Primary 1 Civic Education Scheme of Work

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About Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Civic Education for Primary 1 is a tool used to shape the pupils’ beliefs, commitment, capability, and action at a young age in a community to prevent misguidance. The pupils will be exposed to their rights and how to defend those rights.

In this class, the pupils will be introduced to their rights, the media, HIV, Obedience, etc. They will be taught the ways one can be a good citizen and the benefits attached to it. The lessons taught should be referenced to real-life situations to ensure proper understanding.

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Primary 1 First Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

 Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 1
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTCivic Education
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Readiness test / Meaning Of civic education:
-Why we study Civic Education
By the end of the lesson,pupils should be able to:
i. explain what is meant by Civic Education:
ii. highlight reasons why we study Civic Education;
iii. outline democratic activities and civic right and responsibilities.
2-Ways through which civic education can be
important at school
• Rights ofa child
•Rights of a citizen
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify simple ways through which Civic Education can be important at school;
ii. outline some of the rights of a child;
iii. describe some of the rights of a citizen.
3Ways through which Civic Education can be
important at home.
By the end of the class, pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of civic education;
ii. identify the importance of civic education;
iii. highlights four ways through which Civic Education can be important at home.
4Ways through which Civic education can be
– The media
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain what media is;
ii. outline four ways through which civic education can be important to the media.
5Other ways through which Civic education can be
important to the society.
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the menaning of society;
ii. outline the impotance of civic education to the society;
iii. identify other ways which Civic Education can be important in the society.
-Self reliance
Pupils should be able to
i.explain the following
ii. Explain honesty as a good virtue;
iii. Describe self -reliance.
8Values that show good morals in our society
-Meaning of morals
Pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of right and duties;
ii. Differentiate between rights and duties of citizens in the society;
iii. Identify the importance of right and duties of citizens in the society
9Public Enlightenment
-Drug abuse and its hazard.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. importance of HIV/AIDS education;
ii. highlight various ways to prevent HIV/AIDS;
iii. discuss the meaning of drug abuse as part of Public enlightenment campaign;
iv. identify the hazard of drug abuse.
10Values that show Bad Morals in our society
-examples of morals to show what is wrong e.g. stealing, bullying, fighting, lying etc.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. list at least five bad morals in the society;
ii. state the consequences of bad morals and how to curb it.


Primary 1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
SUBJECTCivic Education
TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of last term work/ first term examination questionsPupils should be able to:
i. recall some of the last term work during revision done with them by the teacher.
2Rules and Regulations
– Importance
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. explain in details what is meant by regulations;
ii. highlight and expertiate on specific examples of rules and
iii. create their own classroom rules with the help of their teacher;
3Gains Of obeying
-Rules and
-Love by elders Gift from elders and friends
-Praise reward from famil and constitute authority,
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain what is meant by gains
ii.highlight at least six gains of obeying the rules and regulations
4Result of Disobeying Rules and Regulations
– Unhappiness
-Denial of rivile es Rejection y ove ones
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain what it means to be disobedient
ii. highlight results of disobeying rules and regulations
iii. analyze the results of disobe in rules and regulations.
5Importance of school Rules and RegulationsBy the end of the lesson , pupils be able to:
i. memorize their school rules and regulations recite and explain their
school rules and regulations.
6Why Rules and Regulations are necessary
-To protect life and
-To promote peace and progress
-To guide our behaviors at home, school and in
public places.
Pupils should be able to:
i. Identify at least four importance of rules and regulations
ii. Explain two importance of the rules and regulations identified above
8Result of not obeying
Govemment Rules and Regulations.
Imprisonment,Pay ment offlnes etc
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain what government rules are;
ii. discuss various reasons for the government rules and regulations;
iii. highlight at least two results of not obeying government rules and
9Result of not obeying
Government Rules and Regulations
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the importance of obeying government rules and regulations
ii. highlight thc consequences of not obeying governincnt rules and
iii. outline ways to make people follow set down rules and regulations.
E.g. class rules.
-obedience at home, school and obedience to God.
By the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. explain the meaning of obedience
ii. highlight the importance of obedience as the tools for obeying rules
and regulation.
iii. discuss what it means to be obedient to parents, school
authority and God.
11Food safety
Guide to food safety
Pupils should be able to:
i. Mention things to took out for in a safety food.


Primary 1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTCivic Education
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Revision of last term’s work/Second term
examination questions
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain some of the last term topics through revision done with them
by the teacher.
Pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of respect;
ii. Identify the importance of showing respect for one another and the society;
iii. Highlight and discuss various examples of respect.
3Ways of showing respect
Salutation/Greeting e.g. bowing, kneeling,
prostrating etc.
Pupils should be able to:
i.hightlight atleast three ways of showing respect;
ii. demostrate ways of showing respect.
4People to respect
-Head teachers
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of respect;
ii. highlight examples of people to be respected;
iii. discuss ways to show respect to their Parents, Elders,Teachers
proprietors/proprietess, head teachers etc.
5People to Respect e.g. people who represent
-Uniformed Men
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the roles of people in authority to respect list;
ii. examples of people representing the authorities to be respected in
the society
6Places to respect Government buildings e.g.
-Law Court
-National Assembly etc
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify atleast four places to respect;
ii. discus what those places are used for.
8Places to respect
Plates to respect eg Places of Interest
-The National
-Amusement park National Arts theater
Pupils should be able to:
i. Name the religious places to respected
ii. Highlight places of interest
9Things to Respect in the society e.g.
-The Consitution
-National flag
-The National Anthem
-The pledge
Pupils should be able to:
i. Demonstrate ways to respect the national anthem and the national
ii. Identify ways to respect national constitution and the national flag of
the country;
iii. explain the importance of respecting the national anthem.
10Things to respect (cont)
-The constitution
-National Flag
-Nigeria Currency
-The Mace
Pupils should be able to:
i. Demonstrate how to respect things;
ii. Identify how to respect places, time and things.


Recommended Civic Education Textbooks for Primary 1

Recommended Textbooks for Pupils & Educators

Civic Education Text

    1. B. Obebe et al, Civic and Security Edu for Pry Schs.
    2. B.O. Emunemu et al, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    3. Chima Amazu, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    4. Joseph O. Ogunyemi et al, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    5. I. O. Osho et al Gentle Chuks, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    6. C.O. Barniteko, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    7. Gbenga M. Babalola, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    8. Intensive Edu for Primary School.
    9. A.A Adeyinka, Civic Education for Primary School.
    10. Aminat Adeola, We are Nigerians Civic and History for Primary School.
    11. Kanayo Oyekere, Speaking my New Alphabet Word.

Civic Education Workbook

  1. B.J. Obese et al, Basic Civic Education for Pry Schools, Learn Africa.
  2. I.O Osho, Civic Education for Primary Schools. WABP.
  3. B.O, Emunemu et al, Civic and Security Edu for Pry Schs, Evans Brothers.


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