Primary 1 National Values Education Scheme of Work

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About National Values Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

National Values Education for Primary 1 is a broad subject,  it is a combination of Civic Education, Security Education and Social Studies. The scheme for this class is designed to expose the pupils to the things happening in the society. It will also teach them how to protect themselves and avoid those things. This class scheme is also designed to teach them values, family settings, types of family etc.

The subdivisions of this subject center on different lessons to be taught to the pupils which are as follows:

  • Civic Education: This Subject in this class will introduce the pupils to their rights, the media, Hiv, Obedience etc. This subdivision will train them on how to be a good citizen.
  • Security Education: This Sub-subject will introduce the pupils on how to protect themselves and security guidelines with topics like Security, Insecurity, Alert Signs, Security Colors etc. This class will be able to equip the pupils to some extent on the insecurity of the country.
  • Social Studies: This Sub-subject is a tool to equip them with social values on the pupils from the foundational level. Values such as: Family, Culture, Values and food will be taught to the students.

As this class is designed to equip the Pupils with Moral, Civic and Security values, the Pupils are also expected to bring their suggestions to the topics taught, and the discussions should be related to their everyday lives.

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Primary 1 First Term Scheme of Work for National Values Education

 National Values and Education Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 1
 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTNational Values and Education
 TERMFirst Term
WEEKSTOPICSLearning Objectives
1(Civic Education)Readiness test / Meaning Of civic education:
-Why we study Civic Education
By the end of the lesson,pupils should be able to:
i. explain what is meant by Civic Education:
ii. highlight reasons why we study Civic Education;
iii. outline democratic activities and civic right and responsibilities.
(Security Education)Concept of SecurityBy the end of the lesson; pupils should be able to:
i. define the meaning of security;
ii. describe how a security personnel looks like.
(Social Studies)Meaning of social studies
-The study of man and how his problems are
solved in the environment
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of Social Studies;
ii. list at least two problems of man;
iii. state how the problems listed above can be solved.
2(Civic Education)-Ways through which civic education can be
important at school
• Rights ofa child
•Rights of a citizen
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify simple ways through which Civic Education can be important
at school;
ii. outline some of the rights of a child;
iii. describe some of the rights of a citizen.
(Security Education)Concept of securityBy the end of the lesson; pupils should be able to:
i. mention security facts e.g. do not take anything from a stranger.
ii. do not follow a stranger e.t.c.;
iii. discuss strangers tactics.
(Social Studies)Family Meaning of a familyBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of a family and mention some members
of the family
3(Civic Education)Ways through which Civic Education can be
important at home.
By the end of the class, pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of civic education;
ii. identify the importance of civic education;
iii. highlights four ways through which Civic Education can be
important at home.
(Security Education)Sources of InsecurityBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able:
i. mention sources of insecurity. Eg
-A dilapidated building
-Filling station with no fire extinguisher.
(Social Studies)Family
-Types of family.
-Structure of a nuclear family.
By the end of the class, pupils should be able to:
i. identify types of family;
ii. explain Nuclear family.
4(Civic Eduaction)Ways through which Civic education can be
– The media
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain what media is;
ii. outline four ways through which civic education can be important to
the media.
(Security Education)Security- Alert signsBy the end ofthe lesson; pupils should
i. explain the security alert signs
ii. list and discuss the consequences of neglecting signs of security alert
(Social Studies)Extended FamilyPupils should be able to;
i. Explain types of family,
ii. Mention the members of an extended family.
5(Civic Education)Other ways through which Civic education can be
important to the society.
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the menaning of society;
ii. outline the impotance of civic education to the society;
iii. identify other ways which Civic Education can be important in the
(Security Education)Security coloursBy the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. mention the secuity colours and meaning e.g Red, yellow, Blue, Gren
and Orange.
ii. discuss the meaning of colours.
(Social Studies)Qualities of a good family.
– Honesty
Pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of;
6(Civic Eduaction)-Patriotism
-Self reliance
Pupils should be able to
i.explain the following
ii. Explain honesty as a good virtue;
iii. Describe self -reliance.
(Security Education)Security GadgetBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. List security gadget e.g. Camera, CCTV, microphone.
(Social Studies)-Culture
Pupils should be able to:
i. Define the meaning of culture;
ii. Explain the meaning of culture.
8(Civic Education)Rights and duties of citizens in the societyPupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of right and duties;
ii. Differentiate between rights and duties of citizens in the society;
iii. Identify the importance of right and duties of citizens in the society
(Security Education)HOME SECURITYBy the end of the lesson pupil shouldbe able to:
(l) mention home security tips
e.g. Locking the doors, Flood light, detector e.t.c
(Social Studies)Values that show good morals in our society
-Meaning of morals
Pupils should be able to
i. Define morals;
ii. explain with examples the values which show good morals
eg. a pupil to rise up for older person to sit down.
9(Civic Education)Public Enlightenment
-Drug abuse and its hazard.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. importance of HIV/AIDS education;
ii. highlight various ways to prevent HIV/AIDS;
iii. discuss the meaning of drug abuse as part of Public enlightenment
iv. identify the hazard of drug abuse.
(Security Education)Office SecurityBy the cnd of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. mention the security measures to be taken in offices e.g locking
doors, putting all electrical appliances off.
(Social Studies)Values that show good morals in our society
examples of morals that show what is right e.g.
-Honesty, etc
By the end of the lessons, pupils should be able:
i. list the attributes of good morals and demonstrate them in school,
home and society.
10(Civic Education)Values that show Bad Morals in our society
-examples of morals to show what is wrong
eg. stealing, bullying, fighting, lying etc.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. list at least five bad morals in the society;
ii. state the consequences of bad morals and how to curb it.
(Security Education)Personal SecurityBy the end öf the lesson; pupils should be able to :
i. define personal security,
ii. list components of personal secunty at home, school, on the road etc
(Social Studies)Values that show Bad Morals in our society
-Examples of morals to show what is wrong e.g
stealing bullying, fighting, lying etc.,
Pupils should be able to:
i. list at least five bad morals in the society;
ii. state the consequences of bad morals and how to curb it.

