Primary 1 Basic Science & Technology Scheme of Work

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About Basic Science & Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Basic Science and Technology is Divided into Three Categories: Basic Science, Information Technology (IT), and Physical and Health Education (PHE). The Primary 1 Basic Science and Technology will serve as an introductory class to the Pupils. It will introduce concepts related to Life Science( Living Things, animals and our bodies) and Physical Sciences( energy, Sound, light and simple Machines).

The Sub-categories: Basic Science, IT and PHE for this class will focus on the following;

Basic Science will introduce the pupils to living and non-living things, energy, water, light, colour, etc. This category makes them conversant with their environment, as well as study their environment about what they are taught in the class.

Information Technology class will expose the pupils to the part of the computer, how to start a computer, introduce them to what a computer room looks like, and also simple basic machines. This category will expose them to the tech world.

Physical and Health Education, this category, will introduce them to movement, games, rules in games, and personal hygiene.

All the categories in Basic Science and technology should be properly demonstrated to the pupils as this subject involves a practical and interactive class to enhance proper understanding of what is being taught. 

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Primary 1 Scheme of Work for Basic Science & Technology

 Basic Science & Technology Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 1
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTBasic Science & Technology
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1(Basic Science)LIVING THINGS
-Meaning of living things x thing things in the school
-Living things in the school environment.
By the end of the lesson„ pupils should be able to:
i. Explain living things as things that have can bmathe, cat, move,
reproduce etc.;
ii. analyse examples of living thing;
iii. Identify living things in school environment.
-What is a computer.
– Use of computer in a society.
By the end ofthe lesson„ pupils should be able to:
i. Define a computer
ii. outline the use of the computer in various aspect of the society.
(PHE)Movement: Movement of our body part.By the end of the lesson, pupils sould be able to
i. Demostate correct patern in movement e.g leaping, hopping, running,
stepping etc.
ii. perform basic manipulative movement e.g catching of objects,
throwing of objects, striking of objects.
iii. Identify the safety rules in walking, kicking, pushing, jogging etc.
2(Basic Science)LIVING THINGS IIBy the end of the lesson. pupils be able to:
i. explain things that are living things,
ii. mention living things at home.
ii. evaluate characteristics of living things at home;
(PHE)Moving our body partsBy the end of the lesson. pupils should be able to;
i. Describe the correct patterns of movement e.g leaping, hopping,
running, stepping etc.
ii. Demonstrate different patterns of movement. Leaping, hopping,
running, stepping.
iii. state the basic pattern in movement.
3 (Basic Science)NON-LIVING THINGS
-Meaning of non-living things
-Non-living things in the classroom.
-Non-livimg things at home.
By the end of the lesson. pupils should be able to;
i. describe non-living things as things that has no life:
they do not breath, move, eat or reproduce;
ii. mention examples of non-living things in the school;
iii. identify non-living things at home;
iv. analyze the reason non living things at home and in school cannot eat,
breath, reproduce or move.
-Description of part of the computer
By the end of the lesson. pupils should be able to;
i. recognize and name the various part of the computer.
(PHE)MOVEMENT:(Throwing)By the end of the lesson. pupils should be able to;
i. demostrate the throwing of an object correctly;
ii. identify the safety rules of throwing of objects,e.g balls
4(Basic Science)ENERGY I: Meaning and uses of energy.By the end of the lesson. pupils should be able to;
i. explain the meaning of energy;
ii. list things energy can be used for;
iii. describe types of energy.
(PHE)Movement CatchingBy the end of the lessson, pupils should be able to:
i. Describe the monitor and mouse.
ii. Outline the functions of monitor and mouse.
5(Basic Science)Energy Il
Sources of energy;
By the end of the lessson, pupils should be able to:
i.Explain energy,
ii.List the source of energy;
iii. explain the uses energy.
5-6(IT)Parts of a computer
By the end of the lessson, pupils should be able to:
i. Describe the monitor and mouse.
ii. Outline the functions of monitor and mouse.
(PHE)SafetyBy the end ofthe lesson pupils shouldbe able to;
i. explain safety rules in movement
ii. describe basic rules in manipulative movement eg. catching, throwing
and striking.
iii. identify the rules on playground.
6(Basic Science)Energy III
Energy Transformation
By the end of the lesson„ pupils should be able to:
I. explain energy transformation;
ii. analyse examples of energy transformation;
iii. demonstrate how to transfer energy:
iv. appraise enery transformations in their daily acüvities.
(PHE)Sport and Game AthleticsBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. explain the meaning of athletics;
ii. describe short distance races athletics;
iii. demonstrate concept of short distance races in athletics
50m dash;
iv. state the health benefits of short distance races (running).
8(Basic Science)Energy IV
-Light energy sources;
-Natural sources of light;
-Artificial sources of light.
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. explain the meaning of light;
ii. discuss the natural sources of light;
iii. analyse artificial sources of light
iv. assess the importance of artificial and natural light in their
(IT)KEYBOARDBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i.Outline the basic functions of the keyboard.
ii.Recognize the major keys on the keyboard.
(PHE)Sports and Games AthleticsBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. state the type of long distance race;
ii. demonstrate long distance race;
iii. describe the basic activity in long distance race;
iv. identify the safety rule in a long distance race.
9(Basic Science)Water
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. define the word water;
ii. describe water;
iii. distinguish between water and other liquids.
(PHE)Athletics JumpBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. Difine simple jumps
ii. perform simple athletic activities
iii. state the safety rules in jumping.
10(Basic Science)Water
-Uses of Water
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. identify the composition of water;
ii. describe the properties of water;
iii. mention the uses of water to living things; plants, animals etc.
(IT)CPUBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. describe the functions of CPU.

