Primary 2 Mathematics Scheme of Work

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About Mathematics Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Primary 2 Mathematics covers a whole lot of topics. The topics covered are Numbers, Fractions, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Length, Weight, and Capacity.

In this session, the pupils will know how to count from 300-600 and the educators should make sure they know how to put it into writing. They will also be taught fractions; ½ of 8 eggs, ½ of 10 oranges etc. They are also expected to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication of two numbers without remaining or exchanging. They should also know how to count even numbers.

Relatable illustrations should be given in the classes, the instructors should employ the use of concrete objects around the classroom to explain the topics to the pupils to enhance proper understanding. 

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Primary 2 First Term Scheme of Work for Mathematics

Mathematics Scheme of Work for Primary/Basic 2
CLASSPrimary/Basic 2
TERMFirst Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
Revision and first week of school
Counting Skill:
Numbers 1-250, 250-300
-Skip counting in 2s,3s
Pupils should be able to:
i. count, identify, order numbers 1 – 250
ii. add tw0 2-digit numbers with sum not more than 50 using math
iii. subtract 1 digit number from a 2 digit number.
iv. compare numbers using place value system
v. arrange items in order and identify them using the ordinal numbers.
vi. apply numbers into real life situations (Real life problems)
vii. solve Quantitaåve Reasoning in exercises related to numeral 1- 200
Writing Skills:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Revision of Primary 1 topics
Counting Skills:
-Counting numbers 1. 300
-Skip counting of numbers in 2s,3s, 10s.
At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 1-300
ii. identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial
representations including the number line
iii. apply numbers in real life situations,
iv. categorize the number of different objects e.g. bottle tops, pencils
v. skip count numbers in 2s, 3s, 10s.
vi. solve quantitative reasoning in exercises related to counting of
Writing Skill: Writing of the numbers
Sorting and classification of objects on
numbers 1-300
Counting Skill:
-Numbers 270-300, 1-300
-Skip-count numbers in 3s, 10s.
Pupils should be able to:
i. Count the numbers from 1 300
ii. Write numbers from 1-200, 201-300,
iii. Write up to 200 in words.
iv. Sklp count in 2s, 3s 5s, and 10s up to 300.
iv. Identify numbers at random
Writing Skill:
-Reading ,counting and writing of numbers 270-300,
1 to 300.
-reverse reading and writing of numbers
Place value
Counting Skill:
Numbers 300-320, 1-320
Pupils should be able to;
i. Identify numbers from 250-320
ii. count from 1-320
iii. writc numbers 1-320 in numerals and in words.
iv. identify the units, tens and hundreds place value split tens Into
units split hundreds into tens
v. write 3-diglt numbers as tens, units and hundreds.
vi. identify the place value of numbers up to 500
vii. write the place value of numbers up to 500
viii. group numbers in 10s,
ix. Identify and make bundles of objects Into 10s.
x. then skip count in 10s.
Writing Skills:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Place values “Tens, Units and Hundreds”
-Introduction of regrouplng
-Introduction of place value of numbers up to 500
Ordering of Numbers
Counting Skill: Numbers 320-350

Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 320-350
ii. count from 1-350 write numbers 1-350 in numerals and words
iii. interpret the meaning of <, >, and =
a. > greater than
b.< less than
c, = equal to
iv. use the symbols to determine the value of numbers within 0-350
e.g. a. 5 > 2
b. 150<250
c. 100=75+25
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers.
-The use of symbols:
< and = to compare numbers
Counting Skill:
-Numbers 350-370, 1-370

Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 350-370
ii. count from 1-370
iii. write numbers 350 370 and 1-370 in numerals and words.
iv. explain the meaning of fractions in terms of half and quarter ( Y4)
v. divide a collection of concrete objects into two or into four equal
parts, ie. half( h) and quarter ( %) respectively, e.g.
a. 1/2 of 8 eggs =
b. 1/2 of 10 oranges =
c. 1/2 of 12 balls =
d. 1/2 of 16 pencils =
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Reverse reading and writing of the numbers.
-Fractions 1/2 and 1/4 of a given collection
3/4 of any given object or collection
Counting Skill: Numbers 370-390, 1-370
Pupils should be able to;
i. identify numbers from 350-370 count from 1 – 370
ii. write numbers 350- 370 and 1-370 in numerals and in words
iii. divide the objects into four equal parts to obtain quarters, then
derive the threequarter.
iv. obtain 3/4 of concrete objects, e.g. 3/4of 8 boxes =
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Fraction of 3/4 of any given object or collection of
Addition of numbers
(Two 2 -digit numbers without renaming or exchanging)
Counting Skill:
Numbers 390 —410 and 1-410
Pupils should be able to;
i. identify numbers from 390-410 count from 1-410
ii. write numbers 390-410 and 1-410 in numerals and in words
iii. identify the addition sign (+)
iv. recognize some other terms used for adding numbers,
e.g, altogether, sum, add, plus and total.
v. add a number in words.
vi. Add 2-digit munbers without exchanging or remaining
vii. tell addition story and solve.
viii. Solve real life problems on addiåon
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Addition of numbers
(2 digit numbers without renaming)
Subtraction of numbers
(2 digit numbers without renaming)
Counting Skill: Numbers 410 —430 and 1-430.
Pupils should be able to;
i. identify numbers from 410-430 count from 1-430
ii. write numbers 410-430 and 1-430 In numerals and in words
iii. identify and mention the subtraction terms (-) e.g. take away,
minus. left, difference, remaining.
iv. subtract numbers in words.
v. subtract 2-digit numbers without exchanging or remaining
vi. tell subtraction stories.
vii. Solve real life problems on subtraction of numbers.
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers,
-Subtraction of numbers
(2 digit numbers without renaming
Mixed operations (Addition and subtraction)
Counting Skill:
-Numbers 430 — and 1-450.
-Revuse munting of numbers
-Skip counüng of numbers in 2s, 3s, ss and IOS.
Pupils should be able to;
i. identify numbers from 430-450 count from 1 -450
ii. write numbers 430-450 and 1450 in numerals and in words
iii. add numbers from 1-5oo
iv. subtract numben from 1- 500
v. solve problems using hundreds, tens and unit indication
vi. Solve real life problems on mixed operations
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Reverse writing of numbers
-Mixed Operations and subtraction of 2-digit numbers
without remaining or exchanging
12Revision of the term’s workPupils should be able to;
-recall what they have learnt for the term

Primary 2 Second Term Scheme of Work for Mathematics

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 2
 TERMSecond Term
WEEKSTOPICSLearning Objectives
Counting Skill: Numbers 1-450 and 251-450
Pupils should be able to:
i. count numbers 1-450
ii, order numbers from 1 – 450
iii. identify numbers from 1-450
iv. add two 2- digit numbers with sum not more than 100 using
math facts
v. subtract 1 digit number from a 2- digit number.
vi. compare numbers using place value system
vii. arrange items in order and identfy them using the ordinal
[dentify fractions and shapes
Writing Skills:
-Writing of the numbers.
Revision of the first term work
Addition of two 2 digit numbers without exchanging or
Counting Skill: Numbers 450-470 and 1-470
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 450-470 and 1-470
ii. count from I – 470
iii, write numbers 450 – 470 and 1-470 In numerals and in words
iv. add three 3-digit numbers without exchanging or renaming
v. relate addition to real life experiences,
e.g. adding the sum of items purchased in a shop correctly
vi. solve real life problems on two 3-digit numbers.
vii. count and say the numbers in expanded form and write the
numerals as 96=9 tens + 6 units
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Addition of 2 – digit numbers without exchanging or
Subtraction of two 2 – digit numbers with regrouping
Counting Skill:
Numbers: 490 510, 1-250 and 251-510
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 490 -510
ii. count from 1-510
iii. write numbers 490 – 510 and 1-510 in numerals and in words.
iv. words identify place values of units, tens, and hundreds in
v. solve real life problems on subtraction e.g.
vi. paying items in a shop and collecting the correct change
Writing Skill:
-Writing and reading of the numbers.
-Subtraction of Two 2 – digit numbers without
exchanging or remaining.
Additionof two 3 digit numbers without exchanøng or
Counting Skill:
Numbers 510-530, 1-250 and 251-530
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 510-530
ii. count from 1-530 numbers 510-530 in numerals and words.
iii. add 3-digit numbers without exchanging or renaming
iv. solve real life problems on adding 3-digit numbers.
Writing Skill:
-Writing and reading ofthe numbers.
-Addition of 3 – digit numbers without exchanging or
Subtraction of two 3 – digit numbers without
renaming or exchanging
Counting Skill:
Numbers 530 -550, 1-250, 251-550
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 530-550 count from 1-550
ii. write numbers 530 -550 and 1-550 in numerals and in words.
iii. subtract No 2-digit numbers without regrouping
iv. subtract 3-digit numbers without regrouping
v. relate subtraction to life problems,
e.g. paying for items in a shop and collecting the correct change.
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Subtraction of 3 digit number;
without exchanging or remaining
Odd and even numbers from 1-100
Count1ng Skills
Numbers 550 — 570, 1-250 and 251-570
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify from 550-570 from —570
ii. write 550 -570 and 1-570 in numerals and in words
iii. identify odd and even numbers
iv. determine Weather a group of objects have an odd or even number
of objects.
v. justify that the sum of two odd number is even.

