JSS2 Business Studies Scheme of Work

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About JSS2 Business Studies Scheme of Work

In Nigeria, Business Studies for Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS2) provides an initial exploration into the principles and operations of business, to provide students with fundamental knowledge applicable to both academic pursuits and real-world scenarios.

In  JSS2, students are introduced to various aspects of business, encompassing trading, marketing, bookkeeping, business operations, and office procedures. Through theoretical lessons and practical exercises, they gain insights into the functions of businesses in society and the significance of business operations.

The scheme of work is crafted to cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a foundational grasp of economic structures. It also helps students foster their potential to identify opportunities for innovation and enterprise in the future.

Assessment Guide

In junior secondary schools, how students are assessed in Business Studies can differ from school to school. However, typically, they are evaluated through tests or quizzes (Continuous Assessment Tests) and end-of-term exams.

Grading usually follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 50% or 45%

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JSS2 First Term Scheme of Work for Business Studies

 Business Studies Scheme of Work for Junior Secondary School 2(JSS2)
 ClassJ.S.S 2
 SubjectBusiness Studies
 TermFirst Term
1THE RECEPTION OFFICEI. Describe the Reception Office
II. Explain the Meaning of Receptionist
III. State the Importance of a Receptionist
IV. List the Qualities of Receptionist
V. Outline the Duties of a Receptionist
VI. State How to Treat Visitors
VII. Explain Appropriate Office Dress Code
VIII. Outline the Procedure for answering the Telephone
IX. Documents Handled by the Receptionist
X. Identify and Design Visitor’s book, Request Form
2OFFICEI. State and Explain Types of Correspondence Records
II. State the Uses of Correspondence Records
III. List ways through which Mail comes into an Organization
IV. Outline the procedure for Handling Correspondence
V. Handling of Mail
3OFFICE DOCUMENTI. Explain the term Office Document
II. Enumerate the Types of Office Document –Sales Department
III. Preparation
IV. List the uses of Sales Documents
V. Mention the uses of Purchase Documents – Preparation, Uses
4TRADEI. Explain the Meaning of Trade
II. List Importance of Trade
III. Forms of trade – Home Trade, Foreign Trade
5AIDS TO TRADEI. Describe forms of trade – Banking, Insurance, Advertising, Communication,
Transport and television Warehousing
II. Explain the services that made Trade Easy
III. Roles of Custom of the Channels of Distribution
IV. Identify licensed Channels Vendors
6MARKETI. Define the term Market
II. List the Features of a Market
III. Types – Capital Market and Money Market
IV. Commodity Market Institutions and Instruments traded in each Market
7CAREER IN THE CAPITAL MARKETI. Mention the Career opportunities available in the Capital Market
II. Buying and Selling
III. Explain Buying and Selling by Cash and (or) Credit
IV. Transactions – Cost of sales, Make up, Turn over, Profit and loss.
8DISTRIBUTIONI. Explain the meaning of distribution
II. Channels of Distribution – Producer/Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Retailer and
III. List the Agents involved in Distribution
IV. Functions of each of the Channels of Distribution
9DISTRIBUTIONI. Licensed Chemical Vendors II. Identify Safe Ways of Handling Chemicals
III. Handling and Distribution of Chemical
IV. Effects of Wrong Handling of Chemicals
V. When Production Ends
10BANK SERVICEI. Define Commercial Bank
II. Explain the Services provided by the Banks
III. Ethical Issues in Banking

