JSS2 Hausa Scheme of Work

Download the Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS2) Scheme of Work for Hausa by National Association of Proprietors of Private School(NAPPS), to serve as a guide for educators

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About JSS2 Hausa Scheme of Work

In Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS2) in Nigeria, students learn about the language and culture of the Hausa people. Hausa is one of the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. It is a big part of Nigeria’s Northern culture, spoken by millions of people. 

In class, they study how to speak, read, and write Hausa, as well as learn about Hausa traditions and stories. By studying Hausa, students not only learn a language but also learn about the history and customs of the Hausa people, which helps them appreciate Nigeria’s diverse cultures and strengthens their sense of identity.

Assessment Guide

In junior secondary schools, how students are assessed in Hausa can differ from school to school. However, typically, they are evaluated through tests or oral quizzes (Continuous Assessment Tests) and end-of-term exams.

Grading usually follows a scale from A to F, with A representing excellent performance, typically scoring around 70% or 80%, and F indicating failure, usually below 40%.

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JSS2 First Term Scheme of Work for Hausa

 Hausa Scheme of Work for Junior Secondary School 2(JSS2)
 ClassJ.S.S 2
 TermFirst Term
1HARSHEMa’nar furuci da sunayen garaben furuci (Laɓɓa, HanƘa, Hanɗa, Ganɗa, Makwallato ds)
2HARSHE:Yanayin furuci. Misali-
Laɓɓa: /b/, /b/, /m/
HanƘa: /d/, /e/, /t/, /n/, ds
3AL’ADATantance sunayen amfani gona. Misali- dawa, gero, masara, doya, ds.
4HARSHEKoyar da lissafi a saukake. Misali – Tarawa (+), debewa (-), sau (x), rabawa (/)
5HARSHEMa’anr ginin kalma da ire-iresa (Jinsin namiji da na mace)
6HARSHETilo da jami. Misali – yaro –yara, makaranta – makarantu, kujera- kujeru ds.
7ADABIHanyoyin tafiye-tafiye na da dana zamani. Misali- doki, jaki, rakumi, keke, babur, mota, jirgi ds.
8ADABIƘoyar da waƘoƘin yara na dandali. Misali yar fade, shalle ds.
9ADABICi gaba aikin mako na takwas.
10ADABIƘalmomin saye da sayarwa a kasuwa. Misali farashi, yayi, bashi, araha, tsada, ds
11AL’ADAMa’anar biki da rabe-rebensa. Misali – sallah, aure, suna
12AL’ADABikin naɗin sarauta, kirisimeti, bikin shakara-shekara. Misali- kalankuwa, dambe, kokawa, ds.
13Bita/maimaita akin baya 

JSS2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Hausa

 TermSecond Term
1HARSHE:ƘirƘirar Ƙananna jimloli. Misali – zani kasuwa, ya sunauka?
2HARSHE:Koyar da sifa da bayanau
3AL’ADAKoyar da sunayen mutane na al’ada. Misali – Tanko, Talle, Azumi, Audi, MAto, Marka ds
4AL’ADAKoyar da sunayen mutane na ranaku. Misali- Liti, Asabe, Talatu, Larai, Jummai, Dan asabe ds
5ADABIKoyar Da Sunayen Shiyoyi. Misali- Kudu, Arewa, Gabas, Yamma, Sma da Ƙasa
6HARSHEMa’anar jimla da nau’o’inta. Misali- jimlar bayani, tambaya, umarni ds.
7ADABITakaitaccen tarihin bayajidda.
8ADABIAbinci da lokutan cinsu a Huasa. Misali – koko da kosai (safe), fura (rana) tuwo, (dare) ds.
9ADABIMa’anar shugabanci da ire-irensu. Misali shugabaancin gida, unguwa, gari, kasa, addini, sana’a ds
10ADABIMuhimmancin shugabanci.
11Bita/maimaita aikin baya 

JSS2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Hausa

 TermThird Term
1AL’ADA:Ma’anar ibada da ire-iren ayyukan ibada. Misali – sallah, azumi, zakka, hajj, sada zumunci, sadaka ds.
2AL’ADA:Muhimmancin ibada.
3AL’ADA:Koyar Da Kayan Ƙiɗan Hausawa Ta Hanyar Amfani Da Hotuna. Misali – Ƙalangu, Gange, Ƙanzagi, Algaita, Gurmi, Goge ds.
4AL’ADA:Ma’anar tarbiyya da ire-irenta. Misali – tarbiya ta zamantakewa, tsare amana, taimakon juna, bin dokoki, cinikayya ds.
5AL’ADA:Muhimmancin tarbiya.
6AL’ADA:Yanayin al’adun bikin aure. Misali auren buduruwa da na bazawara ds.
7ADABIBayyana halin da zuciya da jiki suke. (Labarin zuciya a tambayi fuska)
8AL’ADA:Tsafta da ado. Misali- tsaftar jiki , aji, muhalli, abinci ds.
9AL’ADA:Yanayin tufafin maza. Misali riga, hulla, yar-shara, ds.
10AL’ADA:Yanayin tufafin mata. Misali – zane, kallabi, ds
11ADABILabari daga hotuna
12Bita/maimaita akin baya 

Recommended Hausa Textbooks for Junior Secondary School 2

The recommended textbooks for Hausa in Junior Secondary School 2 (J.S.S.2) include: 

  • Fahimtar Hausa Books 1 – 2 by Musa Muhammed 
  • Koyon Hausa Book  – UP Plc. 
  • Hausa English Dictionary – Sabon Kamus Na Hausa Zuwa Turanci

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