Primary 1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Basic Science & Technology

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTBasic Science and Technology
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1(Basic Science)Reading test/revision of last term work 
(IT)Reading test/revision of last term work 
(PHE)Reading test/revision of last term work 
2(Basic Science)Existence of Air & creation of air.By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
i. demonstrate that air exists;
ii. create air current by blowing with the mouth or using paper fan;
iii. demonstrate the importance of air to living thing.
(IT)Parts of a computer (peripherals).
-Printer & scanner
-Hard disk
-Flash drive
-OTG &USB cable
-RAM &ROM etc.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Identify and describe the other parts of a computer.
ii. State the functions of the other parts of the computer.
-Local games
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. demonstrate the skills in local games;
ii. perform some local games such as:
-Fire on the mountain
-Who is in the garden
iii. Perform some basic skills in ball games e.g kicking.
3(Basic Science)Demonstrating air in spaceBy the end ofthe lesson ,pupils should be able to
i. demonstrate that air occupies space;
ii. discover that air exerts pressure.
(IT)Starting -up of a computer
-From power source to power button
By the end ofthe lesson ,pupils should be able to;
i. Repeat the starting – up procedure of a computer.
(PHE)Games Basic skills in Ball GamesBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. identify the basic skills in football (Soccer),
ii. demonstrate the basic skill in ball games,
iii. perform kicking in football perfectly, –
iv. safety rules in ball games.
4(Basic Science)SoilBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Discover soil as other part of the surrounding;
ii. Define soil;
iii. Uses of soil.
(IT)Starting— up of a computer
-From power source to power button
By the end ofthe lesson ,pupils should be able to:
i. Repeat the starting — up proedure of a computer.
(PHE)Safety rules in Footbal gamesAt the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. explain the safety rule in ball
ii. state the safety rules in ball games,
iii. explain why safety rules are necessary in ball games.
5(Basic Science)Soil
-Things found in the soil
-Importance of soil
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Mention things in the soil as air, water, and living things;
ii. state the uses of soil to plant;
iii. identify the uses of soil to man and animals.
(IT)Basic safety for computersBy the end ofthe lesson ,pupils should be able to:
i. Outline the basic safety procedures of a computer
(PHE)Safety rules in football gamesBy the end ofthe lesson pupils should be able to:
i. explain the safety rule in ball games,
ii. state the safety rules in ball games,
iii. explain why safety rules are necessary in ball games.
6(Basic Science)Light Energy, uses of light and colourBy the end of the lesson„ pupils should be able to:
identify the various uses of li#
lt explain the importance of colour
x appraise the connection betv,reen lightand colour
(IT)Computer room
-Uses of a computer room
By the end ofthe lesson ,pupils should be able to:
i.Define a computer room
ii. Outline uses of a computer room
(PHE)Swimming(Aquatic)By the end ofthe lesson pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of swimming (Aquatic),
ii. state the skills of swimming (Aquatic),
iii. demonstate the coming In and out of water;
iv. perform face float and turtle float.
-Colors of objects.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. explore and identify different colours;
ii. search for and collect materials of different colours;
iii)draw objects and use different colours to paint them.
8-9(IT)Computer room
-Activities in a computer room x
-Things found in a computer room
By end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to:
i.Articulate activities in a computer room
ii. Outline things found in a computer room.
(PHE)Safety rules in swimmingBy end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. explain the safety rules in swimming
ii. the safety rules of swimming
iii. mention the benefits of swimming
-Road traffic light signs.
By the end of the lesson„ pupils should be able to:
i. analyse road traffic signs;
ii. state the function of each road traffic light signs;
iii. explain roadway signs.
iv. appraise the importance of road signs.
10(Basic Science)COLOUR
Road markings
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
i) identify the colours used in road markings and traffic signs;
ii. state the functions of road traffic signs.
iii. interpret the road traffic signs
(IT)Basic Safety for computer roomBy the end ofthe lesson ,pupils should be able to:
i. Outline the basic safety procedures of a computer room.