is even.
Writing Still:
-Writing and reading of the numbers.
-Odd and even numbers from 100
Open sentences — involving addition and subtraction
Counting Skills
-Numbers 570-600, 1-300 and 301-600
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify from 570-600
ii. order numbers from 1-600
iii. count from 1-600
iv. write numbers 570- 600 in numerals and words
v. identify an open sentence
vi. determine when to add or subtract in an open sentenæ
vii. solve open sentences by performing arithmetic operations
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Addition and subtraction in an open sentence.
using repeated addition (Additive Multiplication)
Counting Skill:
-Numbers 250 — 300, 301-600.
-counting of numbers in 2s, 3s, 5sand 10s
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 250-300
ii. order numbers from 1-300
iii. count from 1-300,
iv. skip count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s
v. wriite numbers 250-300 in numerals and words
vi. illustrate and explaln the concept of multiplication.
vii. identify the mutiplication sign
viii. multiply numbers, using repeated addition without renaming or
ix. apply multiplicaüon
Writing Skills:
-Writing of the numbers in ascending and descending
-Multiplication of 1-digit number by 2 or 3 without
remaining or exchanging.
2-digits numbers by digits 2 or 3 without remaining or
Counting Skill:
-Numbers 300-350, 301-600.
-Skip counung of numbers in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s
-Reciting/ singing multiplication tables 2 and 3
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 250-300
ii. order numbers from 1-350
iii. count from 1-300,
iv. Write number 301-600 in numerals and words.
v. multiply 2 digit number by 2 without renaming or exchanging
vi. skip count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
Writing Skills:
-Writing of the numbers in ascendmg and
descending orders.
-Multiplication 2-digits number by 2 or 3 without
remaining or exchanging
11Practical Work
Revision of the term’s work
Pupils sbould be able to;

Primary 2 Third Term Scheme of Work for Mathematics

 CLASSPrimary/Basic 2
 TERMThird Term
WEEKTOPICSLearning Objectives
Revision of second term’s work
Counting Skill:
Numbers 450-470 and 1-470.
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 450-470
ii. order numbers from 1-470
iii. count from 1-470,
iv. skip count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s
v. write numbers 450-470 in numerals and in words
vi. discuss on money and its importance,
vii. recognize all types of money – coins and bank notes
viii. convert naira to kobo and kobo to naira
ix. change money up to #100 into smaller units
x. shop with money not greater than #100 in real life situation.
xi. solve real life problems on money
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers.
-Use of money
-Nigerian coins and notes
– Units of Money
Counting Skill:
Numbers 470-490 and 251-490.
Pupils should be able to:
i. idenüfy numbers from 470-490
ii. order numbers from 1-490 count from 1-490,
iii. skip count in 2s, 3s, and 10s
iv. write numbers 470-490 in numerals and in words
v. discuss time and its usefulness.
vi. identify hour, minute and second hands
v. read time to the hour and halfhour using analogue and digital clock
vi. mention importance of time
vii. apply time into daily activities
Writing Skill:
-Writing and reading of the numbers.
Clock:hour, minute and second hands
Counting Skill:
Numbers 490-510, 1-250 1nd 250-510
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 490-510
ii. order numbers from 1-510 count from 1 – 510,
iii. count from 1-510
iv. skip count in 2s, 3s, and 10s
v. write numbers 490-510 in numerals and in words
vi. name and arrange the days of the week
vii. identify weekdays and weekend
viii. list certain activities performed on certain days of the week
e.g going to school on Monday to Friday.
Christian go to church on Sunday.
ix. use calender to fix date to plan future activities e.g 3-day program,
7-day programme. birthdy etc.
x. use calender to trace datr of historical events.
xi. solve real life roblems on time.
Writing Skill:
-Writinfg and reading od numbers
days of the week, months of the year.
Counting Skill:
Numbers 510-530, 1-250, 251-530.
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 510-530
ii. order mmbers from 1-530
iii. count from 1 — 530,
iv. skip countin 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s
v. write numbers 510-530 in numerals and words
vi. give examples of standard and non standard unit of hand span
vii. identify the difference in arm length and other body part used
for meaasurement.
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers
– Natural Units of groups of
– Measurement in metres and centimetres
Counting Skills
Number 530-550 1-250 and 251-550
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 539-550
ii. order numbers from I-550
iii. count from 1-300, 1-550
iv. skip count in 2s, 3s, and IOS
v. write numbers 530 550 in numerals and in words
vi. explain the meaning of weight
vii. arrange numbers according to their weight
viii. use the term lighter than or heavier than in their expression of
weight comparison.
ix. state which object is lighter or heavier than in any two given
x. solve real life problems of weight..
Writing Skills:
-Writing and reading of numbers
-comparing of weight of two different objects.
Counting Skills
-Number 560-570 1-300 and 301-570
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 560-570
ii. order numbers from I-570
iii. count from 1-300, 1-570
iv. skip count in 2s, 3s, and IOS
v. write numbers 550- 570 in numerals and in words
vi. discuss the meaning of capacity
vii. identify and name object that could be used for measuring
e.g cups. empty containers, spoons, bucket
viii. arrange containers in order of sizes of capacity
ix. occupy empty containers with some concrete objects that can be
x. solve real life problems on capacity
xi. quantitative reasoning.
Writing Skills:
-Writing and reading of numbers
-introduction to capacity
-Ordering of containers based on their capacity
8Two-dimensional shapes
Counting Skills
Number 570-590
1-300 and 301-590
Pupik should be able to:
idenüfy numbers from 570-590
order numbers from I-590
count from 1-300, 1-590
skip count in 2s, 3s, and IOS
write numbers 570- 590 in numerals and in words
identify the shapes of a square, a circle
rectangle and a triangle identify sides and edges in a square, a rectangle and a triangle
count the number of sides in a square, a mctangle and a triangle
solve real life problems on 2- dimentioanal shapes.
 Writing Skills:
-Writing of the numbers

