Primary 1 Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work

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About Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

The Christian Religious study scheme for Basic 1, is the foundation that will equip the pupils on how to answer these questions; Who is the Creator? What is the evidence of the goodness of God on them? The gift of God upon them? And the things they must do as the children of God? 

The topics to be treated in this class will focus on how to make the pupils identify the presence of God around them as well as appreciate him for the goodness in their lives.

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Primary 1 First Term Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies

 Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 1
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTChristain Religious Studies
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1God the CreatorBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) explain who God is
(ii) discuss the attributc of God;
(iii) mention what God created (i.e. non-living things stars, moon, water
2God the CreatorBy the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) list some of the things created by God (living things);
(ii) explain why God created man and things;
(iii) enumerated the need to love and mainhin God’s creature
3God’s goodnessBythe end ofthelesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) Define goodness
(ii) Explain why God is good to us
(iii)Mention good things we can do to others.
4God the giver of good thingsBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) Enumerate the evidence of God’s goodness
(ii) Mention some of the good things God has done for them and their family
(iii) appreciate God for what He has done for us.
5God’s gift of His sonBy&e end offre lesson, pupils should be able to:
(I) discuss the visitofAngel Gabriel to Mazy and Joseph
(ii) narrate tie birth ofJesus why we celebrate
6God’s gift of his SonBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) discuss the visit of the three Wise Men;
(ii) list the gift presented to Jesus;
(iii) explain the significant of the gift.
8God is our fatherBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) explain how God is our father;
(ij) State the duties and responsibilities of father to their children;
(iii) highlight the duties of children to their parents.
9God is our fatherBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(l) explain what we must do as children 0f God;
(ii) identify things God docs for us as children of God;
(iii) discuss instanccs where the Bible refers to God as our father


Primary 1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTChristian Religious Studies
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Things we must do as children of GodBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i) explain who a father is
ii) enumerate some ways we show our thanks to God, our father
iii) explain why they should thank God for what God has done for them
2Things we must do as children ofBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) narrate the story of the ten lepers
(ii) highlight the significant of the story of ten lepers;
(iii) sing songs of thanksgiving
3Things we must do as children of GodBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) Define praise,Egypt
(ii) Sing a song of praise
(iii) Recite 103:1-2
4Things we must do as children og GodBy the end of the lesson should be able to:
(i) discuss whywe should
(ii) Mention some people in the Bible who sang praises to God;
(iii) Give reasons for praising God.

Things we must do as children of God

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(1) define prayer;
(ii) demonstrate how to pray (e.g kneeling, standing closing of eye);
(iii) explain why we should always pray to God.
6Thing we must do as children of GodBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) give examples ofpersonal prayers;
(i) recite the Lord ‘s prayer,
(iii) list theimportance of prayer
(iv) mention types of prayer,
8Discovering God through JesusBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(i) define the word “Obey”
(ii) explain how Jesus taught us to obey God
(iii) list the benefits of obedience
9Discovering God through JesusBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1) explain who God is
2) narrate how Jesus taught about God in the gospel
3) list some moral lesson in Jesus teaching about

Primary 1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTChristian Religious Studies
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Jesus our SaviourBy the end of thc lesson, pupils should be ablc to:
1) explain the meaning of Jesus;
2) discuss the saving acts of Jesus;
3) namc people that Jesus saved in the Bible
2Jesus our SaviourBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
l) explain the meaning of Emmanuel;
2) narrate how Jesus saved the woman caught in the act Of adultery;
3)identify ways we have been saved by Jesus.
3Jesus our brother and friendBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1)Define a brotherly love
2)Mention some they can do to show brotherly love
3)List the Apostles whom Jesus called His brothers
4Jesus our brother and friend (Contd.)By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1)Mention some people in the Bible Jesus called His friends
2)Exp1ain what Jesus does for us as His brothers and friends
3)Describe the things we must do as brothers and friends of esus
5Jesus commands us to loveBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
l)define love
2)discuss the importance of loving one and other
3)identify the qualities of Godly (Christian) love
6Jesus commands us to loveBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
l)define the word command
2) reciæ the Bible verse where Jesus commands us to love one another
3) describe the things Jesus asked His disciples to do in demonstration of
their Jove for God
8Jesus wants us to obey and keep God’s commandmentsBy the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to:
l)define commandment
2) recite the 10 commandments
3)explain why God gave us cornmandments
9Jesus wants us to obey and keep God’s commandments (Contd.)By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
l)Define ()bedience
2) Mention people in the Bible that obeyed God
3) Discuss what they do to show obedience o God
4) Describe the rewards people received for obeying God


Recommended Christian Religious Studies Textbooks for Primary 1

Recommended Textbooks for Pupils & Educators

  1. Akinrodoye et al, Religious Studies I, Tanus, 2015.
  2. Alexander et al Extension, Basic Religion and National Values,  Extension.
  3. Olukemi J. Christian RNV for Pry 1, University, 2015.
  4. Victor Ekwukoma, Spectrum RNV for Pry 1, Spectrum , 2014.
  5. Fatoken S.A. et al. Melrose Relg and National Values, Melrose, 2014.
  6. Lydia Uchechi et al, WABP CRS for Pry 1, WABP, 2017.
  7. Religion and National Value Pry 1 RASMED,  RASMED, 2014.
  8. AA. Adeyinka, Bounty RNV Pry 1,Bounty, 2016.
  9. H. Ishola and Co, Basic Christian Knowledge Pry 1, Learn Africa, 2015.
  10.  Falaye A.S. et al, Evans Modular CRS for Pry 1, EVANS, 2014.


  1. Alexander et al Olufemi et al, Basic RNV for Pry 1, Extension, 2016.
  2. Falaye et al, CRS and National Values Pry I, University, 2015.
  3. Fayokun et al, Modular CRS for Pry 1, Evans, 2014.
  4. Val Okaka et al, Modular CRS for Primary 1 Melrose, Melrose, 2014.
  5. J.N.Analebechi, Intensive CRS for Pry 1, Noble Resources.
  6. Alexander et al, Olufemi et al,Basic RNV for Pry 1, Extension, 2016.
  7.  Falaye et al, CRS and National Values Pry I, University, 2015
  8. Fayokun et al, Modular CRS for Pry 1, Evans, 2014
  9. Val Okaka et al, Melrose RNV for Pry 1, Melrose, 2014
  10. J.N.Anyalebechi, Intensive CRS for Pry 1, 2012.


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