Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work

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About Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

The scheme of work covers various aspects of Islamic Studies such as the Arabic Alphabet letters from (Alif-Yaw), they will also be taught some surahs in the Quran and their meaning ( Surah-al Fatihah, Surat-al Iklas, etc).

The Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 also covers basic aspects such as Adhan(call to prayer), The Islamic rule of conduct, The attributes of Allah, At-Tahara(Cleanliness), Wudu(Ablution), etc.

This primary 1 scheme is designed to educate the pupils about the basic things they need to know as  Muslim children. While teaching the pupils, the educators should make sure the pupils understand what they are being taught, and they should also memorize and practice them.

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Primary 1 First Term Scheme of Work for Islamic Religious Studies

 Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 1
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTIslamic Religious Studies
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Readiness/ Test Revision 
Alphabee: Alif to Säd
By the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. pronouncc the Arabic Alphabets correctly
ii. identify each of thc Alphabet
iii. write the Arabic Alphabets
3Arabic Alphabets:
Däd to Yäw
By end of lesson, the pupils should be able to;
i. pronounce the Arabic consonants
ii. identify each of the the Arabic Alphabets
4Suratul Fätihah Chapter 1 VI—4By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. read the first four verse of Süratul-Fatihah
ii.differentiate Süratul-fitihah from other Sürah
iii. identify the use of Süratul Fätihah
5Süratul Fätihah Chapter 1 vs-7By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read the last three verse of Süratul Fatihah
ii. mention the reason for recitaöon;
iii. memorize Suratul Fatihah
6Articles of Faith in islamBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. enumerate the six article of faith
ii. explain the meaining of those articles
iii. say the usefulness of these articles to muslim.
8Four or the attributes of Allah
Ar Rahmän
Ar Rahim
By end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. recite these attributes of Allah;
ii. relate these attnbutes of Allah as it affect man;
iii. memorize these attributes of Allah with their meanings
9Signifiance of the belief of in Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
as the last Prophet of Allah.
By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. justify that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the seal of all Prophets of
ii. assess some of the works of the Prophet Muhammad;
iii. explain that the Quran was sent
10Learning Five Names out of Twenty-Fivc Names of Allah
mentioncd in the Qur’än
By the cnd of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. recall thc names of thcsc Prophets ofAllah:• Adam (AS), Nuh (AS),
Hud (AS), Salih (AS), Lut (AS);
ii. assess the functions pcrformcd by these Prophets ofAllah;
iii. cite the relevant verses from the Quiän.
11Four of the attributes of Allah
By end ofthe lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. recite these atüibutes of Allah;
ii. relate these attributes of Allah as it affect man
iii. memorize these atributes of Allah with their meaning


Primary 1 Second Term Scheme of Work for Islamic Religious Studies

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTIslamic Religious Studies
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Readiness Test/Revision 
Alphabets with Objects Alif- Säd
By the end of thc lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. pronounce the Arabic Alphabets with objects correctly bctwccn Alif-Sad
ii. identify cach of the Alphabets objects between Afif to Säd,
iii. write the Arabic Alphabets with objects correctlty from Alif to Sid
3Arabic Alphabets with Object Did to YäwBy the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. Pronounce the Arabic Alphabets with objects correctly between
Däd to Yäw;
ii. identify each of the alphabets with objects between Däd to Yäw;
iii. write the Arabic alphabets with obtect correctly from Däd to Yaw
4Süratun-Näs (QI 14 verses 1-3)By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. recite Süratun-Näs verse 1-3;
ii. translate the verses into English;
iii. list the uses of the Sürah to Muslims
5Süratun•Nas (Q114 verses 4)By the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. recite Süratun-Näs verse 4-6;
ii. translate these verse into English
iii. brainstorm on the importance of the Sürah
6At-Tahärah: Cleanliness in IslamBy the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. describe the meaning of at -Taharah in Islam;
ii. state the types of cleanliness ie (i)Istinjar (ii) Istijmar;
iii. justify position of cleanlines in Islam
(Q113 verses 1-2)
By the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
i. recite Süratul Falaq verse 1 -2;
ii. translate these verses into English;
iii. mernonze the Sürah
9Sürotul.FaIaq (QI 13 verses 3 -5)By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. recite Süratul Falaq verses 3 – 5,
ii. translate these verses into English;
iii. memorize the Sürah
10Ablution (Al Wudü)By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of ablution;
ii. justify reasons for perfomance of ablution;
iii. demonstrate how ablution is performed and materials needed
11Obedience to AllahBy the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of the two words Allah and Parents;
ii. justify reason to obedience of Allah and Parents;
iii. classify ways of obedience to Allah and Parents.