Counting Skills:
Numbers 1-300,

-Skp count
numbers in 2s, 3s,5s and IOS.
-Redte multipliation äbles 2 and 3.

Pupils should be able to:
i. identify’ numbers from 1-300, 301-600
ii. order numbers from 1-300, 301-400
iii. count from 1-600,
iv. skip count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s
v. write numbers 500 — 600 in numerals and in words
vi. use pictorial illustration to explain area of a shape
vii. identify the use of standard measuring units
viii. calculate the area of different shapes — square, rectangle and
ix. compare areas of different concreate objece such squares,
rectangles, triangles and circle.
x. Solve real life pmblems on area.
Writing Skills:
-Writing of the numbers in ascending and descending
Multipliation of 1 digit number by 2 or 3 without
remaining or exåanging in soiving area of a shape.

3-dimenslonal shapes
Counting Skill:
Numbers 1-300,301-600.
-Skip count
numbers in Is, 3s,5s and 10s,
-Recite multiplication tables 2 and 3.

Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 1-300, 301-600
ii. order numbers from 1-600
iii. count numbers 1-600 in ascending and descending orders,
iv. skip count in 2s, and 10s
v. write numbers 300-600 in numerals and in words
vi. identify and name a cube and a cuboid
vii. draw a cube and a cuboid
viii. identify and count the faces and edges of a cube and cuboid
ix. identify objects that have shapes of cube and cuboid in homes.
x. identify and name cylinder solve real life problems on 3 dimensional
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers in ascending and
descending order.
Data collection
Counting Skill:
Numbers 1-300, 301-600.
-Skip count numbers in 2s, 3s,5s and 10s.
-Reciting multiplication tables 2 and 3.
Pupils should be able to:
i. identify numbers from 1-300, 301 -600
ii. order numbers from 1-500
iii. count numbers 1-600,
iv. skip count in 25, 3s, 5s and 10s
v. write numbers 301-600 in numerals and in words
vi. explain data collection
vii. collect and arrange data in order using less than or more than
between etegories of objece e.g. Green balls are more than/less than
red balls.
viii. sort data in groups_ group of boys and group of girls
ix. solve real life problems on data collection
Writing Skill:
-Writing of the numbers in ascending and
descending orders.
12Revision/ practicalPupils should be able to;
recall what they have learnt for fre term

Recommended Mathematics Textbooks for Primary 2

Main Text

  1. MAN, MAN Primary Mathematics BK 2, UP PLC.
  2. Oredugba C.F et al, New Method Mathematics BK 2, Learn Africa.
  3. Judeson A.Oderugba, Inside Mathematics BK 2. Learn Rite 2016.
  4. Magamu Deogratas et al, Mathematics Primary 2, Spectrum 2014.
  5. Paul Broadbent & Co, High Five Mathematics Book 2, Learning Solution, 2016.
  6. HEBN, Prime Mathematics Book,  2014.
  7. S.D Lodan, Learn Mathematics for Primary 2, WABP, 2016.
  8. Maria N. David Osuagwu, Understanding Maths for Nigerian BK 2, African First, 2013.
  9. T.M Asiru et al, Nelson Mathematics for Primary 2, Nelson 2016.
  10. Agunbiade D.A et al, New Waves Mathematics Primary 2, Rasmed 2016.