Primary 1 Second Term Scheme of Work for National Values Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTNational Values and Education
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKSTOPICSLearning Objectives
1(Civic Education)Revision of last term work/ first term examination
Pupils should be able to:
i. recall some of the last term work during revision done with them by
the teacher.
(Security Education)Security PrecautionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. mention the security precautions;
ii. discuss the security precautions.
(Social Studies)Revision of last term work.pupils should be able to recall last term’s work.
2(Civic Education)Rules and Regulations
– Importance
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. explain in details what is meant by regulations;
ii. highlight and expertiate on specific examples of rules and
iii. create their own classroom rules with the help of their teacher;
(Security Education)Identify Sources of DangerBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. define sources of danger;
(Social Studies)Reason for Taking Substance into the BodyBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. state the meaning of substance;
ii. explain im their own language what substance is;
iii. Give examples of substance.
3(Civic Education)Gains Of obeying
-Rules and
-Love by elders Gift from elders and friends
-Praise reward from famil and constitute authority,
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain what is meant by gains
ii.highlight at least six gains of obeying the rules and regulations
(Security Education)SECURITY PRECAUTION ON THE ROAD.By the end ofthe lesson/ pupils should be able to:
i. identify some road signs and meaning.
(Social Studies)Reasons for taking substances into the bodyPupils should be able to:
i. mention three reason each for taking substances into the body.
4(Civic Education)Result of Disobeying Rules and Regulations
– Unhappiness
– Punishment
– Denial of rivile es Rejection y ove ones
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain what it means to be disobedient
ii. highlight results of disobeying rules and regulations
iii. analyze the results of disobe in rules and regulations.
(Security Education)SECURITY PRECAUTION AT HOME.By the end of the lesson , pupils be able to:
i. state security precautions to be taken at home; e.g. locking the door,
keeping dangerous away from children e.g. Matches and Drugs.
(Social Studies)Effects of taking substances into the bodyBy the end of the lesson , pupils be able to:
i. pupils should be able to state at least two effects of taking substances
into the body
5(Civic Education)Imporunce of school Rules and RegulationsBy the end of the lesson , pupils be able to:
i. memorize their school rules and regulations recite and explain their
school rules and regulations.
(Security Education)SECURITY PRECAUTION IN THE OFFICEBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
i. mention precautionary measures that should be taken in the office.
(Social Studies)Meaning of overdose symptoms of overdoseBy the end of the lesson , pupils be able to:
i. state the meaning of overdose
ii. demonstrate the looks and behaviours of people who take too much
food, drinks and smoke.
6(Civic Education)Why Rules and Regulations are necessary
-To protect life and
-To promote peace and progress
-To guide our behaviors at home, school and in
public places.
Pupils should be able to:
i. Identify at least four importance of rules and regulations
ii. Explain two importance of the rules and regulations identified above
(Security Education)SECURITY PRECAUTIONSBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. State personal security measures.
ii. Identify the type of Adult to attend to i.e ” not following a sttanger”
iii. discuss why personal security precaution is necessary.
(Social Studies)OVERDOSE EFFECTPupils should be ablc to:
i. mention at least three effect of overdose
8(Civic Education)Result of not obeying
Govemment Rules and Regulations.
Imprisonment,Pay ment offlnes etc
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain what government rules are;
ii. discuss various reasons for the government rules and regulations;
iii. highlight at least two results of not obeying government rules and
(Security Education)SECURITY PRECAUTION IN THE SCHOOLBy the end of the lesson: pupils should be able to ;
i. mention security precautions to be taken in school
ii. describe åe security precautions in the school e.g. not walking alone,
not playing wiå harmful objects e.t.c
(Social Studies)How to help people suffering from food or
drug overdose.
Pupils should be able to:
i. suggest ways to help people suffering from too much eating, drinking
or inhaling.
9(Civic Education)Result of not obeying
Government Rules and Regulations
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the importance of obeying government rules and regulations
ii. highlight thc consequences of not obeying governincnt rules and
iii. outline ways to make people follow set down rules and regulations.
E.g. class rules.
(Security Education)Precautions in the car/busesBy the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. mention the security measures to be taken in the car/buses;
ii. describe the danger attached to a child sitting in the fron sit.
iii. explain how sit belt looks like.
(Social Studies)Food
-meaning of food
-type of food we eat in our locality
– sources of food
By the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. mention any food as they can that are found in our locality.
10(Civic Education)Obedience
-obedience at home, school and obedience to God.
By the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. explain the meaning of obedience
ii. highlight the importance of obedience as the tools for obeying rules
and regulation.
iii. discuss what it means to be obedient to parents, school
authority and God.
(Security Education)General security tipsBy the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to;
(i) mention important security tips e.g. knowing emergency numbers,
not playing with sharp object.
ii. Describe some other security tops.
(Social Studies)Food safety Meaning of food safetyPupils should be able to
Define food safety
Explain what is food safety
`11(Civic Education)Food safety
Guide to food safety
Pupils should be able to:
i. Mention things to took out for in a safety food.
(Security Education)Security precaution in the environmentBy the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. mention the precaution to be taken in time of flood
ii. describe the precaution to be taken in time ofthe fire outbreak,
road accident e.t.c

