WAEC Civic Education Syllabus

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Writing Civic Education in WAEC Exams

Civic Education is one of the four compulsory subjects in every WAEC exam. The exam covers a range of topics related to citizenship, governance, rights and responsibilities, civic participation, and social issues so it’s important you have basic knowledge of these topics.

Marking Guide

The Civic Education exam will have two papers; Paper 1 and Paper 2. oth will be in a composite paper and will be written in a sitting.

Paper 1: This will be a 1-hour multiple-choice test consisting of fifty questions drawn from the entire syllabus and will carry 40 marks.

Paper 2: This paper will be a 2-hour essay-type test consisting of three sections: Sections A, B, and C. Each section shall contain three questions. Candidates must answer four questions choosing at least one from each Section. The paper will carry 60 marks.

The sections shall cover the following areas of the syllabus:

Section A: National ethics, discipline, rights and obligation

Section B: Emerging Issues in the society

Section C: Governmental system and processes

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Civic Education Syllabus for WAEC Exams

1Values1) Definition,
2) Types,
3) Importance of values to the society.
2Citizenship and Nationalism1) meaning of citizenship;
2) meaning of citizenship education;
3) goals of citizenship education;
4) duties and obligations of citizens;
5) meaning of nationalism;
6) ways of promoting national consciousness, integrity and unity in the society;
7) the nationalistic roles of individual and groups;
8) identification of local and world civic problems.
3Human Rights1) meaning of human rights;
2) categories of human rights;
3) characteristics of human rights;
4) meaning and historical background of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR);
5) meaning and identification of the seven core freedoms of UDHR;
6) importance of UDHR;
7) roles of individual, groups and government in UDHR;
8) limitations to the exercise of human rights.
4Law and Order1) definition of Law and Order;
2) features of Law and Order;
3) importance of Law and Order in the society;
4) meaning of constituted authority;
5) types of constituted authority;
6) importance and roles of constituted authority.
5Responsible Parenthood1) meaning of responsible parenthood;
2) roles of responsible parents;
3) importance of responsible parenthood in national development.
6Traffic Regulations1) meaning of traffic regulations;
2) traffic regulation and its importance in the society;
3) the roles of the individual and government in maintaining traffic regulations.
7Inter- Personal Relationships1) meaning of inter-personal relationships;
2) types of interpersonal relationships;
3) skills that promotes interpersonal relationships;
4) meaning of inter communal relationships;
5) importance of inter communal relationships;
6) meaning of inter-communal conflicts.
7) skills for resolving inter-communal conflicts.
8Cultism1) meaning and origin of cultism;
2) different cult groups in Nigeria and their symbols;
3) reasons for cultism;
4) consequences of cultism;
5) ways of preventing cultism in the society.
9Drugs and Drug Abuse1) meaning of drug abuse;
2) drugs that can be abused;
3) how drugs are abused;
4) symptoms of drug abuse;
5) behaviours of drug addicts;
6) ways of preventing drug abuse;
7) government agencies working to prevent drug abuse/trafficking and their activities;
8) laws against drug abuse.
10Human Trafficking1) meaning of human trafficking;
2) causes of human trafficking;
3) effects and consequences of human trafficking;
4) efforts of government and individuals in stopping human trafficking.
11Hiv/Aids1) meaning of HIV/AIDS;
2) causes of HIV/AIDS;
3) symptoms and effects of HIV/AIDS;
4) prevention of HIV/AIDS;
5) stigmatization of people living with HIV/AIDS.
12Youth Empowerment1) meaning of youth empowerment;
2) youth empowerment skills;
3) importance and benefits of youth empowerment skills.
4) efforts of government towards youth empowerment.
13Structure and Functions of Government1) meaning of government;
2) structure/tiers of government;
3) functions of government.
14Democracy, Rule of Law and National Development1) meaning, types, and features of democracy;
2) importance of democracy;
3) pillars of democracy;
4) problems of democracy;
5) meaning of rule of law;
6) features of rule of law;
7) importance of rule of law;
8) problems of rule of law;
9) meaning of national development;
10) how democracy and Rule of law promote national development- good governance, employment creation and poverty alleviation etc.
15Political Apathy1) meaning of political apathy;
2) causes of political apathy;
3) consequences of political apathy;
4) why leaders fail to protect the interests of their followers;
5) how leaders can protect the interests of their followers;
6) ways of discouraging political apathy.
16Civil Society and Popular Participation1) meaning of popular participation;
2) types of popular participation;
3) the need for popular participation in the society;
4) traditional and modern modes of popular participation;
5) achieving popular participation in politics;
6) meaning of civil society;
7) functions / need for civil society;
8) qualities / characteristics of civil society; i.e. accountability, fairness, justice, equity etc.
9) problems of civil society; i.e. bribery and corruption, inadequate funding, over bearing influence of foreign donors etc.
17Public Service in Democracy1) meaning of public service;
2) functions of public service;
3) problems of public service;
4) reasons for the shortcomings in the public service;
5) ways of improving the public service.

