– Maximum level
– Minimum level.
– Economic order quality (EOQ) etc.
8Warehousing project.1. Selection of goods.
2. Selection of warehousing method.
9Preparation of warehousing documentsWarehousing documents.
10Electronic warehousing (ehousing).E-inventory.


SSS3 Second Term Scheme of Work for Store Keeping

 TermSecond Term
1Introduction to requisitioning.1. Definition of requisitioning.
2. Importance of requisitioning.
2Requisitioning procedureProcedures for requisitioning:
– presentation of materials requisition/issues notes etc.
3Documents for requisitioningRequisition document.
5Trend in requisitioning meaning.Definition of trend in requisitioning.
6Trends in requisitioningTrends in requisitioning
7Idea generation and incubation.Idea generation and incubation.
8Feasibility studiesFeasibility studies
9Revision and Examination 



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