Primary 1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Basic Science & Technology

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTBasic Science and Technology
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1(Basic Science)Readiness test & revision of 2nd term work 
(IT)Revision of Last Term’s work 
(PHE)Health and hygieneBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. explain how to wash hands properly,
ii. demonstrate how to bath;
iii. describe how to care for the skin correctly.
2(Basic Science)Simple machine
-Definition of simple machine
-Example of simple machines
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. define simple machines;
ii. name examples of simple machines;
iii. classify simple machine used at school and at home;
iv. analyse the importance of simple machlnes.
-Meaning of booting
-Ways of booting
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. explain booting
ii. outline and explain ways of booting.
(PHE)TEETH BRUSHINGBy the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be ablé to;
i. list the items use in cleaning the mouth;
ii. demonstrate how to brush the teeth correctly;
iii. explain why it is necessary for us to brush our teeth.
3(Basic Science)Simple Machine
-The Safe use of simple machine
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. cxplain how to safety use simple machines;
ii. demonstrate the use of simple machines in a safe way;
iii. analyse the dangers of not being precautious when using simple
(PHE)Care of the Nails and HairBy the end of the lesson pupil should able to:
i. describe how to cut our nails;
ii. mention ways of maintaining the hair;
iii. describe the materials use in maintaining hair.
4(Basic Science)Concept of technology
-Meaning and benefit
By the of the lesson. pupils should be able to.
i. explain the meaning of technology
ii. state the benefit of technology;
iii. describe how things are done before and now.
4-5(IT)Steps of booting
-Warm booting
-Cold booting
By the end of the lesson pupil should able to:
i. carry our the two steps
(PHE)CleanlinessBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. mention the benefits of cleaning our body;
ii. explain the benefits of cleaning our body.
5(Basic Science)Technology in home :
– Electric Gadget
By the end of the lesson. pupils should be able to:
i. explain what electricity is;
ii. identify some appliances that use electricity.
iii. create electrical gadget e.g toy car, torch light using battery etc.
(PHE)First AidBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. explain the meaning of first aid;
ii. explain who is a first aider;
iii. way how to become a first aider.
6(Basic Science)Technology in Transportation: Land, Air
(vehicle, train, airplane)
By end of the lesson, pupils should able to:
i. compare old means of transportation and the new one;
ii. mention means of transportation by land;
iii. analyze transportation by air;
iv. contrast between transportation by air and transportation by land.
(IT)My desktop
-Start menu
-Desktop background
-Icons etc.
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. identify the various featres on the desktop;
ii. differentiate between features of desktop.
(PHE)First AidBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. state the basic objective First Aid;
ii. list the content of First Aid;
iii. identify the content in First.
8(Basic Science)Transportation: WaterBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i) explain modes of transportation by water e.g yatch, ship, submarine
ii. analyse the advantages of transportation by water.
iii. mention the disadvantages of water transportation.
(IT)My desktop
-Start menu
-Desktop background
-Icons etc
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. identify the various features on the desktop;
ii. differentiate between features of desktop.
8-9(PHE)Content of First AidBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. list the content of first Aid Box;
ii. explain the use of each content in First Aid Box.
iii. make their own First Aid Box;
iv. demonstrate how a first Aid works.
i.Things in the classroom
ii.Things around the school and at home.
By thc end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. observe and identify things in the classroom;
ii. idcntify things around the school and mention things at home:
iii. analyze things at home.
9-10(IT)Personalizing my computer
-Time and date settings etc.
By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. experiment the various ways of personalizing your desktop using
available theme. wallpaper etc.
i. type of road within and outside the school;
ii. functions of each road
By the end of the lesson. pupils should be able to:
i. analse types of road around the school;
ii. classify type of roads outside the school;
iii explain the functions of roads.
10-11(PHE)Benefit of first aidBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. list the benefit of first aid;
ii. explain the benefit of first aid treatment;
iii. identify First Aid Contents
-Walking along the roads and crossing the roads
-Traflic light signs
By the end of the lesson„ pupils should be able to:
i. demonstrate the right and wrong way of walking on the road;
ii. what to do (rules) when crossing the roads;
iii. identify the traffic light signs.

