WAEC Data Processing Syllabus

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Writing Data Processing in WAEC Exams

Hi there! Will you be writing Data Processing in the upcoming WAEC examinations? Then you should see this.

This syllabus is a must-read for you as it exposes you to all the topics you should focus more on in Data Processing so you can have an A or B in your exams.

Data Processing is one of the four important subjects for WAEC candidates so you must score at least a C in it. The data processing exam aims to test your: 

i. Acquisition of basic skills in data processing and management.

ii. Level of competence in ICT applications that will promote the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for everyday living in the global world;

iii. Knowledge in the application of ICT in facilitating business transactions and education;

iv. Preparedness for further studies in Data Processing and Management.

If you’ll be writing Data Processing in WAEC, then do yourself a favour; download and study this syllabus. Get yourself a past questions booklet and practice daily for guaranteed success.

Marking Guide

There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2 both of which shall be taken as a composite paper at one sitting.

PAPER 1: will consist of 40 multiple-choice objective questions, all of which are to be answered in 1 hour for 40 marks.

PAPER 2: will consist of two sections: Sections A and B.

Candidates will be required to answer five questions in all.

Section A: will consist of four essay questions. Candidates will be required to answer any three in 1 hour for 30 marks.

Section B: will be a test of practical work. It shall consist of two compulsory essay questions to be answered in 1 hour for 40marks.

Data Processing Syllabus for WAEC Exams

1INFORMATION AGEi. Computing devices.

ii. Concept of Number system in computing.

iii. Generations of Computer: first, second, third, fourth, fifth generations of computer.
2DATA AND INFORMATIONi. Definition of data and information.

ii. Types of Data.

iii. Ways of handling Data.

iv. Definition of Data.

v. Digitalization.

– Classification of computers
i. Classify computers by: Type, Size, Usage.
4APPLICATION OF ICT IN EVERYDAY LIFEi. Uses of ICT in everyday activities.

ii. Impact of ICT in the society.

ii. Output Devices.

iii. System Unit.

iv. Storage Devices

– The art of information processing
i. Definition of Information Processing.

ii. Steps involved in Information Processing

– Process of information transmission
i. Definition of information transmission.

ii. Methods of transmitting information.
8MEDIUM OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSIONi. Types of Information Transmission.

ii. Classification of means of transmission
9NETWORKINGi. Meaning of Networking, Internet and Intranet.

ii. Types of Networking
10INTERNETi. Definition of Internet.

ii. Benefits of Internet

iii. Internet browsers

iv. Internet security

v. Abuse of the Internet

– Operating system
i. Definition of Operating System.

ii. Types of Operating Systems.

iii. Examples of Operating Systems.

iv. Functions of Operating System.
12WORD PROCESSINGi. Definition of Word Processing.

ii. Uses of Word Processing

iii. Examples of word Processing software.

iv. Starting, loading and exiting word processing

v. Creating, saving and retrieving documents
13SPREAD SHEETi. Definition.

ii. Uses.

iii. Examples of Spreadsheet Applications.

iv. Loading and exiting spreadsheets.

v. Creating, saving and retrieving Spreadsheet files.

ii. Uses.

iii. Examples of Database Applications.

iv. Loading and exiting DBMS.

v. Creating, saving and retrieving database files.
15PRESENTATION PACKAGESi. Definition, uses examples.

ii. Loading and exiting Presentation programs.

iii. Creating, saving and retrieving presentation files.

ii. Uses.

iii. Components.

iv. Examples.
17GRAPHIC PACKAGESi. Definition.

ii. Uses of Graphic software packages.

iii. Examples of graphic packages.

ii. Battery Charging and replacement for portable systems and UPS.

iii. DVD drive lens cleaning.

iv. Details of Hardware maintenance.

v. Details of Software maintenance.

vi. Computer crash and data recovery.
19COMPUTER ETHICSi. Computer room management ethics.

ii. Laboratory rules and regulations.
20SAFETY MEASURESi. The sitting arrangement.

ii. Positioning of the monitor, keyboard, CPU, mouse and any other peripheral devices.

iii. Illuminating the computer room.

iv. Maintaining a dust-free environment.

v. Keep liquid away from the computer room.

ii. Qualities of a good data processing professional.

iii. Computer professional bodies.
22COMPUTER VIRUSi. Definition.

ii. Types/Examples.

iii. Sources.

iv. Signals of virus warning

v. Virus prevention, detection and deletion

– Relational Model
i. Database and table creation using application packages.

ii. Creating relationships between tables

iii. Creation of forms, queries and report
24FILE ORGANIZATIONi. Definition of File organization.

ii. Types of File organization
25DATABASE SECURITYi. Concept of data security, access control and data encryption.

ii. Role of a database administrator.
26PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTION DATABASEi. Basic concept of parallel and distributed database.

ii. Storing data in a distributed database (DBM)
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Frequently Asked Questions About WAEC Data Processing Exam

How long is the WAEC DATA Processing exam?

The duration of the WAEC DATA Processing exam is usually 2 hours and 30 minutes. You will have to write papers 1 and 2 within the stipulated time.


What type of questions can I expect in the exam?

The exam includes multiple-choice objective questions and theory questions that will test your understanding of the subject.


What type of questions can I expect in the exam?

The exam includes multiple-choice objective questions and theory questions that will test your understanding of the subject.


Are calculators allowed in the exam?

If there is a need for a calculator, then yes, you will be given an official calculator by the West African Examination Council(WAEC). This is the only calculator you are expected to use during the exam.


How should I manage my time during the exam?

Time management is a very important skill for every exam. To manage time well, ensure you do not spend so much time on a particular question. Once you’re not sure of a question, leave it and answer others then come back to review and cross-check your work 


What happens if I don't understand a question?

If you’re unsure about a question, skip it and move on to other questions you understand and can answer. Then come back to those you don’t understand and think about it some more. Don’t spend too much time on a question that is confusing you. It’s better to focus on questions that you are more confident about.


What topics are usually covered in the WAEC DATA Processing exam?

Some topics you could see in your exams include the Internet, Networking, Components of Computers, Data and Information, etc. A full list of all the topics in the syllabus can be seen above.



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