Primary 1 Third Term Scheme of Work for National Values Education

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 1
 SUBJECTNational Value and Education
 TERMThird Term
WEEKSTOPICSLearning Objectives
1(Civic Education)Revision of last term’s work/Second term
examination questions
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain some of the last term topics through revision done with them
by the teacher.
(Security Education)Revision of 2nd term work-what the general precaution measure is all about.
(Social Studies)Revision of Last term workPupils should be able to recall second term’s work.
2(Civic Education)Respect
Pupils should be able to:
i. Explain the meaning of respect;
ii. Idenufy the importance of showing respect for one another and the
iii. Highlight and discuss various examples of respect.
(Security Education)Concept of security road accidentBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. Mention cause of road accident;
ii. State ways of reducing accident on the road.
(Social Studies)Risk factor in food
-Meaning of risk factor in food
Pupils should be able to:
i.Explain the meaning of risk facctor in food.
3(Civic Education)Ways of showing respect
Salutation/Greeting e.g. bowing, kneeling,
prostrating etc.
Pupils should be able to:
i.hightlight atleast three ways of showing respect;
ii. demostrate ways of showing respect.
(Security Education)Sources of danger: fire outbreakBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. mention the causes of fire outbreak
ii. describe the possible places fire outbreak could occur.
(Social Studies)Risk factors in food
-Examples of risk factors in food
Pupils should be able to:
i. State some examples of risk factors in food.
4(Civic Education)People to respect
-Head teachers
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the meaning of respect;
ii. highlight examples of people to be respected;
iii. discuss ways to show respect to their Parents, Elders,Teachers
proprietors/proprietess, head teachers etc.
(Security Education)Sources of danger: relationship with strangersBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to;
i. define relationship
ii. describe and identify a stranger
iii. take precautionary measures when dealing with strangers
(Social Studies)Risk factors in food
-Food distribution
-Food preparation
Pupils should be able to:
i. Identify risk factors in food distribution and preparation
5(Civic Education)People to Respect e.g. people who represent
-Uniformed Men
Pupils should be able to:
i. explain the roles of people in authority to respect list;
ii. examples of people representing the authorities to be respected in
the society
(Security Education)Sources of Danger
-Eating Contaminated Food.
By the end of the lesson; pupils should be able to:
(l) mention different type of foods
(ii) identify contaminated foods e.g. Expimd food in cans. food not
prepared hygienically.
(Social Studies)Sources and uses of waterPupils should be able to:
i. Define water
ii. List soures of water supplies in the locality.
6(Civic Education)Places to respect Government buildings e.g.
-Law Court
-National Assembly etc
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify atleast four places to respect;
ii. discus what those places are used for.
(Security Education)Sources of fake drugsBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. define drug
ii. mention the danger of taking drugs
(Social Studies)Sources and uses ofwater:
-Industrial uses of water
Pupils should be able to
i. Enumerate all the sources of water;
ii. State uses of water;
iii. Give eamples of areas that need,
8(Civic Education)Places to respect
Plates to respect eg Places of Interest
-The National
-Amusement park National Arts theater
Pupils should be able to:
i. Name the religious places to respected
ii. Highlight places of interest
(Security Education)Sources of danger:
-Drug Abuse
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to;
i. define drug abuse;
ii. state how drugs can be abused
(Social Studies)Sources and uses of water
-Why we must not waste water
Pupils should be able to:
i. Mention source of water;
ii. State reason why water must not be wasted
9(Civic Education)Things to Respect in the society e.g.
-The Consitution
-National flag
-The National Anthem
-The pledge
Pupils should be able to:
i. Demonstrate ways to respect the national anthem and the national
ii. Identify ways to respect national constitution and the national flag of
the country;
iii. explain the importance of respecting the national anthem.
(Security Education)Sources of Danger.
By the end ofthe lesson, pupils should be;
i. identify gangs;
ii. mention the effect and danger of joining gang (s)
(Social Studies)Concept of insecurity
Sources of danger and insecurity
Pupils should be able to
i. Identify the various sources of danger and insecurity around them.
10(Civic Education)Things to respect (cont)
-The constitution
-National Flag
-Nigeria Currency
-The Mace
Pupils should be able to:
i. Demonstrate how to respect things;
ii. Identify how to respect places, time and things.
(Security Education)RevisionRevision
(Social Studies)Concept of security
-Sources of danger and insecurity
Pupils should be able to
i. Mention sources of dangers and insecurity
11(Civic Education)RevisionRevision
(Security Education)RevisionRevision
(Social Studies)Concept of security
-How we can take precautions against danger and
Pupils should be able to:
i. Sate how we can take precaution against dangers and insecurity