Recommended Basic Science & Technology Textbooks for Primary 1

Recommended Textbooks for Pupils & Educators

Main Text

  1. Basic Science and Technology Made Easy Primary 1.
  2. Basic Science and Technology for Primary 1.
  3. Classic Science and Technology for Primary 1.
  4. New Generat Science and Technology for Primary 1.
  5. Smart Basic Science and Technology Primary 1.
  6. STAN Basic Science and Technology Primary 1.
  7. Basic Science and Technology for Primary I.
  8. Modular Primary Science and Technology Primary 1.
  9. LANTERN Comprehensive Basic Science and Technology.
  10. Intensive Basic Science and Technology for Lower Basics.
  11. Basic Science and Technology for Primary 1.
  12. Basic Science and Technology.
  13.   Progress in Basic Science and Technology Highway to IT.


  1. Classic Science and Technology for Primary School Workbook.
  2. Macmillan Basic Science and Technology Workbook.
  3. Basic Science and Technology for Primary School Workbook.
  4.  STAN Basic Science and technology for primary. 
  5. Extension Moden Basic Science and Technology for primary.

Teachers Guide

  1. Basic Science and Technology for Primary teachers’ guide.


BST(Information Communication/Computer)

Main Text

  1. Computer Studies for Primary Education 1
  2. Universal Basic Computer Studies for Primary School 1
  3. Computer Studies for Primary School
  4. Foundation Computer Studies for Primary School 1
  5. Extension Modern Computer Studies
  6. Simple Guide for Computer Studies for Primary School Book 1
  7. Computer Studies for Primary School Book 1
  8. New Impact Computer Studies for Primary workbook and Textbook
  9. My Computer Book 1
  10. Basic Computer Studies for Primary School 1
  11. Intensive Computer Studies for Lower Basic Primary 1
  12. Computer Studies Primary, Serial Fundamental Book 1

Physical and Health Education 

Main Text

  1. Ayegbusi, Fitness and Fund , Learn Africa, 2015.
  2. Samuel Sodipe, Basic Science and Technology, Tamus.      
  3.  Naomi Baba Gbefwi, Physical and Health Education,West Africa 2015 .
  4. S.O. Oriaifo, Comprehensive Physical Health and Education, EVANS. 2016.
  5. J.O. lge, Physical and Health Education, Melrose 2012  
  6. S.O. Olurankinse, Comprehensive Physical and Health Education, Literamed.
  7. Fadoju A.O. Physical and Health Education, Nelson  2014
  8. J.O. Ilesanmi, Physical and Health Education , Ilesanmi Press.

Physical and Health Education Workbook

  1. S.O. Oriaifo, Evans Physical Health and Education, 2016.
  2. Fadoju A.O et al, Nelson Physical and Health Education, Nelson, 2014.
  3. Na’omi Baba Gbefwi, WABP Physical and Health Education, WABP, 2014.

PHE Safety Book

  1. Oluwakemi Oluwaseyi, Safety Talk, Top fight Consultant,2016.

Good Safety Habit, HEBN.

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