JSS2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Business Studies

 TermSecond Term
1INSURANCEI. Define Insurance
II. Explain Services provided by Insurance Companies
III. Mention Types of Insurance – Fire, Vehicle, Burglary, Money, Life Insurance,
Pension and Health
IV. Benefit of Insurance
2PERSONAL QUALITIES OF AN ENTREPRENEURMention the Personal Qualities of Entrepreneur Qualities of Entrepreneur
3BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESI. Define Business Opportunities
II. Types – Local, National and International
4CONSUMER RIGHTI. Meaning of Consumer Right
II. Origin of Consumerism
III. Eight Universal Consumer Right
IV. Identify Ways and Manners of Consumer Right in the Society, Nation and
Communities at Large
5RESPONSIBILITIES OF A CONSUMERI. Meaning of Consumer Responsibilities
II. Responsibilities of the Consumers
III. Explain each of the Responsibilities of a Consumer
6SHOPPING TIPSI. Meaning of Needs and Wants II. Differences between Needs and wants
III. Making Decision about Needs and Wants
IV. Improve Buying of Needs and Wants
V. Effects of Pure Buying in Needs and Wants
VI. After Sales Services – Warranty, Installation, etc
VII. State the Steps involving in Making Decision about Needs and Wants
VIII. Explain Impulse Buying and Its Effects
IX. Identify after Sales and Services Available to Consumers on products and
Services and their Important Areas
II. Explain Transparency Accountability and Probity
III. State the Need for Transparency, Accountability and Probity (TAP) in Public
IV. List Attributes of Transparency, Accountability and Probity
V. Describe Challenges contacted by the Lack of TAP
VI. Examine Solution of TAP
VII. Explain the process and its operation.
8LEDGER ENTRIESI. Meaning of Ledger
II. Identify the Items on the Ledger – Date, Particulars, Discounts, Folio and
Amounts (Cash and Bank)
III. Record of Cash Receipt and Cash Payments
IV. How to Record Cash received and Payment
V. Discount Received, Discount Allowed, and Contra Entries
9PETTY CASH BOOKI. Meaning of Petty Cash Book
II. Columns in a Petty Cash Book
III. Recording Receipts and Payment on the Petty Cash Book
IV. Imprest system – Cash flow Imprest, Imprest System, Retirement and Reimbursement V. Analyse the items of expeditions in the Petty Cash Book
VI. Who is a Petty Cashier?
V. State the Need for keeping Petty Cash Book
VI. Preparation/Format of a Petty Cash Book
10CASH BOOKI. Meaning of Cash Book
II. Types of Cash Book – Single Column Cash Book, Two column Cash Book
III. Item as a Cash Book
IV. Cash column, Bank Column and Discount Column
V. Preparation of a Cash Book
VI. Records Cash Receipts in a Cash Book
VII. Records Bank Transaction and Cash Book
VIII. Differentiate between Cash Book and Petty Cash

JSS2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Business Studies

 TermThird Term
1PRINTERS CORRECTION SIGNSI. Proof Reading Marks and Signs Identification
II. Demonstrate the use of Proof Reader Sign
2SPEED DEVELOPMENT AND ACCURACY SKILLSI. Keyboard Factor by practicing Alphabetic Sentence Drill
II. Demonstrate improved Techniques by Key loading one line Sentence Drill
III. Accuracy and Speed Drills
IV. Speed Burst at one to ten minutes (Keyboard for ten minutes at 20 words per
minutes with 98% accuracy.
3TECHNIQUES DEVELOPMENT IN KEYBOARDINGI. Math Table Techniques of Wing they create Table Function
II. The spec Regulator – Description, Uses, Techniques of Uses
III. Enter Key, Description, Uses, Techniques of Use
IV. Demonstrate the use of the insert table function
V. Demonstrate the use of enter keys
4PARAGRAPHINGI. Mention the Different Method of Paragraphing
II. Identifying the Different Method of Paragraphing
III. Demonstrate the use of Different Method of Paragraphs
5PAGE SETTINGI. Different Types of Page Setup
II. Choose the correct alignment – Left – Centre, Right – Justification
III. Production of Documents
6MEMORANDUMI. State what a Memorandum is.
II. List features of a memorandum.
III. Format
IV. Procedure of a Memorandum
7EMAILSI. Define Emails
II. Mention the Features at an Email
III. Formatting
IV. Send an e-mail
8OFFICE PROCEDUREI. Explain the Meaning of Office Procedure
II. List the importance of Office Procedure
III. Way and Manners of Preparing Bills, Invoice and Receipt
9OFFICE EQUIPMENTI. Explain the Meaning of Office Equipment
II. Identify Office Equipment
III. List Types of Office Equipment
IV. List Importance of Office Equipment
V. Explain Use(s) of the Different Office Equipment
VI. Explain Care of Office Equipment

Recommended Business Studies Textbooks for Junior Secondary School 2

The recommended Business Studies textbooks for JSS2 include:

  • Spectrum Business Studies for JSS, Book 2 – Revised Edition 
  • Macmillian Junior Secondary School Business Studies, Book 2.
  • WABP Junior Secondary Business Studies 2; Authors – Egbe T. Ediametalor, Grace I. MakeriyahaYa, Kate O. Osu-Nwufo, Titilayo G. Oladunjoye – New Edition (WABP) 
  • Model Comprehensive Business Studies with Workbook for JSS2 by Ebokasi A.R, Nwufo T.I, et al – New Age Press Ltd JSS 2
  • Business Studies/workbook for JSS2 by Ahukannah, L.I, Akpomi, M.E et al  – University press

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