Primary 1 Third Term Scheme of Work for Islamic Religious Studies

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTIslamic Religious Studies
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
1Readiness test / RevisionBy the end of the lesson. the pupils should bc able to:
i. List some topics treated last session
ii. justify the relevance of those topics
iii. solve all questions related to the last session work done
2Arabic Alphabets with Objectsl: Alif -YäwBy the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. pronounce the Arabic Alphabets Alif to Yäw) correctly with their objects;
ii. identify each of the Arabic Alphabets (Alifto Yäw) with objects
iii. Write the Arabic Alphabets with object correctly from Alif to Yäw
(Q112 verses 1
By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. recite Süratul Ikhläs verse 1-2
ii. translate these verses into English
iii. memorize the Verses
4Süratul Ikhlas
(QI 12 verses 3
By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. recite Süratul Ikhläs verse 3-4
ii. translate these verses into English
iii. memorize the complete surah
5Things that mar Ablution (Al-Wudü’)By the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. list things that spoil ablution
ii. justify the reasons for the performance of abluäon
iii. state when our ablution is marred.
6Five daily
prayers (Satawätul Khamsah)
By the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. list the five daily prayers;
ii. differentiate the features of each of the daily prayers,
iii. justify the reasons for the observing of the daily prayers
7Mid Term Tests/Open Day/Mid Term Break
8Five daily prayers (Salawåtu-Khamsuh)
Its Time and Numbers of Rakah
By the end of the lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. say the cxact time for each of five daily prayers
ii. mention the actual numbers of Rak’ah for each of the five daily prayers
iii. tell why the time and numbers of Rak’ah for each of the five daily
prayers are important
9Al-Adhän (Call to prayer)By the cnd of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
i. describc the meaning of Adhän
ii. memorize the text of Adhän (call to prayer) from Allahu Akbar to
Ash hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu lah
iii. translate thc text of Adhän into English
10Al-Adhän (Call to prayer)
By the end or the lesson, the pupils should bc ablc to:
i. say thc namc of thc person who call the Adhän
ii. outlinc thc time and the reason for the why Adhän Is called
iii. memorize the text of Adhän (call to prayer to the last)
11Islamic Rules of ConductsBythe end ofthe lesson. the pupils should be able to:
i. list the Islamic rules of conducts such as table manner, sneezng greetings
ii. apply these rules in their dany life.
iii. examine the benefits of Islamic rules of conduct.


Recommended Islamic Religious Studies Textbooks for Primary 1

Recommended Textbooks for Pupils & Educators

  1. S.A. Fatokun and others, Rel. & National Values (IRS), Melrose, 2015.
  2. Adesola Luqman & others,  Rel. & National Values (IRS), Rasmed Publications, 2014.
  3. Sayed H.A. Malik and others, Islamic Religious Studies and National Values, University Press, 2015.
  4. M.M. Yakubu & Others, Islamic Studies, Learn Africa, 2017.
  5. Muhib O. Opeloye & others, New Rev. Curr. Islamic Studies, WABP, 2015.
  6. Abd. Mojeed O. Adebayo, Islamic Rel. Studies, AMFIT Pub. Bureau, 2014.
  7. T.O. Salaudeen, Islamic Studies, Literamed, 2014.
  8. Abd. AzeezA.l. Khalid M, Islamic Studies, Sterling, 2014.
  9. Malik Umar & others, RNVE Islamic Studies, Extension, 2017.
  10. sayed H.A., Malik &  & Others, Islamic Rel. Std. & Nat. Values, University Press, 2015.
  11. RNV Islamic Studies, 2014.


Sayed H.A. Malik & others, Islamic Religious studies & National Values for Pry Schools Work Book, University Press, 2015.


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