Recommended National Values Education Textbooks for Primary 1

Recommended Textbooks for Pupils & Educators

Civic Education Text

    1. B. Obebe et al, Civic and Security Edu for Pry Schs.
    2. B.O. Emunemu et al, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    3. Chima Amazu, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    4. Joseph O. Ogunyemi et al, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    5. I. O. Osho et al Gentle Chuks, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    6. C.O. Barniteko, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    7. Gbenga M. Babalola, Civic Edu for Pry Schs.
    8. Intensive Edu for Primary School.
    9. A.A Adeyinka, Civic Education for Primary School.
    10. Aminat Adeola, We are Nigerians Civic and History for Primary School.
    11. Kanayo Oyekere, Speaking my New Alphabet Word.

Civic Education Workbook

  1. B.J. Obese et al, Basic Civic Education for Pry Schools, Learn Africa.
  2. I.O Osho, Civic Education for Primary Schools. WABP.
  3. B.O, Emunemu et al, Civic and Security Edu for Pry Schs, Evans Brothers.

Security Education

  1. Abayomi Odunaike et al , Tanus RNV Security Education, Tanus, 2015.
  2. Babalola T.A. RNVE Security Education for Pry 1, Timkid.
  3. Alexander A.A. et al, RNV(Security Education pry 1) Extension,

Social Studies

Main Text

  1. Obebe, B.J. et al, Basic Social Studies for Primary Schools with Security Education Studies for Primary School.
  2. Gbenga Babalola, Basic Social Studies for Primary School.
  3. Bamiteko, G.O et al, Religion and National Values:Social Studies for Primary School.
  4. Funmilola, GA. et al, Interactive Social Studies for Primary School.
  5. Adeshina, A.D.O. et al, Religion and National Values: Primary Social Studies for Nigerian School. 
  6. Akusu, F.O et al, Nigerian Schools Classic Social Studies for Primary Schools.
  7. Koledoye. S.O et al, Primary Social Studies,Civic and Security Education.
  8. Mang, I et al, Modern Social Studies for Primary School.
  9. Odedokun, M.O et al, Primary Social Studies.
  10. Salawu, K.A. Comprehensive Religion and National Values: Social Studies for Primary School.
  11. Adisa Bakare et al, Social Studies for Primary Schools.

Work Book

  1. Odedokun, M.O. et al, Primary Social Studies WorkBook (RVE).
  2. Koleyede S.O et al, Classic Social Studies for Primary Schools.
  3. Adisa Bakare et al, Social Studies for Primary Schools.
  4. Bamiteko G.O. et al, Basic Social Studies for Primary Schools, Learning Solutions 2015.
  5. Danlade, E.N. et al, Civic Primary and Social Security Studies,Education.

Supplementary Social Studies

  1. Dada, T.A. O et al, Ilesanmi Social Studies and Sec Edu for Primary Schools. Ilesanmi Press.
  2. Tunde Odekunle et al, Social Studies for Primary Schools, Bounty Press.


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