  1. First Veritas, PinPoint Maths for Pry Sch. BK 2, First Veritas.
  2. Samuel Ilori et al, Champion Prima Maths Workbook 2, Macmillian, 2014.
  3. HEBN, Prime Mathematics Workbook 2, HEBN, 2014.
  4. Cambridge, Smart Maths Workbook 2, Cambridge, 2016.
  5. Paul Broadbent & Co, High Five Mathematics WorkBook 2, Learning Solution, 2016.
  6. Oredugba C.F et al, New Method Mathematics Workbook 2, Learn Africa.
  7. T.M Asiru et al, Nelson Mathematics Workbook for Primary 2, Nelson 2016.
  8. A.A Tijani et al, Active Mathematics Workbook 2, UP Plc, 2015.
  9. S.D Lodan, Learn Mathematics Workbook for Primary 2, WABP, 2016.

Teachers Guide

  1. K. A. Akingbehin et al, Numerical Aptitude Quantitative Reasoning Teacher’s Guide, Evans, 2015.
  2. B. Wellington et al, Bounty Answer’s Books 1-6, Bounty Press, 2013.
  3. Samuel Ilori et al, Champion Primary Maths, Teachers Guide, Macmillian, 2014.

Quantitative Reasoning

  1. HEBN, HEBN Quantitative Reasoning BK2, 2016.
  2. J. Owolabi et al, Quantitative Reasoning for Lower Basic 2, Extension 2015.
  3. Judeson A Ogberaha, Inside Out Quantitative Reasoning 2, Learn Rite, 2014.
  4. Abdullah O.H, Step by Step Quantitative Reasoning with Workbook 2, De-Cliff Global, 2012.
  5.  Raji Basit Alade et al, Sterling Quantitative Reasoning Pry 2, Sterling, 2013.
  6. Kofi Danquah, Quantitative Reasoning for Pry 2, WABP, 2016.
  7. Samuel Udoh, Tanus Quantitative Reasoning Pry 2, Tanus, 2015.
  8. Ikenna C. Igwe & Co, Vocational Studies, Metropolitan, 2012
  9. Folu Nonge, Quantitative Reasoning for Pry 2, Learn Africa, 2013.
  10. O.O. Mbah & Co, Classic Quantitative Reasoning BK 2, Thursmay, 2016.
  11. Shower Books, Shower Kids Q/R for Pry 2, Shower Books, 2015.
  12. Egwudike Dorathy et al, Intensive Quantitative Reasoning BK2, Noble Resources, 2012.

Mental Math

  1. Oloruntimilehin J.A, Functional Daily Maths BK2, Functional Books, 2015
  2. Judy Tertmi, Mental Maths for Pry Sch 2, Up Plc, 2014.
  3. Alan Parker, Mental Maths Strategies Bk 2, Learning Solution, 2014.
  4. Evans, Graded Maths Sums Pry 2, Evans, 2016.
  5. Up Plc, Young Achievers Mental Maths 2, Up Plc, 2014.
  6. CSS Bookshop, Mental Mathematics Bk 2, CSS Bookshop, 2015.
  7. Modupe Oluyemi, Six -Sums -A- Day Stage 2, Straight Gate, 2016.
  8. Evans, Day-By-Day Sums Pry 2, Evans, 2012.
  9. Rasmed, New Waves Mental Maths Bk 2, Rasmed, 2015.
  10. R. Sigh, Know Your Aptitude for Pry 2, Up Plc, 2014.

Supplementary Mathematics

  1. Oluranti A.J Owolabi, Basic Concept in Maths for Pry 2, Litramed, 2017.
  2. Sue Phillips, Maths Made Easy Key State 2, Bounty Press, 2014.
  3. I-IJ Larcombe, Maths Made Easy Key State 2, Evans, 2014.
  4. Gbenga Babalola et al, Larcombe’s Lower Pry Maths, Smart Kids Mathematics Pry 2, Troasuco, 2017.


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