WAEC Marketing Syllabus

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Writing Marketing in WAEC Exams

The WAEC Marketing syllabus is a must-have for students who have chosen Marketing as one of their WAEC subjects. Marketing is key for anyone interested in careers in business, advertising, and sales.

Think of this syllabus as your guide to what you need to know for the exam. It lays out all the topics you will cover, so you know exactly what to study.

By going through the syllabus, you can focus on the important areas and not miss any key points. If you also practice past questions, you’ll get an idea of the exam format and types of questions asked.

Regularly reviewing the syllabus and practicing will make you more confident on exam day. Goodluck!

Marking Guide

There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which will constitute a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1: will consist of forty multiple-choice objective questions which will cover the entire syllabus. Candidates are expected to answer all the questions in 50 minutes for 40 marks.

PAPER 2: will be a 2-hour paper consisting of six essay questions, out of which candidates will be expected to answer any four for 80 marks.

Marketing Syllabus for WAEC Exams


(b) Explanation of basic terms in marketing: needs, wants, demands, product, exchange, transactions, and markets,

(c) Brief history of marketing in Nigeria;

(d) Functions of marketing

(b) Various marketing concepts (production, product, selling, marketing and societal marketing).

(b) Elements (4 Ps);

(c)i Explain Marketing Environment
ii Factors affecting marketing environment:
– political;
– cultural;
– religious;
– economic;
– technological;
– social.
4PRODUCTS(a) Meaning;

(b) Classification (Industrial goods, consumer goods, services, primary and secondary products and mineral products-oil and non oil;

(c) Distinctions between classes of products.

(d) Product Design*
(a) Meaning;

(b) Classification: – Consumer; – Organization (industrial, reseller and government)

(b) Influencing factors;

(c) Decision process in logical order
7MARKETING PLANNING AND RESEARCH(a)i Meaning, process and importance;

ii Elements of marketing planning;

iii Information required for marketing planning

(b) Reasons for marketing planning and research.

(c) Utilization of feedback
8PRICING(a) Meaning;

(b)i Strategies (haggling, cost-plus, demand and competition);

ii Application of strategies*

(c) Price determinants.
9ADVERTISING(a) Definition;

(b) Functions;

(c) Media – meaning, types, advantages and disadvantages.

(d) Production of sample adverts*
10SALES PROMOTION(a) Meaning and Functions;

(b) Forms – price-off, coupons, salesmen competition, loyalty schemes, premium offers, trade-in-allowance, sampling, training schemes, and merchandising incentives.

(b) Elements (packaging, branding and labeling)

(C) Influencing factors;

(d) Functions
12DISTRIBUTION(a) Definition;

(b) Channels of distribution (definition and types)

(c) Factors influencing choice of distribution channels

(d) Functions of channel members.
13TRANSPORTATION(a) Meaning, mode, choice and importance;

(b) Documents used in transportation;

(c) Factors affecting choice of transportation
14WAREHOUSING(a) Meaning, types and functions.

(b) Activities in the warehouse
15MARKET UNIONS(a) Market Unions (Meaning and types)

(b) Roles of Market Unions in local markets;

(c) Market Facilitators – meaning, types and roles.
16INTERNATIONAL MARKETING(a) Meaning, importance/reasons and methods of engaging in international marketing,

(b) Influencing factors;

(c) Guiding rules and regulations;
17ICT IN MARKETING(a) E-Marketing (electronic marketing)
– meaning, ,importance, uses, ethics and abuses.
18ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN MARKETING(a) Meaning of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur;

(b) Sources of funds;

(c) Factors affecting location of a market outlet;

(d) Management of market outlets – purchase and supply of goods and services;

(e) Selling and bargaining skills;
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Recommended WAEC Marketing Textbooks

Fundamentals of Marketing by O.O. Shokan – MAM Education Limited, Lagos.

Commerce Textbook by G.A. Saka and Nnabuko J.O. – Emiola Publisher Ltd

Marketing in Nigeria: Concepts, Principles and Decisions, 2nd Edition by B.A. Agbonifoh, O.E Ogwo, D.A. Nnolim, and A.D. Nkamnebe, (2007). – Afritowers Limited Publisher.

Frequently Asked Questions About WAEC Marketing Exam

What are some topics covered in the WAEC Marketing syllabus?

Some of topics include: Introduction to Marketing, Marketing Planning and Research, Sales Promotion, Marketing Mix and Marketing Environment, etc.


How many sections are there in the WAEC Marketing exam, and what do they entail?

The WAEC Marketing exam typically consists of two sections: Objective Questions (multiple-choice) and Essay Questions. The objective section tests your general understanding, while the essay section requires detailed written responses.


Yes, a full list of recommended textbooks can be seen above. 


What types of questions are commonly asked in the WAEC Marketing exam?

Common questions include defining marketing terms, explaining marketing concepts, analyzing case studies, developing marketing strategies, and solving practical marketing problems.


How can I improve my score in the objective section of the exam?

Continuous practice is the key. Practice solving objective questions from your past questions to familiarize yourself with the question format.


What happens if I don't understand a question?

If you’re unsure about a question, skip it and move on to other questions you understand and can answer. Then come back to those you don’t understand and think about it some more. Don’t spend too much time on a question that is confusing you. It’s better to focus on questions that you are more confident about.


How long should I spend on each question?

As a general rule, you should spend no more than 3 minutes on each question. However, it’s important to keep an eye on the clock and make sure you’re spending an appropriate amount of time on each question. You don’t want to rush through and make careless mistakes!



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