Recommended WAEC Civic EducationTextbooks

  1. ADAMOLEKUN, L.Politics and Administration in Nigeria. Ibadan: Spectrum Books Ltd, 1986.
  2. ADEBAYO, A.Principles and Practice of Public Administration in Nigeria. Ibadan: Spectrum Books Ltd, 2000.
  3. ANIFOWOSE, R. & F. ENEMUO (eds)Elements of Politics. Lagos: Sam Iroanusi Publications, 1999
  4. APPADORAI A.The Substance of Politics, Eleventh Edition. Madras: Oxford University Press, 1975.
  5. BANJI, K. Citizenship Education. Lagos: Dedun Educational Books, 1976.
  6. FGN 1999 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria as Amended. Abuja: Federal Government Press, 2011.
  7. LEAP AFRICA. Rage for Change, a Guide for Young Nigerians who Desire to Make a Difference. Lagos: Leap Africa, 2008.
  8. MENEKE, O.A. and NWEBO, I. Milestone Comprehensive Civic Education for Senior Secondary Schools, Books 1 & 2. Owerri: Milestone Publishers Limited, 2012.
  9. NWAUBANI, O.O. Citizenship Education and Nigerian Culture. Lagos: T-Excel Publishers, 2000.
  10. OGUNBAMERUN, O.A. Reading on Campus Secret Acts. Ile-ife: O.A.U Press Ltd, 1997.
  11. OKUNLOYE, R.W., et al. Civic Education for Senior Secondary, Books 1, 2 & 3, UBE Edition. Lagos: Learn Africa PLC, 2011.
  12. OLURODE, L. & O. SOYOMBO (eds). Readings in Campus Violence. Lagos: John West Publications Ltd, 2004.
  13. ONI, E.O., et al. Straight-Gate Civic Education for Senior Secondary Schools, Books 1 & 2. Ibadan: Straight-Gate Publishers Ltd, 2012.
  14. OYEDIRAN, O., et al. Government For Senior Secondary Schools. Lagos: Longman Nig Ltd, 1990.
  15. OYEDIRAN, O. Introduction to Political Science. Ibadan: Oyediran Consults International, 1998.
  16. TANYA, R.H. HIV/AIDS: Hope in the Midst of Despair. Lagos: Megarona (West Africa) Ltd, 2005.
  17. UKEGBU, M.N., et al. Basic Civic Education for Senior Secondary Schools, SS 2. Owerri: Maybiks Nigeria Publisher.
  18. UNO. Human Right: the International Bill of Human Rights. New York: United Nations Organization, 1993
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Frequently Asked Questions About WAEC Civic Education Exam

What is the allocated time for the WAEC Civic Education Exam?

The entire exam will last for 3 hours. 1 hour for Paper 1 and 2 hours for Paper 2.

How to study Civic Education for WAEC?

Practice! Practice!! and practice!!! Study past questions. Read the syllabus thoroughly before the exams, study with your peers, and tutorial centres also help.

Should I do Civic Education in my WAEC Exams?

You don’t have a choice as Civic Education is one of the four compulsory subjects in WAEC.

How many questions are in WAEC Civic Education?

In all, you will be asked to answer 50 objective questions in Paper 1 and four theory questions from either of the four sections in paper 2.

What are the main topics for Civic Education in WAEC?

All the topics in the syllabus above are important as your questions can come from either of them.

The recommended WAEC Civic Education Textbooks are listed on the top page of this article. Some of them include:

-Principles and Practice of Public Administration in Nigeria

-Politics and Administration in Nigeria.

A full list of the textbooks is listed above.

Are there any tips for passing?

Start studying early enough. Avoid last-minute reading at all costs. Try practising time management before the exams. Endeavour to study past questions as often as possible and get a goodnight rest a day for your exam. Goodluck!


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